Author: Bruderly for Congress

Harry Reid: Genius.

This, as always, is a repeat of the blog at Take a look, let me know what you think on the comments there and PLEASE, move on over to the mothership,! Thanks! For those...

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The campaign rolls on!

Thanks to everyone for their comments! This is, again, a reprint of the blog at Please take a look at the blog and, of course, mosey on over to, to find out more about Dave and his campaign to take back this House seat from Millionaire Stearns and return it to the Real People of North Central Florida!

The past few days have been particularly busy here in the nascent stages of our little campaign. I have been editing the campaign web site to make quite a few changes (our edit list several dozen changes to make). Some are small, like capitalizing a letter, others are larger. For instance, we have some issues on the “Issues” page that don’t have any text. That will soon change. It’s things like this that get prepared over a year before the election. Not exciting by any stretch of the mind, but stuff that has to get done to build the base of the pyramid. We want the website to be the best campaign site on the web, come 2006!

Meanwhile, the lifeblood of the campaign continues to be pumped. We sent out a letter last night talking about the culture of corruption present in Washington, and letting people know that we need their help to fight it. If you want to give us a hand, feel free to click here, we welcome your support!

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The First Step…

(This is a reprint of the first blog entry at, please feel free to stop by, and by our homepage, We need your support to help take back the House!)

We the People, in order to form a more perfect union…

Welcome to the campaign blog for Dave Bruderly for Congress. Dave has an outstanding website about himself and his campaign. Please take a look at it! I have great faith in Dave’s belief that the Florida Sixth District, along with every other Congressional district in the country, needs a new voice. Less than 30 percent of Americans are happy with the way Congress is running the country, clearly, it is time for a change.

I believe Dave will help provide that change.

This blog will be a frequently updated outlet for readers to learn more about the campaign from the guy who will set the day-to-day course of the campaign. Until Dave is sick of me, I will be helping him guide our effort to unseat the incumbent, Cliff Stearns, and I will describe that effort here.

I’ll also throw in a few of my own observations. This first post will be a manifesto of sorts, hopefully defining why I am working for this campaign, rather than as the reporter I trained for a decade to become.

I asked my younger cousin, in Jacksonville, who he was voting for in 2004 and he said, “Bush, because I hate Democrats.”

I was pretty sure he didn’t hate me, but that incident clarified what I had known for a while. Something MUST be done to make people realize our government is not about parties, it is about people. Dave is going to be a new voice, but the more important promise is that he will represent REAL people.

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