Republican Senator David Vitter has been pushing hard to fight corruption and cronyism for his constituents in Louisiana:
May 4, 2005
U.S. Senator David Vitter Advances In Fight Against Corruption and Cronyism“Together we are working toward ushering in a new era in Louisiana – an era of open and honest government that leads to an environment for businesses to grow and create jobs,” said Vitter. “It’s an exciting, positive time to be in Louisiana. Effective action against corruption and cronyism is at an all time high. And public acceptance of corruption and cronyism is at an all time low.”
During his address, Vitter announced a toll-free number for residents statewide to conveniently and confidentially report detailed, credible tips to be called into his U.S. Senate Office. The hotline number is 1-866-345-0931. Vitter’s Web site also offers an interactive form where tips can be anonymously reported. After receiving these calls, Vitter’s office will then forward the information to the appropriate law enforcement agency.
Not only has Vitter been dedicated to fighting corruption and cronyism but he works hard on other issues as well:
He’s been particularly focused on lowering prescription drug prices, saving our coast, and preserving and improving Social Security for future generations.
I am pretty certain most Americans are familiar with his, and other Republicans, superb efforts concerning prescription drugs and improving Social Security but when it comes to seeking out corruption and cronyism that effects Louisiana I would like you to remember the fine efforts of FEMA’s Brownie and the general efforts of the Federal government overall as I direct you to Crooks & Liars recent post:
Vitter should be forced to resign immediately by the people of LA. If anyone should want an independent commission to sort out what happened it should be him because his people died. The fact that he failed to vote is just as powerful as voting against the measure.
Is there some particular reason that Vitter doesn’t really want to get to the bottom of corruption and cronyism that may have hindered relief efforts for the people of Louisiana?
Got Email?
Vitter does!
Tell him what you think, ok?
Or maybe you would prefer to call his tipline to report Brown and other unqualified Bush appointments that resulted in the disaster after Katrina?
Vitter should resign, as should Landrieu, Blanco and Nagin, and any official whose incompetence resulted in deaths. Sorry. Are those who are incompetent immune from accountability because of party affiliation?
Nope… Please, don’t box me into your stereotypes.
Being an independent, I don’t suffer from the “party over country” syndrome. Dems are still only a lesser of two evils to me. They always will be as long as the the bulk of them are “moderate right wingers.”
Also, there is the reality that once the local government calls for a decleration of a national disaster, and the president signs the orders, then it becomes a Federal responsibility.
There is also the reality that Brown is a perfect example of the corruption and cronyism Vitter “claims” to be against.
I am sure there is plenty of blame to go around, but only one group of people had the needed resources to deal with this disaster properly yet FAILED TO EXECUTE in any professional or humane manner.
I don’t think the people of LA will appreciate the hypocrisy that Vitter is obviously displaying. He has chosen to put his party above the people of LA, and the nation for that matter.
Agreed. Wasn’t trying to box you in, btw, or not intentionally. I was expressing my view. I’m angry with Nagin and Blanco. Both dropped the ball when it came to evacuation plans for the low-income ctizens of New Orleans. They didn’t even make an attempt, so there was a much greater loss of life then there needed to be. Also, they didn’t ask for help knowing they “didn’t have the resources” to evacuate.
Blanco was praising Bush in her speech last night. “We have a friend in the president”, she said. God, I’d hate to see our enemies.
I’m tire of the ass kissing, back slapping cronyism on both sides of the aisle. I’m through with party politics. I’d spit in your eye, democrat or republican, if you let the people suffer and die from your incompetence.
Agreed. Wasn’t trying to box you in, btw, or not intentionally. I was expressing my view. I’m angry with Nagin and Blanco.
I agree to the point of the fact that I have heard the pleas of desperation from every local government official in NOLA, desperately using the media to get their message to the Feds…
There is something inherrantly wrong with having to beg for relief from something that has already been declared, officially, a disaster.
Republicans would love nothing better than to decalre “bureaucracy a failure” on this issue and privatize it all, IMHO.
The reality is that it is the people appointed by bush and the “re-design” of the bureaucracy (putting FEMA under Homeland Security) that is the largest failure.
And “surprise, sruprise!”
A Republican Senator from the state most affected by this calamity does not want to touch that investigation.
Sadly, I am no longer shocked by these kinds of political maneuvers.
I’m tired of the ass kissing, back slapping cronyism on both sides of the aisle. I’m through with party politics. I’d spit in your eye, democrat or republican, if you let the people suffer and die from your incompetence.
Bingo… That is my opinion. There is no middle ground for gross incompetence.
The focus is and should be on the feds. lBut we are dealing here with politicans who conspired together to keep the red cross out, for one thing. Who didn’t follow through on the city’s emergency preparedness plan.
These issues cost lives. I agree with you on Vitter; he’s just one ingredient in the putrid gumbo that I’m angry with.