While the Times-Picayune still publishes up river in Baton Rouge, what has happened to New Orleans’ black paper, The Louisiana Weekly?
It is still valiantly publishing, too, living up to its 80-year-old commitment. This is the September 19 issue on PDF.
Get it straight from the folks. This and past articles (including just after the hurricane) include important information on how to receive benefit checks, who will suspend house, car and credit card payments, where Xavier and Dillard students have been sent to continue their educations, opinion pages that gauge the mood of the community there and across the country, and who managed to get married despite the flooding and displacement.
Today’s issue talks about Mayor Nagin backing down from his earlier announcement to allow people back to their homes, and when Jefferson and St. Bernard Parishes can expect residents back.
Oh, (smile) I was once a Student of the Week, too.
It is so full of hope and promise of a great future. Let us all pray that those people and all the people who were in LA have that great future and hope. Send them LOVE!
Thanks very much for this great link, another one going in to my saved links. Student of the Week, huh..cool.
packing up their bags are getting ready to return to the city as doctors.
I’ll give them the hot tip!! Thanks for the links.
Residents are leaving New Orleans again because the levees may not hold in Rita’s wake. I hope they’re not thinking of coming this week. Ouch.
they were.
I didn’t even think of that….rrrg. Fwiw, the email I get from them are always one week behind.
Thanks for this diary and the one on dKos.
The Louisiana Weekly was always there for our “events” as we protested to protect Iberville Housing Project from being demolished (we succeeded).
They’ve shown true courage on many levels.
Thank you for this diary.
Excellent info…thanks for the link
Perserverance in the face of adversity for 80 years…we can all take lessons.
Thanks for the lowdown.
Nice to see a real service to the community–rather than those yakking,lying,plastic puppets.grrrrrr
a real service to the community,rather than media puppets with good hair.
oops- couldn’t decide which insult to use
Interesting article in there on poverty, single women, and other issues at the top of their web page.
I’ll have to read some more when I am awake. (Getting the ZZZZZs going right now).
Oh, (smile) I was once a Student of the Week, too.
Isn’t that a conflict of interest?!
THANK YOU for posting this diary! I smiled when I saw it. I have to run but will be back later in the PM so I can add my add’l $0.02…
oh, drat. Couldn’t open the PDF to the link, and it made my computer freeze up. So apologies if my questions repeat anything already covered.
When the Crawford paper was attacked by the fundies after it endorsed Kerry, the blogs gave it a lot of publicity and got it lots of additional subscription revenue.
Would it be helpful to the Weekly if it got that kind of publicity, plus additional subscriptions and income? A couple of strategically placed diaries, probably better after the weekend is over, could do that.