Hurrikan Katrina: Eine Stadt versinkt in Dreck und Gestank (Slide show)
Also: More images (pulled after packet bombardment)
Update [2005-9-8 17:34:20 by susanhu]: “A FEMA spokesman said Thursday that the agency hopes news organizations won’t show dead bodies as part of their coverage of Hurricane Katrina, but acknowledged that such coverage decisions lie with editors, not government officials.” — Poynter
more of my high school German…but “Dreck und Gestank” makes a great title for the future book on the Bush misAdministration…
Thanks to the handy-dandy Translator Widget from OS X Tiger, I was able to translate the captions. I reworded a few the best I could, but a couple I couldn’t figure out…
here yet not begun.
7.Food is RSR [not sure of translation — possibly in short supply?] and the fight around the daily life long begun
Would appreciate if any real German-speaking folks would pitch in…
Thank you so much!
btw, last photo overwhelms me because the number of lost souls is overwhelming.
My German dictionary is at the office, and I had a couple of beers after work (first day of classes!) but then again beer has been known to help my German.
I think #10 is more like “In the large sports arena, the injured and sick are being tended to (provided for).” I think your take on #8 is close. And in #7, “rar” is “rare”.
Susan…what happened on Cspan2? I am still at the office. At lunch the dem from NJ was reaming Bush and even put up the picture of bush palying guitar here on Tues and spoke to what he was doing while people in NO were dying. It was great!
when I turned it on, but I missed most of it… 🙁 This article was supposed to be posted the day bush was in San Diego with his cute guitar picture.
Very interesting article. The naval station/hospital completely closed down for the day..all chemo and other patients denied enterence to base as also all non military personnel. Pharmacy and ER also shut down and bush was supposed to have some photo op where he thanked doctors there for their help in the tsunami in Asia(great huh)…but for some reason photo op never happened-no one knew why and bush was seen walking with a waivering gate up Air Force One steps, aided by Laura…hmmmmmmmm one news station speculated on a medical problem for bush..hmmmm.
Shutting down a whole fucken hospital and with chemo patients who have to reschedule for who knows when..
These evil fucks have a revolution coming down on their ass.
I’ll enthusiastically second that sentiment and idea.
sign me up M. Right behind you brother!!
What is packet bombardment?
to a DOS (denial of service) attack, where you overwhelm the bandwidth of a site you don’t like so that no one else can access it. If I could remember more of my Intro to Computer Networking stuff I learned waaaay back in the day, I could get even more technical…
here are some more verboten pix….
ooof. gut punch.
Those are the most disturbing…the loyal dog, the car picture…
yep — the police car just zipping on by….the dog one got me too.
I don’t know who these photographers are but they’re good.
right now, so maybe someone else can handle those translations — if no one else does, I’ll tackle them later when I’m feeling stronger…
These hands say it all.
No text – too horrific.
Keep the images up so they will be seen – a president worried about his PR and place in history.
Bush – DHS Chertoff – FEMA Brown
… reminds me of the report by Oprah Winfrey.
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It’s no different from Bush sneaking the dead bodies of servicemen into Dover AFB in the middle of the night.
These folks are always eager to hide the evidence of their crimes – except when it suits their propaganda purposes, like when they put the dead bodies of Saddam’s sons on display like some sick fucking tableau.
Excellent point about the Saddam boys/men. Anyone that has any pull with the local papers needs to get these out there. And any editor that refuses to publish them we should protest with those pictures on posters right in front of their GD offices. These assholes are going down.
CBS news an hour ago alluded to the fact that “unlike 9/11” Katrina may have been due to incompetence.
Damnation coming from the MSM, yes?
(I didn’t feel likw rthis was worth a diary but i HAD to put it up)
Cspan Live right now! Rep. Ron Paul R-Texas is reaming this administration over the war in Iraq…calling the war a war for oil. When is enough killing enough. So little is acheived. Illegal war. Other men and other mens children are dying for nothing….war is useless. Why if these people believe in this war are they not fighting it. Iran is next on the table, giving same reasons as for Iraq. This war should not be fought as it is endangering the security of the Us. Sorry for errors i am typing as fast as I can.
How many lives theirs and ours are worth fighting an unwinable war. No end is in site. Policies have encouraged Islamic state. Iran will be the true victor of this war as it aligns with Iraq for oil. This will increase the danger to isreal.
Seriously flawed policy. No reason our efforts to impose a democracy will work. The Brits tried it to no avail. The reasons to go to war were all false. Simply to continue in the name of those fallen is no reason to stay in Iraq. Policing the world is not our job, not our calling. It is unconstitutional. COngress also to blame in voting permission to go to war. This should not be an executive decision. COngress can at anytime reject going to war.
Only desire for US is to concert control over the oil. (me…this is a republican folks). Pulling out now will not cause chaos. They will not fight each other. If we pull out now no more young Americans will die for a needless war. Propagandas and promoters of this war never offer themselves up to die. Veto nothing is the current policy. Steal borrow spend is the policy. Excessive spending leads to excessive taxes that clobber the middleclass and poor. The economic toll is all for not…leads to neglect at home. We are obligated to learn from the mistakes around Katrina. Time to look inward. We need to stop forcing our will on the world and this is harmful to our security. #1 reason terroists attack is because their land is occupied by a foriegn power.
Any critisim of policy is suggested to be unpatriotic and non support for our troops. More and more killing is to honor those that have already died. This is a pathetic excuse to continue this war, this killing.
Changing our policy won’t come quickly or easily. We must stop building on all permanent bases in the region. Isn’t it ironic we close bases down here while building in other countries. All troops must be removed off shore asap. All security for oil fields must be transfered to Iraqis asap. Promote peace over war and not force our form of democracy on anyone. National ID card and Patriot Act are forms of decay in democracy. How can we force this form of democracy upon others.
all the above posts are quotes from Rep. Ron Paul…R-Texas. WIthout a change in attitude our American dreams wil die. OUTSTANDING RANT!!!! Did anyone else see this? WooHOO!!
Didn’t mean to highjack this thread but wanted to get this to you folks as it was happening.
Ron Paul’s Speech
I missed this one, but that sounds just like him!
He has an R after his name but he’s more Libertarian than republican and I knew when I saw his name among the 11 who voted against the hurricaine appropriations (which BTW go overwhelmingly to the defense dept. and FEMA — nothing like rewarding COMPLETE incompetence with more money, eh?)
I’ve been watchin Paul for a few years now — I don’t always agree with the guy, but I like him a hell of a lot!
Glad to get your input from a Texan as I had never heard of him before. Enjoying the lowdown from Olbermann right now. Catch you all later.
First a sanitized version of the war. Now a sanitzed version of the hurricane. Censorship sucks.
revealing statement about her view of the role of the press in this country. Read this from Media Matters:
The transcript of David Gregory’s exchange with Scott McClellan is an example of how a free press should work – but he doesn’t seem to have much support among his colleagues.
I posted a diary at EuroTrib asking for help with caption translations, which PeWi generously provided.
I’ve also been looking at US news outlets to see which, if any, of these photos are published here. Note that they are almost all taken by wire service photographers, which means that they’re available for US distribution.
I’ll post the results in a subsequent diary.
Thanks to all for posting.
Even a tiny little kitten is rescued. Louis and his siblings have been adopted.
Thank you so much, Sybil. This makes my day.
Hugs and love for finding that and posting it!
Ahhh, it’s nice to see something positive. Thanks very much.