Subtitle: “…the world’s richest nation couldn’t organise a p**s up in a brewery…”
I’m not sure which is worse: Declining the generous offers of aid made by nations to the US, or accepting the generous offers of aid, and then not letting any of it reach the affected people.
I just read this (via Steve Gilliard and on Drudge), Tons of British aid donated to help Hurricane Katrina victims to be BURNED by Americans.
Aid workers are livid.
(More below the fold)
The aid worker, who would not be named, said: “This is the most appalling act of sickening senselessness while people starve.
“The FDA has recalled aid from Britain because it has been condemned as unfit for human consumption, despite the fact that these are Nato approved rations of exactly the same type fed to British soldiers in Iraq.
“Under Nato, American soldiers are also entitled to eat such rations, yet the starving of the American South will see them go up in smoke because of FDA red tape madness.”
The worker added: “There will be a cloud of smoke above Little Rock soon – of burned food, of anger and of shame that the world’s richest nation couldn’t organise a p**s up in a brewery and lets Americans starve while they arrogantly observe petty regulations.
“Everyone is revolted by the chaotic shambles the US is making of this crisis. Guys from Unicef are walking around spitting blood.
“This is utter madness. People have worked their socks off to get food into the region.
“It is perfectly good Nato approved food of the type British servicemen have. Yet the FDA are saying that because there is a meat content and it has come from Britain it must be destroyed.
“If they are trying to argue there is a BSE reason then that is ludicrously out of date. There is more BSE in the States than there ever was in Britain and UK meat has been safe for years.”
And remember, it’s not just the food that is being wasted. The rations and their delivery has cost the British people millions in tax dollars. Food from Spain and Italy is also being held.
The food rations sent from Britain are detailed in this story, What’s in emergency ration packs?
1 French onion soup; 2 Hot chocolate; 3 Savoury biscuits; 4 Milk chocolate; 5 Tissues; 6 Cooked rice; 7 Boiled sweets; 8 Fruit biscuits; 9 Chewing gum; 10 Chicken pate; 11 Orange drink powder; 12 Curried lamb; 13 Fruit dumplings in custard; 14 Bacon and beans; 15 Condiments; 16 Hot pepper sauce
Each pack contains up to 4,000 calories – the recommended daily consumption is 2,000 for women and 2,500 for men – and is “designed to feed a young man aged 18 to 30 who has been involved in active operational duty,” says Brian Sheehan of the Defence Logistics Organisation.
“You’re looking at them getting a massive energy burst.”
Yes, I’m sure that the people will be so happy that the government is looking out for their best interests in this fashion. I mean, the food that has been sitting on store shelves since the hurricane hit, and the food scavanged among the water/sludge is much more fit for human consumption.
And, it’s not like … insulting or anything, to accept someone’s gift and then throw it in the trash before they’ve even left the party!
September 24, folks. September 24.
Update [2005-9-20 22:16:43 by olivia]: When I posted this diary, it was early this morning, and a quick google at that time didn’t bring up any additional links to this story. I just did another google on the story, and found a few more links. The Times-Picayune has posted a story in reponse to the Mirror article, British MREs held up in Arkansas for mad cow regulations. According to the TP article, Little Rock AFB is the ‘hub’ for international aid. They have received 1842 tons of goods from dozens of countries. It doesn’t say how much of that has been delivered though.
On the rations, they provide a statement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture spokesperson Terri Teuber,
“We have an obligation to hold the food we’re distributing to evacuees to the same standards we maintain for all Americans on a daily basis,” Agriculture Department spokeswoman Terri Teuber said. “We are not saying these MREs are unfit or unsafe. We’re saying they don’t meet the importation standards, and they are being set aside.” (emphasis mine)
Okay. Can someone w/ more knowledge explain what that bolded part means. They’re not saying that the rations are unfit or unsafe according to the spokesperson, but they’re not fit for human consumption. Really confused here.
And my next question was, if BSE is the concern, isn’t there some way to remove the pkgs w/ meat and beef product from the pack? The photo I posted above shows each item wrapped individually.
And … sure enough if you read a little further, according to yet another spokesperson, Army Major Paul Swiergosz, Defense Department,
When the food is needed it is easy to separate from other products because the meals are in divided pouches, Swiergosz said.
There are a million spokespeople. No wonder nobody knows what is going on. This is how they’ll get away with it all. Too many people. No one person is accountable. Circle. Circle. Circle.
Also, a good historical source of info on the international and national aid, are the Wikipedia entries:
… in an endless stream of cock-ups. The people suffering in so many ways include those directly affected, and those who indirectly (such as those aid-workers and doctors for instance caught up in the red tape, unable to help). Make no mistake – this is shaping a new world view of the US. People are almost speechless on seeing how the government is treating its own people.
(Hate to post this and run, but I’ll be back later in the day.)
How will all of this affect Americans? Bush’s approval ratings are sacked, but so far, no leader has stepped into the void.
Maybe we are the leaders to step into that void.
I think Kerry stepped into the fray last night with this speechat Brown University Last Night…was covered on local news last night…I hear Edwards is going on the attack as well…
But yes we all have to be leaders
I like that of which you said…
British food too dangerous to serve starving Americans.
Toxic environmental stew in New Orleans, just fine.
So, the President uses his executive order power to declare that it’s not necessary for corporations involved in rebuilding to pay the prevailing wage for labor — meaning they can pay as low a wage as they can get desperate people to settle for…
But some stupid little FDA red-tape regulation that stands between tons of perfectly acceptable food rations and thousands of people that need them…
No, the powers that be, who might have had the authority to cut the red tape in this instance, make educated decisions (hey, NATO approved it, British servicemen eat it, what’s the real level of risk here?) for the common good, are silent. Because after all… what’s in it for them and their corporate donors here? I guess if it doesn’t put money in their pockets, it’s not something worth their time…. it’s not like they’re the ones who will benefit here.
Such utter incompetance and lack of common sense and basic human compassion…. utterly un-fucking-believable.
You’re right JanetT, it’s a real lack of common sense and human compassion.
I can understand the red tape issue, after all government is designed to develop and follow policies that are supposed to keep society functioning and healthy. But in this case, with the level of devastation involved, it’s not excusable.
What it comes down to is, some person on the spot deciding that his ass/job is more important than the life of a fellow citizen when he refuses to release the food / aid / medical care. They know full well that people are dying b/c of their decisions. How can they live with that?
A real leader would say “This is an emergency. Fire that bastard’s ass and distribute the food. And if I’ve broken a law in feeding starving people, impeach my ass for it if you dare.” And his ratings would go sky high. Hmmm… Is Karl setting us up again?
You know that’s what Harry Truman would do.
Hell, Clinton would do it in a hearbeat.
Hmmm: Over here, food piled sky high; over there, starving people. Hey George: What Would Jesus Do?
No, Karl’s not setting us up again. Conservatives build and fire up their base based partially on the whole “small government” rhetoric. And what fuels that is stories about bureaucratic fuckups hurting people and no-one being able to do anything about it because of the big, bad federal government.
Of course, when the government is actively causing screw-ups to fuel these anecdotes, the whole strategy can backfire quite nicely…
You know, it just occured to me while reading your comment, that perhpas all of this bungling will be sued for a new foray into eliminating the right to sue and/or liability — I know the govt. can’t be sued, but they could say that it (the red tape, bueraucratic regulations, etc.) was a natural outgrowth of living in a highly litigous society and no one wanted to be liable (read: responsible) for anything going wrong if they didn’t follow proper channels and procedures, therefore (neoconthink here) we should trash all of those things, because, you know, look what happens?
hmmmm, I shouldn’t give them any ideas, I suppose.
I’m sure the nastiest thing you could think up wouldn’t even compare to what they’ve already got up their sleeves.
Besides … You’ve been there yourself! You’ve done more yourself to help people than these officials who are paid to!
Did you catch the interview last night on CNN w/ the doctor who was told he couldn’t assist due to potential lawsuits. I came in halfway through the interview, and he was talking about himself/another doctor who was told by an official to stop doing CPR … and the person died while he/they watched.
Here’s a link (via Crooks and Liars), with this blurb:
I have been doing some searching to find aid that had been refused or not used (more likely?) I think we should start a list of all the aid, delayed, refused or not used..or wasted. Not too much available info on searches and very hard to find, yet, but the list will grow.
Did anyone see the story of the semi’s (dozens) loaded with ice, that were sent all over the US and now stalled in states like Illinois after being sent to the NO area first and then refused. Fema is paying enormous sums for these trucks and the ice companies are making money, but ice and trucking companies said they would rather have the ice get to people in need.
This is a great idea Diane. I’ll do some searching tonight too.
We could have it listed by country (international) and by state (within country), type of aid, outcome, etc.
Do you want me to e/m you any info I find?
I just now saw your reply to my comment, since I am not much into writing this type of diary these days, you can go ahead and write up anything and I will add to your diary what I find…will that work for you?
Hi Diane… Yes this sounds fine. I’ve done a little searching; hasn’t been easy to find info via google. Then I went to Wikipedia and found this:
International response to Hurricane Katrina.
Canadian response to Hurricane Katrina
Within country:
Hurricane Katrina disaster relief
Really good idea diane. I know some of the news have been reporting on a few of these as separate stories but it would be nice to see a whole round-up of aid denied, not used-etc in one big news story. We could then all send round-up of links to Olberman and Cooper.
Another great idea! Do you have any links handy?
Not offhand or just the ones already put up. I have so much stuff saved in my favorites that it can takes hours to go through all of it.
But it would be nice to see KO or AC do this as a full blown story.(and the Daily Show as I think more/more people are watching Stewart for his news).
I can relate to the favourites folder. It takes 5 minutes to scroll to the bottom of mine. I really have to clean it out – it really defeats the purpose if you can’t find anything!
on Friday’s Countdown (which we just watched last night on the DVR). Too bad Keith is on vacation…then again, he probably got so fed up with this misAdministration that he ran into his boss’s office and said, “Get me the hell out of here!!!”
I’ll bet that other countries are going to think twice before reaching out to help us, if this is the way we’re going to treat their generosity. We’d much rather have their money anyway…it’s easier to funnel to Halliburton…
Now that’s depressing. Hadn’t thought of that; not sure why though, knowing Halliburton is involved…
We’re fucked!
Really! Think about it. There is another hurricane on the way. We still have ove two months of hurricane season to go. No one in the world is going to continue to offer help to us. why would they. This administration has spit in the face of all that have done the compassionate thing, offered aid.
As far as any Dems coming out about this…They can give all the fucking political speeches they want. I want to see action. what are they actually DOING to get this cluster fuck show on the road and the help these people need and deserve delivered?
It’s scary to think that people are still in crisis, living out in the open w/ no sanitation or water. It’s been 3 weeks!
This disaster has not only exposed the racial and poor divide, it has shown the politicians on both sides to be ineffective, bumbling fools who can’t (or won’t) do anything to protect their people!
Someone commented the other day that this is the kind of situation where a leader comes in riding a white horse and makes the trains run on time. There is a down side, though…
We have become “One clusterfuck under Bush”
Remember the longest response would be THREE DAYS??? Now it’s – don’t expect any help, and actually expect the “help” to fuck things up worse.
Signe me – Earthquake and Fire country American
comfort in the knowledge that all officials are doing what they feel is best, and no one can deny that the measure will aid in the extermination of more undesirables.
I think I called it ‘passive genocide’.
Un fucking believable
It prints out on one page and you tack it to the post office bulletin, the local java joint… anywhere. the Whispering Campaign helps me feel sane and “active”.
Thanks for that link, DJ…I’d completely forgotten about that site.
remember to email me your phone number so I can call you Saturday at some point from the march. 🙂
… for the link!