First They Came for …

First they came for the Sanctimonious women’s studies set
and I did not speak out
because I was not the in Sanctimonious women’s studies set.

Then they came for the Touchy-feely hippy types that thinks war is inherently bad
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Touchy-feely hippy types that thinks war is inherently bad.

Then they came for the Idiotic LBGT groups
and I did not speak out
because I was not an Idiotic LBGT.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me

A definite trend I would say.
Perhaps someone should pick out the mote in the eye of the Democratic Party who highly regards Bi-PARTISANSHIP” (ie selling out) above Party everytime ….before… they holler bloody murder about the “alledged” mote in the eyes of true bi-partisanship organizations.

Is Daily Kos now the new lawn mower, contracted to mow down all those pesty bipartisan special interest groups who refuse dagummit not to be Democratic partisans?

How dare they!!!

Funny, this…

Particulary, when we are now watching on television one of the biggest bi-partisan fuckfest (pardon my french) with the Roberts hearings. No one is fooled. Democrats are going to vote for Roberts even though it is against everything the Democratic base thought this party stands for.

So, how does Democrats supporting Roberts “advance the Democratic parties mission — equality based on sexual orientation and gender expression and identity.”  or women’s reproductive rights, or upholding international laws for war and torture…etc. yunno the whole damn Democratic platform?

That is one heck of a smote in your eye….

Update [2005-9-14 14:10:9 by Parker]: I just think everyone should see this tripe. Kos has been systematically disenfranchising “special interests” group on his blog and now Simon “DLC/NDN” Rosenberg proclaims in Newsweek that the Blogoshpere is NOT leaning to the left… the unmittigated gall of these people is sickening.