You all went and made this site so popular that it killed our server. Well, actually, you haven’t quite killed it, but you have made it choke on all your great writing. Too much data.
By tomorrow, we should be up on a new server with 4 times the memory and better processing power. More bandwidth too. Much more. And twice the costs.
So, I’m sorry that the site has been grumpy lately, but remember…it’s your fault. And please bear with us until we can configure the new server and transfer over. Once we do, the site will be faster than ever.
Booman, I asked yestereday if we should delete some old diaries and especially the FBC cafe ones….I see no reason to keep all of them, do you!
Diane has a really good point. The database is a drag on the server .. does the number of diaries/stories/etc. add drag on the server?
If not, what does?
We archive after 30 days, which is pretty aggressive. There is no need to delete diaries, especially now that we are going to a new server with much more memory.
There is clearly a cost to all this fun.
Will try to remember to make a few clicks every day.
Let’s all try to do so!
What happened to the Norwich ads, was that something exclusively targeted to this site or is it in the rotating blogads?
Thanks, BooMan!!!
Kudos Booman! Doin’ my best to help.
Woohoo! I hope that increased traffic means more revenue for you. In the meantime, I’ll blabber on as usual. It seems I always have something to say about something!
and the pie war …
which led to Diane with the WELCOME diaries …
and enthusiasme by old end new BooTribbers to jump into the frog pond at BooMan’s Place …
which led to a real fine community with much more chatter, must have gotten NSA and GWB nervous …
too much chatter leads to increased terror alert …
let’s just try to make the site for BooMan very active and a sound place for advertising!
<click on pic>
… for server contribution!
It will be a joy to make use of the extra speed to compensate traffic from C&L and dKos, when those excellent diaries are cross-posted.
Diane - love and hugs from all!
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In the left column, you see the nwesletter contest banner. Sign up. It’s free. And BooMan gets a nice reward for every new subscriber!
I am glad that you’re getting enough traffic to see the server load increase. I think that is a good sign not only for BooTrib (and, I understand, EuroTrib), but for all of us.
There was a passing mention some time back about the possibility of paid subscriptions. Please consider pursuing that alternative. I would gladly pay a reasonable subscription fee to support the site. With all due respect to your advertisers, I’m glad they see fit to support the site but that’s not why I come here.
I think the whole idea of providing quality content for free and then having to rely on advertising revenue for support is a badly flawed model. It may have made some kind of sense in the one-way world of broadcast media but it is totally out of place in the interactive world of the internet.
You already have subscriber information in your database and you already have the apparatus to accept online payments at the store. Why not make paid subscriptions an item for sale in the store? I would think that would be a much more reliable income stream than the vagaries of advertising.
Those who choose not to subscribe can read the ads and click on the links as they choose. Those like me who dislike the displacement of quality content by paid advertising which they may or may not find interesting or useful can pay up front to support the quality content without the ads.
I doubt I am the only one who thinks this way. I would love to hear the thoughts of other BooTribbers either pro or con.