In an earlier post, Verified Voting Needs Geeks and Poets, I mentioned that Verified Voting was looking for programmers, press release writers, and other talented folks. Still true. We are currently refurbishing the Election Incident Reporting System for a set of November 2005 elections, and we’ll need people before, during, and after.

But now Verified Voting is also looking for a CEO/President. Below the fold, I’ve listed David Dill’s appeal verbatim so that you can see exactly what we’re looking for.

The Verified Voting Foundation and are non-profit, non-governmental organizations with a common mission: to promote transparent, reliable and publicly verifiable elections in the United States.

The Verified Voting Foundation is an 501(c)(3) organization whose activities are primarily research and education. is a 501(c)(4) organization which advocates legislative reforms to increase election transparency.  These organizations are primarily focused on election integrity and transparency issues and have a history of drawing on special expertise in technology, especially computer science (see and

We are seeking a President, who is the CEO of the organization.  We are seeking a  leader and manager with extensive prior management experience, a deep knowledge of election issues, and a passion for our mission.

The organization is currently headquartered in San Francisco, although headquartering in Washington, DC could be considered.

Responsibilities of the President will include:

  • Being the public face of both organizations.
  • Setting short-term and long-term strategy, including the definition and planning of major projects that advance our mission.
  • Fundraising from foundations and individual contributors.

  • Building the organizations, recruiting high-quality staff and volunteers for important roles within the organization, including

   – communications strategy

   – policy analysis

   – gathering and making available timely and accurate information about election law, voting technology, etc. to the public.

   – lobbying activities at the state and Federal level.

  • Cultivating and maintaining effective partnerships with a wide variety of other organizations who are working on election issues at the state and federal level.
  • Financial administration
  • Working with and expanding the board of directors.


  • Previous high-level executive experience.
  • Demonstrated success in building a non-profit.
  • Exceptional ability to communicate in speech and writing.
  • In-depth knowledge of voting and democracy issues, and a passion for our mission.
  • A commitment to accuracy, objectivity, and non-partisanship.
  • Comfort with technology issues, and the ability to communicate about technology issues with technologists and the general public.

If you are interested, please email a copy of a cover letter and your resume to “davidldill at-sign gmail dot com” [replace “at-sign” with @ and “dot” with “.” and remove spaces].

    David L. Dill

    Founder of and the Verified Voting Foundation

So please either apply to be our Pres or forward the call to someone else who can. Thanks!