(via BoingBoing and spoid)

On its web page for Katrina relief donations, the Federal Emergency Management Agency lists only three charities under the heading “Donate Cash”: the Red Cross, America’s Second Harvest, and … Operation Blessing International, the relief agency founded by a certain M. G. (“Pat”) Robinson and “retired COO Robert W. Fanning” (whoever he is).

A WTF moment below the fold.
Robertson’s bio at cbn.com confirms that this is the same Robertson:

M. G. “Pat” Robertson … is the founder and chairman of The Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), Inc., and founder of International Family Entertainment, Inc., Regent University, Operation Blessing International Relief and Development Corporation, American Center for Law and Justice, The Flying Hospital, Inc., and several other organizations and broadcast entities. (link)

Now FEMA lists more organizations seeking “cash and/or volunteers” than organizations seeking “cash only”. But are there really only three aid organizations in the US  “worthy” of being listed in the cash-only category? I frankly don’t that much about charitable organizations, but I would be truly surprised if that were the case.

So how did Robertson get on the list? (Oh shit, I’m sorry – stupid question!) And is someone being bumped to make room for him?

Another thing that appears odd to me is that all the other organizations with religious affiliations listed here are seeking “cash and/or volunteers”. Now I can understand the other two organizations in the cash-only category – the RC already has an infrastructure and Second Harvest’s mission dovetails closely with other relief efforts. But does Operation Robinson really have the staff of professionals needed to mount an effective relief effort?


Interestingly enough, their sparse financial data show that their spending other than overhead (which – to give them their due – is just 2%) goes to “Ministry and program”. Now all religious charities also are faith vehicles to a certain extent. But with “Ministry” receiving top billing, the vehicle role of this organization seems to predominate.

Donate and pray. We can spend the money without you.