Yesterday, I wrote about how Planned Parenthood of Houston is providing a free month of birth control pills and an emergency contraception kit for hurricane refugees. An antiabortion group issued a national press release to umm, call it a publicity stunt. The irony no doubt was lost on them as they do not recognize contraception and EC as legitimate human needs and that life goes on even during a major disaster.  

Of course, many people who had scheduled abortions in Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisina, probably missed their appointments. They may now find themselves in places they do not know, and with far fewer resources than they once had.

The National Network of Abortion Funds is set up to assist low-income women generally, and is now receiving earmarked donations to help those affected by the disaster on the gulf coast. Here is part of the letter they sent to supporters:

The National Network of Abortion Funds (NNAF) has established an emergency fund for abortion care for women and girls affected by the hurricane. Our national casemanager will coordinate this funding for women affected. We believe that the abortion funding needs of women from the affected region may grow substantially over the next weeks and months. Many women who are currently unable to get abortions may very likely have to seek second-trimester abortions and will need the increased funding necessary for later procedures. Tax-deductible donations for abortion care for hurricane victims can be sent to NNAF at the following address.

Please earmark gifts:  Hurricane Victims Abortion Fund.  

National Network of Abortion Funds
42 Seaverns Avenue
Boston, MA  02130

(for those familiar with this group, this is a new address.)

NNAF is also working to put together a list of additional resources for women from the hurricane states — including resources for sexual assault survivors, as well as resources in terms of housing and food, etc. If anyone knows of groups to especially recommend that are providing critical help to hurricane
survivors, please let us know ASAP.

And if you know of anyone in need of assistance, you know who to call. 617-524-6040; 1-800-772-9100

General support for the National Network of Abortion Funds can be made here.