Well, it looks like the Halliburton crew are not the only ones with their fingers in the till. So add another billion to the billions of dollars that have disappeared into this black hole. No wonder the situation continues to deteriorate.
See Independent
One billion dollars has been plundered from Iraq’s defence ministry in one of the largest thefts in history, The Independent can reveal, leaving the country’s army to fight a savage insurgency with museum-piece weapons.
The money, intended to train and equip an Iraqi army capable of bringing security to a country shattered by the US-led invasion and prolonged rebellion, was instead siphoned abroad in cash and has disappeared.“It is possibly one of the largest thefts in history,” Ali Allawi, Iraq’s Finance Minister, told The Independent.
The purchases included scrapped Soviet-made helicopters, poorly made armored cars, cheap Egyptian knock-offs of MP5s, bullets as 3 times normal cost… etc.
The Iraqi Board of Supreme Audit says in a report to the Iraqi government that US-appointed Iraqi officials in the defence ministry allegedly presided over these dubious transactions.
Senior Iraqi officials now say they cannot understand how, if this is so, the disappearance of almost all the military procurement budget could have passed unnoticed by the US military in Baghdad and civilian advisers working in the defence ministry.
Government officials in Baghdad even suggest that the skill with which the robbery was organised suggests that the Iraqis involved were only front men, and “rogue elements” within the US military or intelligence services may have played a decisive role behind the scenes.
Supposedly Paul Bremer approved Ziyad Cattan as the defense ministry’s procurement chief. Shopping trips abroad were led by Mr Cattan, for whom an arrest warrant has been issued.
…Mr Bremer says he has never heard of Mr Cattan.
This situation is obviously totally out of hand, with serious ramifications for all of us, world wide.
Kudos to “Fran” at the European Tribune for the tip.
Most of the money was “siphoned abroad in cash and has disappeared” to finance the purchase of arms in Poland and Pakistan, according to the report. But rather than purchasing state-of-the-art weaponry Iraq had procured “museum-piece weapons,” the Independent charged.
The paper listed a series of problems with the arms purchased including armoured cars which “turned out to be so poorly made that even a bullet from an elderly AK-47 machine-gun could penetrate their armour.” Other armoured cars reportedly leaked so much oil that they had to be abandoned.
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An Iraqi soldier looks at a military vehicle destroyed in a road side bomb explosion in Kirkuk. A billion dollars has been plundered from the coffers of Iraq's defence ministry, seriously affecting the government's ability to combat the insurgency, the Independent newspaper in London reported, citing the Iraqi finance minister. AFP/File/Marwan Ibrahim
A shipment of the latest MP5 American machine-guns turned out to be Egyptian copies worth a fraction of the price, according to the report.
“Many Iraqi soldiers and police have died because they were not properly equipped,” the daily added.
The rip-offs were so huge, said the paper, that Baghdad officials estimate that the Iraqis involved “were only front men and ‘rogue elements’ within the US military and intelligence services may have played a decisive role behind the scenes”.
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This story has circulatewd in the media for some time now, from Knight Ridder, 11 August 2005:
Medal of Freedom, hah!
Good thing I didn’t use “BREAKING” in the title then, eh?
Here’s the link to Juan Cole’s “Informed Comment”. Here’s a taste of today’s column:
Juan Cole is always worth the time to read. His entry from yesterday recounts how Baghdad’s security situation is going from bad to horrific. Good diary, North Dakota Dem, we musn’t loose sight of what’s happening in Iraq… not for a minute.
If I knew how to do a poll- I would want to ask– what is the most corrupt administration ever? Warren G.Harding and U.S Grant had nuthin on this crew.