A lot of ordinarily non-partisan or semi-partisan people have expressed their outrage. Who has done it most effectively? Take the poll.
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I vote for you, Boo.
I know, sucking up, but in a good way.
Chertoff has got to go. This guy is “divorced from reality.” Look here.
Can someone BE more incompetent? And our SECURITY is in this guy’s hands. I read that he was the head of the Arabian Horseman’s Association before this, and he did a terrible job at that! There has got to be a limit to what we can take from this administration. If they don’t fire him, then, then, . . .I don’t know. I can’t take all this in.
who was asked to leave his job at the Horse Association, the head of FEMA, not Chertoff — if you want to see very scary stuff, look into that guy’s background a bit. I thinks Susan’s dubbing him the ‘skeletal fuckward’ is quite fitting. Chertoff is good at man things, providing security and/or comfort is definately nto one of them!!
All of the above and more besides. Add Joe Scarborough, he has ranted for days.
The best one I heard was on meet the press today, it was the president of one of the parishes and don’t remember his name, but he ranted fairly calmly and then just broke down and they had to go to Haley Barbour. He said time to fire people now and get someone in there that can do the job, no 1 person to fire is Brown, head of fema, he said.
Wonkette has the clip up of the President of Jefferson Parish. It is must see. It’ll break your heart.
Real men DO CRY.
but shouldn’t be missed. It brings home the real human pain that the government’s nonresponse has wrought.
What we are witnessing in New Orleans is the legacy of slavery.
It is slavery compounded by the unrestrained nastiness of segregation (and let’s not forget – South Africa’s Apartheid laws were based on the segregation laws of South Carolina) and then, on top of that, all of this has been compounded by the reactionary idiocy of the Republican demands for “limited government” which have been implemented by incompetents.
It’s time to
All for incompetence and a failed philosophy of government.
Then we need to go after the entire Republican Party establishment with every weapon at our disposal.
Hard to vote in that one…think I’ll go with “all of the above” and add Steve Gilliard to the mix.
Gilliard was right on target.
You should include in your poll Celine Dion’s brokenhearted rant diaried here.