(Anybody have any good spanking photos?) From Pre$$titutes, via Salon‘s Daou Report:
“The Note” Gets A Well-Deserved Blog Spanking
ABC’s political tipsheet The Note is a stinking repository of Bush-licking Pre$$titution. In our previous post, Josh Marshall called The Note "dumb as a door post." We couldn’t agree more. Now Digby weighs in with this gem of a description: "The Karl Rove official fan club and fluffing society, otherwise known as The Note."And Atrios adds the finishing touch: "Most of the time I allow myself to pretend that the people who write The Note are just typical members of the Beltway press with their heads lodged firmly up their own asses. But today they write something which makes it impossible to not realize that they are deliberately full of shit.”
Ouch! That stings! . . . O P E N T H R E A D :
have a turn?
Oh THAT photo … I’d meant to comment on it when I saw it the other day. Where oh where did you find that?
I suggest she first visit Charlie Rose, since he is always quoting from The Note. He is fond of saying it’s the first thing he reads in the morning.
(And, in fairness, I’ve found a lot of very helpful info at The Note… handy links to many articles.)
Google Images “whips”. I think it was for a C&J over at dKos, and I fell in love with the photo…
Just tried Googling it again and now I can’t find it… π
Of course, to finish off the argument, Atrios should provide a list of approved liberal newspapers. Absent the the Post, and presumably the NYT, where are we to get our news?
God knows Amy Goodman doesn’t get quoted much by the “elite” liberal bloggers … and I don’t understand why not.
I get the sense that, somehow, she’s not considered proper authority by them.
And even she quotes the NYT and Wash. Post π
(Which makes her not always acceptable to the progressives either.)
And her status as a top leftie journalist makes her **loathed** by those who would compete with her. (I won’t say more than that, but I’ve gotten some e-mails from those folks complaining about how much money she receives through donations that’d make your hair stand on end. Jealous, they are. And how.)
Speaking of Amy Goodman, Democracy Now! is carried on Direct TV on channel 375 at 11:00 am daily. I was thrilled to find it.
(Rupert Murdoch) DirecTV (Rupert Murdoch) carries LINK TV, a very good channel on (Rupert Murdoch) DirectTV.
Of course, if you had DISH satellite instead of DirectTV (Rupert Murdoch), like a real buy blue person, you’d get Amy on two channels: Free Speech TV (at 5am, 9am, noon, 4pm, and 9pm) and LINK TV (8am, 3pm). All times PT.
Oh and if you switch from DirectTV (Rupert Murdoch) to DISH, mention me so I can get a credit! :):) (I really do… so….)
She raises a ton of money for the Pacifica radio network (and she receives money from them by way of a five-year contract), and for independent, grassroots media.
She started out at WBAI in New York, with Democracy Now carried by the five Pacifica stations, and by Pacifica affiliates. Her co-host, Juan Gonzalez resigned on air (c. 2000?) due the enormous pressure brought against her by the “highjacker” Pacific National Board. He headed up the Pacifica Campaign to take back the network, joining the struggle with listeners who were boycotting the stations, and board members and listeners suing the Pacifica Foundation.
During the “Pacifica Wars” Amy relocated to the fire house studio due to the toxic environment at WBAI. With the settlement of the lawsuit against the old Pacifica National Board, Amy was back on all five of the stations, and subsequently signed a contract with the interim Pacifica National Board, ensuring her independence from the fortunes (at the time near bankruptcy) and tangled politics of Pacifica. Now she has expanded her coverage to cable/satellite television.
Just as an aside, so-called leftist journalist (and red-baiter) Marc Cooper was instrumental in keeping Democracy Now off KPFK in Los Angeles during a particular intense period in the struggle to take back the network.
More than you probably wanted to know about Amy Goodman and the history of Democracy Now! Quite a lot of fighting for a foundation whose mission is to explore the root causes of conflicts.
keep talking!
I find that all fascinating since I’m a fan and — on the ProgressiveTalk list — they passed back and forth all kinds of info about the big Pacifica brouhaha, but I never quite got the grasp of it, having stumbled into it half way through.
And I think Juan Gonzales does a great job when he’s on.
My daughter got to talk to Amy and her producer for over an hour when they came to Olympia (Everegreen State College) last year… and Darcy brought Amy a new bag for her laptop (since her laptop and bag were stolen from a scary man at Heathrow in the UK.
Darcy said they talked about the dog upstairs at the firehouse — he belongs to someone who lives up there — and how the dog is always barking during their broadcasts.
Darcy said that Amy is a tiny thing, and an iincredibly nice person. She very much enjoyed the talk that Amy gave.
Thanks Susan! I often wondered about the barking.
So you didn’t quite get the references to the BAI Christmas Coup and Camp KPFA π
The network is still in trouble, although on better financial footing than previously. Right now the New York station is in big financial trouble, and it falls to the other four stations; i.e., their contributors, to keep it afloat. And Amy faithfully pitches during every fund drive…
Under the “highjacker” board, there were plans to sell the Berkeley and NY stations, KPFA and WBAI, because they are on the commercial band and would sell for large amounts – and a portion would have landed in the pockets of the then directors. With the financial crunch in NY, talk may surface again of selling that station – and that will begin another battle.
Amy was very smart to end her dependency on Pacifica. She is hard working and absolutely dedicated to independent media. Some people complain that Democracy Now was the creation of Pacifica and that she walked away with it. Without Amy, we would not be writing about Democracy Now – it would be in the dust heap of Pacifica programming. For that I will always be grateful to Ms. Goodman.
Tomorrow I go on vacation and begin my DN withdrawal.
of today, but I can tell you that during the Vietnam War it was the best radio station I ever heard.
I received an Email of an article the other day from someone on one of my Email lists. It was from a “news” source I had never heard of before so, of course, I checked out the links:
The NewStandard
After checking it out, it seems like it may actually be a legit source of real news. (My first clue was the headline at the time was an article by Dahr Jamail) Sort of an online print version of what IWT News is trying to pull together for TV.
It is counted among many resources that are either considered “Progressive” or “unbiased”… That would mean about the same thing since they both seem to mean “REAL NEWS” these days.
If you want news that is completely independent of funding from corporate underwriting, government, and advertising… These two sources I linked out look pretty darn promising.
Check them both out and let THEM know what YOU think…
Connecticut Man, thanks! I also recently discovered The New Standard and I do like it. Some good stuff. I haven’t been to IWT’s website since before they were functioning and frankly, had forgotten all about them. Thanks for the links.
I just discovered The NewStandard… But I have been a huge proponent of Independent Media (truly independent) for a while…
The only diary I ever did that made the reccommend list over at dKos was a diary in IWT News:
The News Network bush Will Hate!
Most of my other diaries are insignificant compared to the response that simple rant received there.
I mostly lurk and comment over there (here too) and really only write a diary when I see something that, I think, has been completely missed, or if I feel like ranting. I always considered myself an outsider at dKos because I think they are too “right wing for me”, and they are very closed minded when it comes to looking at alternative explanations for what is going on. But I respect what they do because they are doing what they think is right for everyone, as opposed to doing what is right for “corporations”.
I disagree with many Kossacks opinions, but they are our allies no matter how much some of us, and some of them, may disagree.
Aren’t they good?! I get the NewStandardNews’s daily e-mail and its RSS feed.
They strike me as being very, very careful in their reporting. They also write quite short articles so they’re easy to use for a busy person.
And the kinds of stories they cover are dear to our hearts…. sadly, in the times I’ve used them as a source for a story, i don’t tend to get many comments. Dunno why. They actually report on the more serious topics of our time.
No clue who the people are. Do you know?
You’re right, they are good! I never saw this before but it’s bookmarked now. According to the FAQs it is run by a collective in Syracuse and is paid for by readers and has no government, corporate or foundation funding. They call themselves the Peoples’s Network and give no clue as to individual names, but I followed donation links to find that the membership goodies include a Peace Calendar published by the Syracuse Cultural Workers, a subscription to Z Magazine, and a bunch of leftyish books from Seven Stories Press. Ah, just my cup o tea.
No clue who the people are. Do you know?
I tried to find out who is responsible for it all… They don’t seem to atribute their backing sources as well as other “indies”… But I only saw it a few days ago! Give me a few more days research and I may know more? lol
Have you tried the Guardian online? I use it for a take on U.S. news that we didn’t get to see even from the Times.
Harry Reid delivered a spanking to John Roberts today in the Senate. I only heard a blurb and a brief explanation on CNN, but the jist of it is that Harry didn’t hear much from Roberts… except for obfuscation and a lot of blabification. True, not Harry’s exact words. Bottom line is, although there will not be any organized resistance, Harry Reid will NOT be voting to confirm John Roberts as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
Harry is the first democrat to speak out against Roberts… let’s hope more democrats show a little spine. Toots to you, Senator Reid!!!
Woah. Perhaps the others were waiting for Harry to speak first?
I think Dianne Feinstein was the first to say she would not vote for Roberts if she didn’t get any answers on whether he would uphold a woman’s right to choose.
Still not overly crazy about her, but at least I feel a little more charitable…
Yeah, I do remember that. Sorry Senator Feinstein. I know what you mean about her, I don’t always agree with her, but respect her decision on Roberts.
Oh gawd!
Well, take this, missy!
(I stole that from BooMan.)
hee hee thanks, Susan, that makes me smile every time I see it.
I think the Note is useful. It is a great resource. For example, when Time To Go Joe was saying the Dems should cooperate with Social Security, the Note was openly saying how WONDERFUL it would be if the Dems would give Bush cover for Social Security. The Note was talking about how critical Joe’s action was for gutting Social Security and dumping all our tax money into the coffers of brokerage firms. Only strong grassroots and (hopefully) party action got Joe to shut the hell up.
The Note: Acknowledge what it is and use it for what it’s worth.
Very sensible approach. It is useful. I also get NBC’s FIrst Read … half the time I don’t read either, but should. Too much e-mail sometimes.
Ahhhh … Slate’s NPR show is talking about the NOLA Saints’ game last night.
Bring Them Home Now Tour photo’s from the Northern Tour… mostly Albany and NYC:
Wonderful people on the bus tour. It grieves my heart to know their pain and fear. It strengthens my heart to have felt their strength and determination.
Funny link… try this:
I’ve never heard of that documentary. Wonder where we can see it … will check.
Oh. If I could read, i’d see that it was aired on Discovery Times which, sigh, I don’t get anymore since I cut back on the # of stations I get via DISH.
And it’s not listed at IMDb. Maybe Sundance will get it?
What a great site! Thanks very much for the link.
if you don’t get Showtime, entertain yourself watching video clips of “Weeds” — the new half-hour comedy with Kevin Nealon and Mary Louise Parker as a windowed yuppie who’s now dealing to support her middle-class lifestyle. It’s hilarious.
I was trying to find the video of MLP’s youngest son, at home, playing a Jihadist with a black hood and large saber, pretending to cut off his friend’s head .. but it wasn’t there.
The “Friends in High Places” clip is pretty funny. Then click on PREVIOUS EPISODES to see more videos if you want.
Why does it take 10 minutes for them to get the spanking?
Are those YOUR children?
Hell no, I found this from a Google search. However, the ass criticism probably would still apply. π
Sandblaster is right… that is adult printing, or I’m the Queen of Canada.
I’ve taught kids that age to write- that is 100% ADULT printing.
Watch out dad!
did you extend the width of the margins for the ad space? my margins are off today.
Catnip, it could be your browser. BooTrib looks fine to me. I use Firefox and once in a great while that happens to me as well. Usually, I just restart my browser and everything’s back to normal.
I’ve rebooted and restarted, cleared the cache, done my dishes and danced the special margins dance – still the same. Thanks, though.
what browser are you using?
IE 6
Microsoft? You deserve your fate, infidel.
(Actually, I think there’s something pokey with the Google ads that’s causing this…. lemme try to remove them, and you be sure to give me feedback pronto so I don’t get in big trouble with BooMan.)
I do have Firefox too. π
Hurry. I took the Google ads down. Test it and tell me if that helps.
Nope – didn’t make a difference. That’s okay. I can live with it! π
Time for a nap…
(Did you see Gen Ornery tell reporters “don’t get stuck on stupid!”. That was funny. What a character.)
Me too.
How come the Law and Order reruns aren’t on when I want to take a nap? What’s up with that?
Maybe you should invest in a better browser if your margins are off? (Sorry! Couldn’t resist…)
Pretty punny.
Look, you slack-assed loser freak: F*ck up the government’s response to Hurricane Rita in my state and I swear I’ll tell the Washington Post about that time when you were 16 and you…well…you get the picture. I don’t freakin care if mom has a stroke and dad implodes. You hurt my chances to be prez and I’ll screw you like you’ve never been screwed before.
Whenever he speaks to the press he says, “blah blah blah blah…OVER”, like he’s speaking into some imaginary radio. I wonder if he talks to his wife and kids like that…”I love you, honey, OVER”…
Martha Stewart Renounces Fur, Hosts PETA Video Exposé
“I used to wear real fur,” says Martha Stewart in a video that debuts today on PETA.org, “but, like many others, I had a change of heart when I learned what actually happens to the animals.” Her public turnaround on fur began this spring, when she responded from jail to a letter from PETA explaining that the fur she famously wore the day of her conviction was fake. Martha’s online testimony is designed to be e-mailed to family or friends who may still wear fur, as well as to celebrities, stylists, and fashion editors. “So much violence in the world seems beyond our control,” says Martha, “but this is one cruelty we can stop by being informed consumers.”
Watch the video now.
Films From the National Reconnaissance Office
We’ve received and digitized three short films in which the nation’s spy-satellite agency talks about itself, with sometimes unintentionally hilarious consequences
Also be sure to check out the companion site, The Memoryblog, for links to more documents and articles: