I just posted this as a comment to Boo’s diary about the way to grow a truly progressive majority in this country.

The Democratic Party needs to make the American male who votes Republican though his economic interest remains unserved understand that making new governmental priorities out of serving the poor economically (and responsibly)will increase the overall economic strength of the US more than by continuing the same Republican policies which simply concentrate ever more wealth into the hands of the ever more wealthier.

Speak to the American male. He isnt doing all that well these days. The newer forms of the economy, service industries based in offices, dont suit him as well as the old economy. He needs a new skill set. Maybe he needs some psychological counseling to help him cope with the redefinition of his role in a changing society.

Maybe these adaptations can be addressed successfully within the public education system. They are being addressed today anyway, just in a negative and reactive way, such as building more prisons.

It seems to me the the hurricane and its aftermath, the failure of the government to perform its most basic, elemental function in a major crisis, has finally broken the conundrum of Bush’s reelection in the face of the sheer incompetence he’s demonstrated on the job. Suddenly, its ok to bash Bush and the Republican party the party which chooses cronies over competence, war over peace, rich over poor, and so on.

Its up to the Democrats to take this opening and run with it. Will one of the major candidates be up to the challenge?

If so, a Democrat would seem poised to win back the White House in 2008. I just can’t believe Hillary can be that person. Of course, she will get her chance to prove me wrong and I hope she gives it all she’s got.