FEMA Subcontracted NOLA Evacuation to Incompetent Bush Backer
[From the diaries by susanhu w minor edits.]
Add a few hundred more bodies to the count of what Grover Norquist and his “privatization at all costs” ideology has cost this country. Today’s Chicago Tribune tells the story of thousands of motorcoaches offered to FEMA the day after Katrina hit New Orleans. Unfortunately, FEMA didn’t return their phone calls:
“We never talked directly to FEMA or got a call back from them.”
As bad as that is, the WHY is far worse:
Instead the agency had farmed the work out to a trucking logistics firm, Landstar Express America, which in turn hired a limousine company, which in turn engaged a travel management company.
Mad yet? If not, you will be:
This story follows a depressingly familiar script:
1) A vital government service is taken away from the government employees who have handled it competently and efficiently for years and farmed out to a barely qualified, but politically well connected private company with for a huge sum of money:
and Landstar was well-connected:
Yes THAT US Chamber of Commerce, the one that’s spent millions creating/supporting Bushco policies
2) After taking a huge amount of government money; do nothing but count your profits. Don’t worry about actually performing on your contract until it’s too late:
Though it was well-known that New Orleans, much of it below sea level, would flood in a major hurricane, Landstar, … did not ask its subcontractor, Carey Limousine, to order buses until the early hours of Aug. 30, roughly 18 hours after the storm hit,
But then, calling Carey Limousine a “subcontractor” gives Landstar WAY too much credit, as it implies some sort of prior business arrangement. The reality is far far worse:
[Sally Snead, a senior Carey Vice president] said Landstar turned to her company for buses Sunday after learning from Carey’s Internet site that it had a meetings and events division that touted its ability to move large groups of people. “They really found us on the Web site,” Snead said.
THEY FOUND THEM ON THE WEB!!!!! DURING THE HURRICANE!!!! THAT was the extensive and thorough planning and vetting process Landstar used before deciding to award this company a “subcontract” to do this vitally important job!
Let that sink in for a good few minutes. Deep cleansing breaths. Get that blood pressure down. Ready? Okay:
In other words:
this Company signed a $100 Million contract to provide disaster relief services and then did precisely, and exactly, NOTHING to prepare to actually provide those services should they be needed.
Even when the largest hurricane in a decade is headed straight for the most vulnerable and poorest city in America, they do NOTHING. It’s Only DURING the Hurricane on Sunday while New Orleans is being ripped apart that somebody at the company remembers “oh Yeah, I think we’re supposed to do something when Hurricanes hit”.
Then, and only then they leap into action and apparently assign some office flunky the job of Asking Jeeves “how do I get thousands of people the hell out of Dodge during an Apocalypse?”. They follow this decisve and bold actions with an extremely crack and efficient phone call to a few places to do some price shopping before finally deciding what to do. (It’s amazing they didn’t try to rent 1000 buses on Priceline first)
Give the “Subcontractor” credit, they DID try to help:
Snead said she tapped Transportation Management Services of Vienna, Va., which specializes in arranging buses for conventions and other large events, to help fill an initial order for 300 coaches.
“It’s like taking your phone book and dividing it in half and saying, `You take half and I’ll take half,'” Snead said.
But while they are desperately seeking a few hundred buses (and lets just acknowledge how woefully inadequate 300 buses would have been for 80,000 people); Literally thousands of buses are ready and standing by, with drivers, waiting for someone to tell them where to go:
Unbeknownst to them, two key players who could reach the owners of an estimated 70 percent of the nation’s 35,000 charter and tour buses had contacted FEMA seeking to supply coaches to the evacuation effort.
The day the hurricane made landfall, Victor Parra, president of the United Motorcoach Association, called FEMA’s Washington office “to let them know our members could help out.”
and Fema’s lightning fast and oh-so-brilliant response?:
Parra said FEMA responded the next day, referring him to an agency Web page labeled “Doing Business with FEMA” but containing no information on the hurricane relief effort.
So let’s review one last time: Flood waters rising, 10’s of thousand of trapped an desperate people Stuck in New Orleans.
FEMA, not only is not springing into action, they’ve actually subcontracted that whole rescuing people thing out.
The Subcontractor takes the decisive actions of hiring thier own subcontractor, a Limo Company at the last minute. They scarmble as best they can to scrounge up a few hundred buses.
Meanwhile Thousands of huge Motor coaches are ready, willing and able to rush to the disaster site and effect a rescue, but every time they are offered, FEMA gives the caller the modern equivalent of the Voice mail. Thanks to “privatization” nobody is able to connect the offer to the desperate need.
Back in New Orleans, dozens, perhaps even hundreds of desperate people needlessly die, hundreds more are raped and assaulted while waiting in the dark for rescue.
AND for this spectacularly incompetent performance when lives were on the line, what can we expect for Landstar? Indictments? Civil court suits? A cancellation of all government contracts? The CEO doing the perp walk?
Boy you really haven’t been paying attention in the last five years have you?
In a regulatory filing last week, Landstar Express said it has received government orders worth at least $125 million for Katrina-related work. ….. Landstar’s regulatory filing also said that because of Hurricane Katrina, the maximum annual value of its government contract for disaster relief services has been increased to $400 million
In this story we see the basic Republican SOP in full and glorious action: larceny masquerading as ideology. Vital government Functions and trusts are treated as nothing more than fat piggy banks to be raided by corporate allies and campaign supporters. That these jobs are important and people will die if they aren’t done well, never seems to trouble either the public or private members of the Kleptocratic administration.
Its an sequence of events that we’ve seen repeated everywhere from Iraq (Halliburton, Custer-Battles, Blackwater etc. ad nauseam) to Kuwait, to our very own Gulf Coast. Rarely however has it been so nakedly obvious what happened and rarely have the consequences been so utterly disastrous as they were for those tens of thousands of people trapped by Katrina, and abandoned by their own government. If this isn’t enough to wake people up to the utter ruin that Bushco has made of our once powerful country, what will be?
Great diary, I would like to add my outrage but that wouldn’t even cover it. This might be a good place to list all the other FEMA outrages, like the ice delivery debacle, the unused donor itmes that sat on tarmacs all over the world waiting for ‘the word’ to move.
Say, what happened to all the UK ready-to-eat food that the Brits spent millions to send over to us and which was going to be thrown away?
starting on this…
Luaptifer has one at ePluribus Media on Cronyism and Lobbies. He starts it off by looking at the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) wording and its a key clue.
Link here:
Cronyism and Lobbies: Who gets to drive the rescue bus?
Horrible content – diary and link.
Thanks for research.
FEMA understood on Tuesday that New Orleans was flooded because of breaches in the levees.
FEMA immediately put all ARC aid and evacuation by bus on hold.
New plan was the place order for lease of three cruise ships – get it, floods so you need noah’s arcs – one for FEMA command and two for evacuees. Holiday destination was by publication of this comment unknown.
KSLA News 12 Latest Headlines Katrina Catastrophe
The governor of Texas worries that his state may not be able to take many more evacuees from Hurricane Katrina. Governor Rick Perry says Texas is committed to doing everything it can to help, but wants to be sure it can provide the services needed, including medical care and education. Perry says local officials “are beginning to notify us that they are quickly approaching capacity.” Louisiana and the FEMA. have been alerted.
Texas has taken in over 220,000 evacuees, with more on the way. Nearly 19,000 are in the Houston Astrodome. Over 120,000 are in 97 shelters in Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, and dozens of smaller cities. Another 100,000 are in hotels and motels, with still more in churches or private homes.
Carnival Cruise Lines has canceled voyages for three of its ships so they can house victims of Hurricane Katrina. The schedules of the Ecstasy, the Sensation, and the Holiday have been cleared for the next six months. Two will dock in Galveston, Texas, and the third in Mobile, Alabama. Together, they can hold about 7,000 passengers.
The request for the cruise ships came from the FEMA. The cost of the charters was not disclosed. Carnival is apologizing to those whose cruise plans have been canceled. The number is believed to be in the tens of thousands. Anyone who re-books will get a one-hundred-dollar-per-person shipboard credit.
Previous link, reads as follows —
“With the chartering of the cruise ship Holiday to the Military Sealift Command (MSC) on behalf of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as part of Hurricane Katrina relief efforts … “
Mmmm … housing for evacuees?
● Refineries world-wide already to full capacity – see diary by Jerôme.
● Urgent need for US to build new refineries.
● Due to Katrina :: EPA rules suspended!
● Rebuilding Gulf Coast to meet desires.
● Only need to rid NOLA of … undesirable elements.
▼ ▼ ▼
The federal government is being privatized.
Remember this story I wrote based on Osha Davidson’s Rolling Stone article?
ONE WAY to KILL an agency is by making it ineffective, and forcing state and local officials to pick up the tab, the responsibility, and the longterm damage control, rebuilding, etc., etc.
everywhere! This needs to be seen, and seen, and seen again.
Shocking, sick, stupid, and, sadly, all too typical of this administration and it’s numbskull corporatist policies.
It’s in the recommended list at Daily Kos … not sure if it’s the same author, but the subject is the same.
Oh come on now, are any of us really shocked by this continuos pattern of abuse of power? Outraged, yes but not surprised in the least. Quite honestly, I do not know how much more we can handle kids.
great diary Magorn and thank you very much for bringing it to our attention.
How the hell do you have enough time in a week to even find and read all of the material needed to write diaries like this?
well it helps that I’m frequently bored at work and my employer has a very liberal personal internet use policy
Well,I guess that explains what the hell happened to the 500 buses promised by FEMA to Gov. Blanco. The 500 buses that they insisted be used instead of the ready-to-roll school buses, because school buses aren’t air conditioned. The 500 buses that didn’t even kiss the border of Louisiana until the Thursday after the hurricane hit. Those 500 buses.
yeah I do think these would be them, and suddenly it all makes sad sick sense
Rest assured that I will be spreading this one far and wide, first on the list is a newspaper Pub and Ed I know personally.
I am so sorry-but I couldn’t even read the whole text– this crap is so widespread with this maladministration that I HAD to stop.
Even though many have compared it to the Nazis, this seems to me to be much closer to Stalinist corruption.
I suppose it is all the same in the end, whatever label is attached to it.
Enrich the rich, and deprive the poor.
GAWD,I AM SO TIRED of being angry and bawling all the time.
Is this the purpose?
Wear you down?
Sure it is.