Have you listened, have you learned, will you watch, will you wait, until it is too late?
  As in many diaries here, the reasons are clear, but the response is sometimes quite dear.

  For they are about Hope

  I have spent my time here, never knowing quite clear,
  that my purpose was quite dear.
  Until today, and then in a solemn moment, it became vividly clear.
  Standing by the edge of the water, a breeze swept across, and through my soul,
 that left me completely whole.
  A revelation of sorts,
  with which I could not retort.

 For You Know Me Well.

  (More after the fold)


  Many times in my life, the path that I follow has led me to many places, some good, and some bad. It is this path that led me here, to listen, to think, to learn, to speak.
  This morning in the fog, as I stood on the edge of the water, looking past where the light penetrates, into the abyss. Then it came, a breathe of life, reflections, and understanding that I was told of many years ago, but have never known what the meaning was, until this day.
  I was wondering about an old friend that stood on similar waters contemplating his life, his existence, and the worth of it all. He chose not to continue, and a great loss it was. He was a kind, understanding, and unselfishly giving person, and for that he gave it all. In his hurt, his confusion, and remorse, he left this life because of others, not himself.
  I realized this day, that I was with him, for I had been, for many years, even upon that fateful day. But in his time of mind, it was naught, for sorrow was all that was wrought.

  I am so grateful for all the writings, emotions, dreams, and spirit, this place has sown, and has been privileged to watch them grow. I have seen the meek lash out, the strong cry, the angry provide solstice for those in need, and the absence of the adulteress of greed. For this community has provided a place for seeds to grow. From this experience, now I know, truly how people do grow.

  I will always be with you, from the essence of your soul, when those who seek you to console.

  From: “Southern Sunday”, “The Two Wolves Within”, “I Am the Wind”, and the comments made truly from the spirit within.
These are not my thoughts and spirits, for they truly are yours, and yours alone.

  My path now takes me to another place, another journey, for this one has left footprints that will be remembered, by myself for always, and the ones who have listened well, from all the members diaries, and the memories that dwell.

  I have been asked for a picture, one that captures my likeness, and my soul. My answer has been, “but you have seen me, many times, and you know me well.”

  I am the gleam in an innocent young child’s eyes. The twinkle of a lover’s gleam, and the spark of your dreams. The smile of an elder’s eye, when the youth respects their sires.  I am the light, which changes the shadows, and the one in the campfire embers that glows, when the warmth becomes the soul. I am the spirit that lifts you from the abyss, standing on the edge of the water.

  I now know who I am, I Am Hope

  For You Know Me Well
  In Each of You I Dwell

  My path takes me away from here, and the swamp, (as I have so jokingly referred to it, which actually is not a swamp, but a lush haven in the woods, and from where all nature flows) and alas, away from the wonderful people here.
  I will be in touch, sometimes through another here, but your spirit will always be dear.
  Remember, the one I came to know on this day is not me alone, it is all of us, for we are all as one.

  Mitakuye Oyasin  (we are all the same)

  Wado my Friends, Aho

   May peace be with you and yours always

                                                                                                  Ronald White Wolf