Their mothers are hamsters and their fathers smell of elderberries! – Liberal Street Fighter
They can dish it out, but Republicans just can’t take it. The Washington Post helps them whine and plead for understanding:
The Costly Price of Facing a Grand Jury
Sympathy can be hard to come by for White House officials who are summoned to appear before a grand jury.
Those whose identities remain a secret suffer in silence, discouraged from reaching out to their closest friends for help. Those whose names leak into the public domain become lightning rods for rumor, suspicion and innuendo, as politicians, commentators and journalists try to divine a meaning behind each summons.
The latest White House staffer to face the grand jury is Susan B. Ralston, assistant to White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove, who gave testimony to the committee investigating the leak of the identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame.
But while the politics of every appearance is picked over in minute detail, there is also a human story to each summons that often goes unexplored.
Witnesses face stress, uncertainty and — worst of all — crippling lawyer’s fees that can take years to pay off. And as prosecutors cast their net ever wider, inexperienced staffers with few financial assets are increasingly facing the emotional and financial burden of grand jury testimony.
Of course, this was a source of joy for Republicans during the Clinton years, as one bullshit Grand Jury after another was convened over umpteen “gates”, a land deal in which the Clintons lost money and, of course, the small matter of some oral sex in the oval office.
The WaPo piece continues:
But veterans of past grand jury appearances — including the investigation into President Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica S. Lewinsky — said that keeping silent compounded an already difficult process.
“It was an incredibly callous and demoralizing experience, one in which they gave no thought to the personal or financial ramifications,” said Neel Lattimore, former press secretary to first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, who was subpoenaed about 10 times during his tenure on the job. “Nothing prepares you for what it’s like.”
Another former Clinton administration official who is now in the private sector and did not want to be identified agreed. “It paralyzes you from doing your job. It turns your life upside down. I sat outside one grand jury room where I could hear the prosecutors screaming — I’m not kidding — screaming at a colleague of mine who was a witness.”
The two former Clinton aides said that the financial burden was crippling. Like many others, these White House officials had to pay their own legal bills, and these can run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Some may qualify for a partial reimbursement from the Justice Department, but this usually covers a fraction of the outlay and can take as long as seven years to be paid out. White House aides are even barred from receiving free legal assistance.
“We spent our time on Capitol Hill, and none of us had any assets. It’s a scary thing. Lots of people rented apartments, had no assets to their name,” said the former Clinton staffer. “If you have a career in public service, you’re being paid well under $100,000 a year, and you have student loans; you become paralyzed financially.”
This all sounds pretty horrible, and I wish I could feel more sympathy for the Republicans now being put through this process, but their pain pales compared to what they joyfully put others through. Soldiers in a holy war against the social compact, we’re supposed to be moved by their plight. Well, I’m all out of sympathy. They declared a culture war because other OTHER people were trying to pursue happiness, or demanding fair wages and decent lives.
Like all bullies, politicians and functionaries of the Republican Party cry like wounded children when somebody says ENOUGH and lands them one on the nose. Michael Brown whine’s that he’s been made a scapegoat, and yesterday we were treated to the odious Tom Coburn crying at the Judiciary Committee hearing:
Tom Coburn, Republican of Oklahoma, denounced “judicial activism” and the idea of a Supreme Court that functions as a “superlegislative body.” And then, out of nowhere, his voice broke and he seemed to lose control for a moment, declaring, “my heart aches,” and calling for “less polarization, less bitterness, less partisanship.” “Our family structures have declined. Our dependency on government has grown,” he lamented.
After decades of their faux Hallmark sentimentality, spread far and wide like manure; their take-no-prisoners attack politics — NOW we’re supposed to feel sympathy for their wounded egos, their wounded lives?
I’m all out of compassion, especially for members of a political movement built on fear, hate and greed. Grand Juries tough? Too fucking bad. Being made a “scapegoat” because people finally realized you were a patronage operative hack who failed miserably at your job? Buck up, you fucking whiney little wimp. Upset by the “politics of division”? Screw you, you racist, misogynist religious zealot.
I hope all nature of misfortune fall on the lot of you, for it will only be a balancing of the scales for the trail of ruined lives the Republican agenda has left strewn in it’s wake, like the mountains of debris left by the flood waters.
is go tell it to Cindy Sheehan.
I could give a rat’s behind about their emotional traumas and financial crises.
This entire rant reminds me of the glorious scene in Henry V, where 2 traitors beg for forgiveness-
The mercy that was quick in us but late,
By your own counsel is suppress’d and kill’d:
You must not dare, for shame, to talk of mercy;
For your own reasons turn into your bosoms,
As dogs upon their masters, worrying you.
my hopes and prayers are that this disaster has come full circle, now it’s time to pay the piper ; )
please let this bring them down, and I mean down to the gates of hell, for what they have done to my country, and the world.
treat them as I treated my enemy, no mercy.
I worry about how many of us they’re going to take with them.
Yeah, once they start lobbing nukes at so called terrorist states we’re all in a world of shit.
Want to know the truth?
This “turnabout is fair play” is part of the GOP plan.
The plan is to destroy the ability of government to function–no matter who’s in charge.
The plan is to make the people of the US turn away from the workings of their government in disgust–no matter who’s in charge.
Yes, the precedent for this was established under Clinton…and continued under Bush…and will continue under the next President, no matter what his or her name.
The idea is to make the people say, “”A plague o’ both your houses!” (From Romeo and Juliet,III, i, 94, since we’re quoting Shakespeare in this thread)–to destroy the government whether Democrats or Republicans are in charge.
So far, the plan has worked splendidly. Half the eligible voters in America do not vote, and I predict an increasing number will turn away in revulsion as the spectacle of governing becomes ever more ghastly. The ability of people to just sit down at their desks and do their jobs will become more and more impossible, making it less and less likely that public-spirited people will want to become public servants…leaving the worst of the lot to act as the people’s messengers.
Already America has reaped what she has sown in the Hurricane Katrina disaster, in which the federal and state governments–by design, not by accident–were paralysed and almost entirely useless for many days preceding and following a disaster that affected millions.
The idea should not be revenge, but rather a way to restore equilibrium to the affairs of government so it is able to function without being snarled by subpoena-wielding terrorists, no matter what their political allegiance. Requiring the President, for example, to be deposed and even sued while he is office is ridiculous–this was begun under Clinton, as a way to get at him, but affects all future Presidents and should be abolished by legislation.
The Republicans want this tit-for-tat revenge-taking; it is part of their plan, part of their trap, and has been all along. Exactly how one fights against them without becoming them or being run over by them is a delicate matter requiring great skill and great courage–both qualities noticeably lacking in the political opposition.
Then what is your answer to this perplexment we are in? Do we fight or give in? Do we sit by idilly ir do we take the ball and run for all it is worth? What do you advocate we do here for the sake of our country?
I for one will not sit by and let either party get by with screwing me or those like me. I intend on fighting and I will fight till I die for this principle.
I didn’t say “don’t fight”. Fight intelligently, so that you do not destroy that which must be saved–the power of the government to act on behalf of the common good.
The Republicans want to destroy the people’s trust in government, and the government’s ability to function effectively, NO MATTER WHO IS IN CHARGE.
The Democrats and other progressive opponents can help the Republicans destroy the government, thus winning a Pyrrhic victory, or else they can find a way to fight back that does not destroy the government.
The FIRST thing Democrats need to do if they regain governmental power is to make sure that there are laws passed that make it impossible for the workings of government to be tied up in knots the way it has been since Clinton first took office.
The federal government is the only institution in the United States that has even a remote possibility of counteracting the fearsome power of the multinational corporations and the ultra-wealthy individuals who are attempting to strangle democracy in America. Only the federal government has the size, the resources, and the authority to fight back on behalf of the people…
…IF the government works. Right now, it doesn’t…and both Republicans and Democrats are helping destroying it. This “burn, baby burn!” and “payback’s a bitch” strategy may “feel good” but, as with so many things, what feels good isn’t necessarily for the best.
I have always cautioned that not only is it not necessary for opponents of the evil GOP to become as nasty and destructive as the GOP, becoming like the Republicans is EXACTLY what they want.
Think about that for a moment–THINK, not FEEL. I understand the temptation for revenge–I feel it myself. But I let my head overrule my heart because I refuse to destroy that which I wish to protect.
no fair injecting reason into my righteous schadenfreud!
Yes, it is hard to have any sympathy for any of these twits but many of them are innocent(?)bystanders, whether it was during the Clinton years or now. They could save themselves alot of attorney fees though by spilling the beans on these assholes. Plus they can rake in alot of money by writing a book about the whole thing. Maybe we could set up a defense fund to those who squeal the loudest. Flame away…lol!
“less polarization, less bitterness, less partisanship.”
So Tom is saying, “just agree with me and let our country go down the fucking drain so I can stop crying.”
“Our family structures have declined. Our dependency on government has grown,”
Now Tom pushes his, no tax, the Hell with you, let me run your personal life agenda right after calling for less partisanship. Unfucking believable.
So much going on lately. New Orleans and the Gulf Coast never seems far from my mind these days or these hours or these minutes. I have had a really tough couple of weeks as usual so may I just give WaPo a moment to lick my ass? Please find a “feel good” spot to do it too because I need it just as much as the fucking staffers do! My entire life, I have always known that if you work for scum some of it gets on you! We all know this now don’t we? If you work for fuckers and keep their secrets, sure they’ll throw you a bone here and there and you can go have a big party and show off your bone! Scum is scum though so when the tide is high because you thought the levy was made of something unknown to the universe and it wasn’t, and it was breached and now you are drowning and you want to cry and you want someone to save you…..get that fuckin bone out because that was what was so great and grand to you before and that was what your big ole party was all about. WHAT’S THAT YOU SAY? BONES DON’T FLOAT? Too fucking bad, guess you’re shit outta luck huh? Try working for some bread and cheese like the rest of us you lazy worthless fuckers. See with bread you grow wheat and wait patiently until it is fully grown and then you harvest it and grind it into flour and add water and heat, with cheese you have to have a cow and then you have to have a daddy cow and you feed them and care for them and then they make a baby cow and then there is milk and there is extra milk and then you add some stuff and then you let it grow and ferment and TaDa cheese! Bones come from skeletons……you kill all the stuff that someone else has cared for and grown and you split up the body parts! While you are all whining please also feel free to lick my ass in a “feel good” spot! P.S. BREAD FLOATS…..try working for some bread instead of bodies next time and in the mean time please feel free to lick my ass preferably in a “feel good” spot you stupid fucking assholes! Life is all about learning so time to learn! Time to figure out what really makes the world round…..and while you’re learning all you can from all you have helped to do to everybody else please feel free to lick my ass. I would prefer you find my “feel good” spot to learn from!
Tracy, you surely are something to behold. I’m glad we’re on the same side.
Take care
Your comment about the bone reminded me of the old Pink Floyd album “Animals” (1977 – the year I graduated high school!) and the song “Dogs:”
I have not one ounce of compassion in my body for thsi one man who thinks crying gets it. He can cry all he wants to get anyone on his side of this debate, but for me it is all a dog and pony show.
They are merciless cronies of the darker side of our world. I have never seen in all my years these kinds of ppl ever!
As far as the republican party, I have had to change my thoughts on them. I used to trust some of them…the most moderate of them, but nowadays, I do not trust any of them…not one damn bit. I have had to sever relationships because of my feelings towards them…When push comes to shove, the true colors always come out. My feeling is “what goes around, comes around” It is just that way. I do not lie awak at night thinnking how I can recruit any republican to our side for they are ppl just like I am and they have a brain to think with. If they want to think bush is their god then let them think this. I and we can and will not change their minds. I leave it up to others who do have a brain to think with, to see the light. Some will, some wont. I do know that some democrats need to start to see the light too. Those like Lieberman. They really need to open their eyes and look at what is really in front of them. Biden will never see the light as long as he has his money to satisfy his desire for power. Adn others such as they, they all are crooked for they take bribes and are affiliated with the corrupt of all their rhelms. I just pray that God spare us the time to get them out of our government and let us get back to living like real ppl for one. I for one can not believe that the clintons are affliated with the likes of the corrupted. I once had hopes for them too…Politicans I find are all out for themselves and not for us, we the ppl, and they need to be take out and let us get back to the kind of governemt we have promised to us by the Constitution. I am in a fighting mode and I for one do not want any politician telling me what I want and how I will live and what I can and will do, from this time on. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I recommended the diary, loved the rant, and fully agree, but I cannot help laughing at that title and thinking:
Boo fucking who?
Boo fucking hu?
We have a fucking scoop!
Sorry guys, move on, nothing to see here…
end of the world to the other, we had the same thought! lol
Where was all the sympathy for the Clinton aides when they were being harrassed by the Starr kangaroo court?
I have no sympathy, empathy, or any sense of human kindness left for anyone who still works for Karl Rove.
AWWW — Does this mean my bleeding heart must leak for the friggin lawbreakers who have done their utmost to undermine Every Fuckin Ideal that this country is based on? Not Fuckin Likely.
I thought for a moment that you were referring to BooMan having an affair with the President of China, and I was most shocked.
Now that is quite possibly the funniest thing I have ever read here.
“If you have a career in public service, you’re being paid well under $100,000 a year, and you have student loans; you become paralyzed financially.”
Well golly gee whiz! Can you just imagine how it would be if you were in the same boat as the many college students that can’t even find a job that pays a half or even a third of that and has all of that tuition to repay…
It is B.S. like this that breeds in the Washington elitist atmosphere while just around the corner some mother or father is deciding whether to buy some medication or to feed the kids, because they can barely afford paying for one of those options, nevermind both.
Notice the “clintonites” coming out swinging as GOP enablers… Another shrewed undercutting of liberals by the DLC faction?
“I’ve heard that too…”*
(*The screech of the Traitorsaurus Neoconum in the hopes of scaring away the usually docile Veloceraporter Bribeus. Veloceraporter has also been known to become as tame as a parrot often mimicing speech patterns when large sums of money are placed in font of them…)
Yeah… I am bored… Can ya tell? lol
I heard Madeline Albright speak just a few days ago and I simply could not believe my ears! She was truly upholding some of the bush antics and I must tell you, I have been very disappointed in the clintoniacs for a very long time, including the clintons as well. I really feel that something bad and rotten is going on here. Or possiblably we all were seeing something in those years that was not there after all. I am becoming more disturbed by things as they open their mouths.