Screw the Nat’l Day of Prayer!

Instead of praying, Mr. Bush, read Brinnaine’s diary, “I don’t do prayer” (amen, sister), then get off your shriveled butt:

  • DO NOW FOR the future generations of Americans — the nation’s children and their children — who will have to pay through the nose for your monstrous fiscal irresponsibility, your cruel wars, and your refusal to end tax cuts for the wealthy or come out against the estate tax
  • DO NOW FOR the 73-year-old woman who “remains in jail on a $50,000 bond after police arrested her for looting sixty dollars worth of sausage.” (DN!)
  • DO NOW FOR the New Orleans mother of the little baby who we all saw on repeated MSNBC video in the early days after Katrina. The baby was limp in her arms, and the mother was begging for help. MSNBC crews later found the young mother, and learned that her baby had died. (Having seen that video so many times, I am heartsick about the outcome. That poor mother must be mad with grief.)
  • DO NOW for the neighborhoods of New Orleans whose electricity was solely restored last night for your motorcade’s passage, and then promptly plunged into darkness again. (“A Trick of the Light?,” from Brian Williams’ MSNBC blog, via Susan T in Michigan)
  • DO NOW FOR the humane groups across the U.S. that have rallied to save animals, but are still being restricted from getting to the animals. (MSNBC’s Katrina Blog)
  • DO NOW for returning power to rural communities. The day after Katrina hit, your VP Dick Cheney “ordered a Mississippi energy utility to divert its emergency crews from restoring power to rural hospitals and local water supplies — and instead set them to work on a pipeline that sends fuel to the Northeast.” (Chris Floyd’s blog)

And, for god’s sake, DO SOMETHING about the massive oil spills:

Oil Spills Almost Equal EXXON Disaster

44 oil spills found in southeast Louisiana

Largest is nearly 4 million gallons, most big ones are on Mississippi River

More than 500 cleanup specialists are working to contain 44 oil spills ranging from several hundred gallons to nearly 4 million gallons, the U.S. Coast Guard said in an assessment that goes far beyond initial reports of just two significant spills.

The assessment comes nearly three weeks after Hurricane Katrina … and reflects the fact that [agencies] are able to only now tackle environmental problems …

The Coast Guard estimates more than 7 million gallons of oil were spilled from industrial plants, storage depots and other facilities around southeast Louisiana. (MSNBC)


The Guardian of London is reporting that the gulf Coast region is suffering from one of the worst oil spills in the country’s history. … In addition, more than 250,000 cars were submerged underwater from the flooding as were many gas stations. This marks the country’s most severe oil spill since the Exxon Valdez went ashore in 1989 leaking 11 millions gallons of oil in Alaska. (Democracy Now!)

BELOW, the criminal skulks home in the dark:

Doesn’t he look like one of those criminals we see on TV news who are running away from the press? (AP)