My brother was just mentioning to me on the phone that Barbara Bush is America’s most beloved woman, everyone’s grandma. More like Tony Soprano’s mother, I’d say. Little Tony Jr.’s grammy.
You know the type: so mean-spirited that it shines through even when they are trying to be nice.
For instance, there was this effort to be polite when discussing Geraldine Ferraro:
and this effort to remain stately and above the fray during the Lewinsky scandal:
So, no one can say Barb isn’t a cuddly old lady. She’s positively adorable.
Despite presiding over one of the most notorious crime families in American history, she still manages to charm the American people with her empathy. And that’s important, because her sons have no empathy at all.
Scottie did a really bad job of handling questions about Barbara today too.
The Chicago Tribune’s John Kass (whom I’ve never heard of) has the best headline: Mother’s remark puts silver foot in Bush’s mouth and goes on to say this:
But then Barbara Bush, the president’s mom, went and dusted off the Bush family silver foot Monday. And she used it.
While touring the Houston Astrodome, where thousands of Hurricane Katrina refugees have been huddling, Barbara Bush said they didn’t have it so bad because, heck, they were poor to begin with.
At least she didn’t ask them to sing and dance. But I’m sure it’s working out very well for them. How often does something nice like a hurricane come by and change your life so you can hang out with thousands of others in the Astrodome and have Barbara Bush say it wasn’t so bad, because you were poor anyway?
By my calculations, Barb’s foot is about a 10 1/2 EE, but by the time you read this on Wednesday, after Leno and Letterman get through with her, she’ll have an EEEE at least. There should be some back teeth stuck to the pinky toe when the surgeon general finally pulls it out.
You’ve got to figure that somewhere, former Texas Democratic Gov. Ann Richards is smiling. It was Richards, or perhaps one of her pointy-headed ghostwriters, who came up with the devastating line about former President George H.W. Bush.
Richards said the former president couldn’t be blamed for his misstatements, because he was born with a silver foot in his mouth. Now it turns out Barbara was in charge of the silver. She polished it up good and shiny. And in political terms, she put her foot in her son’s mouth and knocked loose a few teeth.
(and there’s more…)
Suck it up, Barbara. Those poor folk have invaded your precious homeland. Did the property value of Crawford just go down? Oh, poor you.
Now e know exactly why George Jr doesn’t have a conscience. It was nature and nurture.
never thought of Barb Sr. as a Texan. She’s pure Connecticut blue blood. I went to school with some of those people and I grew up with many New Jersey bluebloods. There is a special mentality about them. In the best cases they have a committment to public service that extends to doing what’s best for those who don’t know better (Democrats), but more often it’s about making their golfing partners even richer (Republicans).
Guuuud one, Catnip 🙂
PS. Barbara can’t have given many blowjobs.. the bad ones can be the most memorable… (ie..think teeth) and I’m positive that everything she gave would be all bad.
PPS.. omg omg I wish i hadn’t put THAT image up!!
PPS.. omg omg I wish i hadn’t put THAT image up!!
me too…ewwwwww! and I was just going to have something to eat!
“And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them.”
I confess, I used to actually like Barbara Bush. Well, like may be too strong a word, but I defintely thought a lot more of her than I did of her husband or her son. She reminded me of a couple of my great aunts. You know, the ones who had the balls to speak the embarassing truth at the family reunion.
Not any more. I was astounded when she said that. I couldn’t believe it, even of her. If she really believes that, her heart must be as small and cold as an ice cube. Someone like that you can only pity.
When the going gets tough, the tough show what they’re made of and, for some of them, it ain’t pretty.
I cannot stand this. I literally cannot stand it.
I want to return to Booman’s diary of (when? yesterday, the other day? I can’t keep track of time these days). The only thing we should be saying is that Bush must resign. Time is past for monitoring every move they make and trying to counter it somehow. Bush is unfit to lead, end of story.
I’m sure a lot of you received the same email I did today from Barbara Boxer, asking us to support her call for Bush to withdraw troops from Iraq. I am going to call her office tomorrow to object. As Boo argued, it is pointless to demand from them a change of policy. The only thing the democracts need to demand is the resignation of Bush and Cheney and probably Rumsfeld for failing to act as they are mandated to act under the 2004 National Response Plan. Period. The time for other tactical maneuverings is past.
I feel, though, that the democracts have lost their window of opportunity, again.
What drives me nuts is the idea that the press always gives Bush credit for “giving good empathy” – especially with “military families.”
Maybe it’s that “compassionate conservatism” and it only surfaces unless your an addle brained, bible thumping, reactionary.
I just signed the letter to Bush from sent to me via email. I like these as you can add your own 2cents worth. here’s mine.
“Your performance strumming a tune in San Diego while thousands were dying in the Gulf region is beyond outrage. Incompetance has plagued you all your life and for whatever reason, no one has ever held you accountable George. Well, we the people that didn’t elect you either in 2000 or 2004 say enough lives, enough blame you must stop blaming others. The buck stops with you. You owe the American people that begged you for help, begged you for food, begged you for water the decency to stop blaming them for not leaving. ANd while you are stepping up to the plate you might just clue your cold stone mother she should keep her mouth shut as the only thing that comes out of it is hate filled garbage. Do the right thing George. The only way you can ever make this up to these poor evacuees is to resign so we all can have a new beginning
This would be Barbara “Body Bags” Bush whose beautiful mind is to pristine to be touched by the reality of the dead bodies her husband and son have killed?
Yep. That’s the one.
Do you think I am on the no-fly list yet?
I just went and checked my emails and had one from moveon also so I signed petition and added a few choice words of my own . I know it won’t be read but it made me feel marginally better.
Nixon made the famous remark about Barbara Bush; “She knows how to hate.”
Nixon liked her. ‘Nuff said?
Yes! Quite a condemnation on it’s own.
I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating:
The best thing Barbara Bush can do is to throw herself into the already polluted Mississippi River and to stop consuming air and water and food and space on the planet that would be better used by a fully functioning human being.
She is an unmitigated bitch, and is the clearest indication we are likely to get of just why her son is the miserable failure he is. The apple does not fall far from the tree.
Barbara Bush=Ma Barker
Barbara Bush has heaped further pressure on the beleaguered US President by claiming refugees from Hurricane Katrina are better off thanks to the floods.
America’s former first lady and President George W Bush’s mother claimed the aftermath of the deadly hurricane is “working very well” for the many made homeless and still anxiously waiting for news of friends and relatives following the disaster.
Mrs Bush made the series of gaffes after visiting the stricken Astrodome in Texas where many evacuees from New Orleans are being housed in appalling conditions.
“What I’m hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas.
“Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality.”
“And so many of the people in the arena here were underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them.”
NPR – her comment
Iceberg Barbara Visited the Wrong Stadium
Equal opportunity in the NOLA Superdome.
I understand some clean-up needs to be done – she could join for let’s say 24 hours – a day and a night!
Of course for such a short period of time, no meals and water is permitted. There are no buses, so perhaps some swimming is required in Crescent city. Karl can spin this event in a Cold War stint!
Son just like mom … disconnected.
All Ye Faithful
Is George Bush the Christians’ Christian?
Skull and Bones from Yale University, probably the most powerful secret society in America. Sutton explains the Hegelian-Masonic motto “order out of chaos”, an act of creating wars to create a need for peace.
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