Month: October 2005

Rush Limbaugh on Decaf?

“Rush Limbaugh on decaf” is how Congressman Mike Pence describes HIMSELF!  Does that mean he only takes “a little” oxycontin? Does that mean he only takes vicodin?  Does that mean he’s only half as bigoted and half as hateful?  Or does it mean that he’s just as hateful, but just not as good at it?  Actually the only sane question is “What sort of human would make such a statement?”  Here’s the full story from the October 26th Chicago Tribune.

Though a third-term congressman from central Indiana who is a relative newcomer to the political power centers in Washington, Pence, 46, already is a favored guest on television news talk shows, such as Fox News’ “O’Reilly Factor” and “Hannity & Colmes,” and CNN’s now-canceled “Crossfire.” That national exposure, in turn, enhances his influence inside the Capitol….

…He begins every day by reading the Bible. He works with a bronze bust of Ronald Reagan watching over him from across his office….

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Ladies, It’s Time to Plan for a Dark Future

To the women I know online and offline:

Important gains of the last 40+ years are now under attack.  In all probability, they will be eroded over the next 20+ years.  This is largely due to the instillation of a right-wing majority on the Supreme Court and the better state-level legislative organization of the religious right.  Abortion and contraceptive freedom will no longer be a given.  While I do not think this will go so far as to affect individual property rights, I will put nothing past these people.  

Assuming this to be true, it is time to seriously consider underground organization for these dark times ahead.  I have no idea how this should or could be done.  But the time to begin planning is before the storm hits, not after.  

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The campaign rolls on!

Thanks to everyone for their comments! This is, again, a reprint of the blog at Please take a look at the blog and, of course, mosey on over to, to find out more about Dave and his campaign to take back this House seat from Millionaire Stearns and return it to the Real People of North Central Florida!

The past few days have been particularly busy here in the nascent stages of our little campaign. I have been editing the campaign web site to make quite a few changes (our edit list several dozen changes to make). Some are small, like capitalizing a letter, others are larger. For instance, we have some issues on the “Issues” page that don’t have any text. That will soon change. It’s things like this that get prepared over a year before the election. Not exciting by any stretch of the mind, but stuff that has to get done to build the base of the pyramid. We want the website to be the best campaign site on the web, come 2006!

Meanwhile, the lifeblood of the campaign continues to be pumped. We sent out a letter last night talking about the culture of corruption present in Washington, and letting people know that we need their help to fight it. If you want to give us a hand, feel free to click here, we welcome your support!

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