Give me 22 indictments and a show trial to make Stalin blush. I can see it now. There’s Tim Russert testifying about how Scooter Libby is a big fat liar. Here’s Chris ‘Tweety’ Matthews recalling how Rove said Wilson’s wife was fair game. Larry King calls Ann Coulter and she says she is too ill to appear on his show. DeLay’s trial/ Frist’s trial/ Rove’s Trial, on split screen. What’s your fantasy?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Recent Posts
- Day 28: Democracy Dies In Darkness
- Day 26: People Discover That American Fascists Like German Fascists
- Day 25: The Fascist Regime Comes for the Federal Prosecutors
- Day 23: The Fascist Regime and House Budget Committee Are Coming for Medicaid
- Day 22: The Fascist Regime Destabilizes the Jordanian Monarchy
Mine is simple. Perhaps understated. Just logging on tomorrow, and seeing a big headline from you, wherein the animated frog is jumping over the names of the Big Fish. Rove. Cheney. (Bush — unindicted co-conspirator).
And a breaking story about how Libby or someone is cutting a deal to roll on all the bastards.
choked on the pretzel and fell of the couch…………..before everything was so fucked up I may never live to see it straightened it out………and I find out that he really did choke and now he’s gone. He and Cheney’s did fuck up quite a lot together but Cheney’s heart would have buckled noticeably under the pressure. We didn’t have anything to worry our pretty little heads about though in 2004 and Howard Dean is president and Carol Moseley Braun is the V.P. In some parallel Universe I am very happy and I’m having dinner with Einstein and Gerry Spence.
from Billmon …
I recognize some of the luminaries, but who is that little monkey faced boy sitting next to Mr. Rumsfeld?
Per Raw Story. Rove is a man in trouble:
You are making me feel so good I’m afraid it could be adultery! If it isn’t the truth I may never be able to forgive you!
I vouch for nothing. This is all rumor mongering. My advice. Go to bed, and turn on 6:00 news tomorrow. Then you’ll get confirmation.
Or, if you like how this feels so much, stay on-line for the next 24-hours straight. 🙂 (And then become massively depressed, and beg Jerome in Paris to put you up for a few weeks, and give you French lessons as you adapt to your new country, since you need to get away from this emerging militant-theocracy.)
I have been so obcessed with this investigation — I’m needing this to break. I need the rest.
OT but Larry Johnson has a nice piece up on his blog about the facts about this case — and that we had better be prepared to argue with facts when the other side (if there are indictments) tries to tear this thing down.
All that plus ‘chimpy’s’ resignation and a massive public outcry to form a new government with Al Gore[read this if you haven’t seen it; very good speech, Gore’s all over it] leading the charge…that’d make this frog smile…
YEAHHHHHHHHH! Think I’ll save this Bad Boy
maybe I’ll get lucky.
This is kind of spooky:
My fantasy: Two half-toothed women wearing gunnysacks running a still in the woods. Oh, that was another thread, wasn’t it. To continue, I want to see Cheney reduced to poverty and working sweeping floors at Halliburton during his retirement. I want to see Ashcroft disbarred for ethical violations. I want to see Rummy drafted and sent into unending battle. I want to see Rove forced to plan strategy for the Green party. I want to see Frist without health insurance and diagnosed via videography. I want to see DeLay sent away for life. I want to see Bush have to spend every moment remaining in his life seated in the front row of a fundamentalist church listening to unending fire and brimstone sermons.
I had to laugh.
Ahahahahahaha! That was so called for.
This reminds me of one of the best diaries I’ve ever read on a blog. It was by someone named Jazzmaniac on Kos last March so its long gone now. It was about an interview with the devil. Here’s the lead-in where the devil introduces the story”
“…when a really, really evil person dies I have to make sure that there’s a special place in Hell for them. The ordinary lake of fire stuff just won’t cut it. And we’re backed up on being ready for the Bushies.”
He then goes on to describe the “special places” the devil is preparing Ashcroft, Santorum, Keyes, etc. He ends with a sobering statement about the devil’s take on Bush himself.
Does anyone remember reading it? Do you suppose we could request a repeat performance for this special occasion?
Don’t be so sure about that 🙂
I had to laugh again.
And I remember reading it the first time around, too.
How did you do that? I did a search and couldn’t find it. You’re not jazzmaniac are you?
No, I’m not jazzmaniac…though sometimes I wish I were 🙂
If you know what the user’s id is, you can go directly to their diary page by entering a URL like this:
or this:
And then just look back through their diaries.
Handy trick, since diary searching sucks.
he is incarcerated on death row and has to try to convince Gov Perry to pardon him.
Libby, Rove, and the many more of the other big players in the administration are indicted.
Blunt is indicted along with DeLay and everyone else connected with Abramoff.
Frist drops out as majority leader of the Senate due to his legal troubles.
Dreier, taking full advantage of his new status as pissed-off House Majority leader issues articles of impeachment.
The Senate, under their new pissed-off Majority leader Trent Lott follow along with it. Entire Bush administration is impeached for defrauding the government.
Bush, Rice, Rumsfeld, Cheney et al go before the ICC for war crimes.
All are found guilty. The U.S. cuts a deal with the U.N. to get out of Iraq, rebuild the Iraqi state (or multiple Iraqi states, if that’s what it takes) after reaching peace accords as best as possible with the insurgency.
O’Reilly, Hannity, Coulter, et al never heard from again.
John Roberts proves what we all already know : an intelligent person, with enough time spent thinking, without political pressures, leads to progressive philosophies.
He leads the court in a bold new progressive direction for 45 years to come.
Braves win World Series.
Pink Floyd re-unites and brings their tour to my backyard. Pigs fly. Literally.
Ahh! I love the smell of Watergate in the morning!!!
Let the heads roll!
Fantasy-Cheney indicted-Chimpy walks away-from his pretend presidency, the same way he has walked away from every other responsibility (pretend Air National Guard, pretend scholar at Harvard,pretend CEO,pretend Governor of TX,pretend member of board of Carlyle).
If the rest of the conspirators are indicted, and it looks like the Repubs will have to distance themselves from the mess-they will throw him overboard,to save their own asses.Bush can do the pardon thing, but that will not work this time.He cannot run again. Even if they cook up another ‘terrist’ attack,I don’t think it will fly.
TONIGHT?!?! I slept poorly last night for no good reason, this was supposed to be my catch up night. I slept maybe 90 minutes total after the last election, I just couldn’t believe it…..I waited all night for someone to come on the air and say that it had all been a bad joke. I guess there is always Benadryl.
Something to with undying terrorism.
Let’s pick:
Attack on: Iran, Syria, Venezuela.
Martial law.
Break-up of secret cell in Langley dedicated to undermining American security through the diabolical disclosure of facts.
Quarantine for war protestors.
Suspension of internet.
Suspension of habeas corpus.
Annexation of Canada.
Pardon of all white male Republicans.
Disclosure of Cheney’s “undisclosed location” in basement of Saudi embassy.
“Disappearance” of George Tenet.
Appointment of Jeff Gannon as Ambassador to China.
Well now… 22 indictments doesn’t mean 22 individual people. It could mean 22 charges. But starting with the list from the previous thread…
We add Dick Cheney, Judith Miller, Robert Novak, Andrew Card, Harriet Miers, John Ashcroft, Alberto Gonzales, Stephen Cambone, Donald Rumsfeld, and George W. Bush.
That’ll do nicely for this particular scandal.
An “indictment” typically refers to a document charging a person. And “indictment” can carry multiple “counts.” So twenty-two “indictments” would mean twenty-two people charged. Or, you could have a single “indictment” against one person with 22 “counts.”
At least that is how the language works in my state jurisdiction.
Now, these rumors could easily be confusing the terms. Or perhaps the federal system is different.
You are probably right. 22 indictments, unknown number of counts. What was the membership of the Iraq Group? I think we’ve covered most of them with the list above. I can easily see this scandal covering the full range of White House insiders if conspiracy is the charge he is going after and if the conspiracy involves the Iraq planning group.
If anyone needs indicting it’s those bozo’s.
if you can name 22 people involved in this scandal, you are far more of a wonk than I. I was thinking they are probably meaning 22 counts. That would be easy.
Also, as I was naming people, I started to wonder? Wasn’t this Miers person in on some of these meetings? Wouldn’t that be the ultimate shit?
Yes she was and you’ll see I added her name in there. I’ve been grinning the last two days watching the right wing meltdown over her. It would be icing on the cake to have her and Bolton indicted for crimes against the state.
ya forgot Colin
He’s the only one with a vestige of a conscience, so he needs to atone. Star witness for six straight months of testimony.
You’re right. And he can atone in jail.
with all this shit that is coming out…indictments..spies..heads of the House..head of the Senate…Closest aids to Pres and VP..looking like the most corrupt administration in the History of the United States. I am wondering if it’s time to start apologizing to the Fraudsters…with all of this unbelievable stuff going on…are people still gonna tell me RoveCo didn’t have any control over diebold and the last election? OHIO Anyone? I am myself starting to even wonder about Florida and a couple of other states. I wouldn’t put anything past these people. Didn’t hillary say something once about A vast Rightwing conspiracy?
Right now. All this is unsubstantiated crap. Until there is an actual indictment served, it is hot air.
But, even just looking at the stuff that is out there, you are right. This administration, this ruling party — blows.
I don’t mean to diary shill for any other site. That is for sure. I bleed green these days. (For Spartans and for BooMan Tribune). But Hunter at dKos lays it out pretty starkly.
The only question I’ve got left is, how can 38-45% of the country still believe in this dick and the bankrupt party he runs.
that party owns the public square. Nobody can get a message to the electorate as a whole without using the private media property of Republicans.
I see Al Gore has joined me today in saying basically the same thing.
Well, there’s the ownership of the public square thing that Gooserock mentions, but there’s also the fact that SOME (not 38-45%, by ANY stretch) but some, of these people directly benefit from these theives’ shennanigins….
Miller, Tweety, Hannity, Novak, Wills, O’Reilly, Murdoch, Nagourney, Limbaugh, Blitzer, Brooks, Friedman, Dowd, Fleischer, McClellan, Dobson, Falwell, Robertson, Norquist, Rove, Libby, and Cheney.
that Ken Mehlman has not made any of these lists?
I had forgotten him until just now, when I tried to think of the biggest, creepiest douche bags I’ve ever seen on TV.
Needless to say, his name was the first one that popped into my head.
Speaking of douche bags…has anyone ever seen Ken Mehlman and Norm Coleman in the same place at the same time?
I’m just sayin…

Mr. Guckert/Gannon’s dream double date.
I was given a mint container that says:
“Would you like to suck on a mint, since you already suck all the time?”
I’ve refilled it several times cuz I get a chuckle whenever I see it.
I’d like to see them all lined up on the Mall in DC in stocks; with a steady stream of American citizens filing past bombarding them at close range with rotten garbage.
And of course I’d like to see the cable news media covering it wall to wall like they do a storm or a car wreck or an abduction.
Oh yes! And after the pummelling, I’d like to know that all of them go straight to the hottest place in the Hell envisioned by Christians.
The Washington Post says signal from Prosecutor expected any day:
Ground is shaking.
Guess he’s not crowing about not being a target now.
Also, Libby lawyer declined to comment. Reuters has this, too.
and Governor Ronald Reagan has dropped 15 points in overnight for his goofy debate performance and the non-sequitur “there you go again” quip.
That’s my fantasy.
For a Surgeon General candidate. 🙂
One of mine came true: the Republicans actually bitch-slapped Bush over the torture issue.
Defying the White House, senators voted 90-9 to approve an amendment that would prohibit the use of “cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment” against anyone in U.S. government custody, regardless of where they are held.
The amendment was added to a $440 billion military spending bill for the budget year that began Oct. 1.
The proposal, sponsored by Sen. John McCain, also requires all service members to follow procedures in the Army Field Manual when they detain and interrogate terrorism suspects.
Bush administration officials say the legislation would limit the president’s authority and flexibility in war.
Take that, you warmonger and stuff that veto threat up your butt.
okay. who are the 9 people that voted against the amendment. I want them exposed.
No votes:
Allard (R-CO)
Bond (R-MO)
Coburn (R-OK)
Cochran (R-MS)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Inhofe (R-OK)
Roberts (R-KS)
Sessions (R-AL)
Stevens (R-AK)
Didn’t vote: Corzine (D-NJ)
how utterly predictable. Only Stevens surprises me.
fell out of my chair when I didn’t see Kyl on that list. Apparently he didn’t feel like picking a fight with McCain today…
I think you’re theory is probably right.
From my earlier comment ::
Despite a veto threat from the President and VP Cheney’s effort to persuade Republican senators to oppose the amendment …
Lindsey Graham, an Air Force judge for 20 years, added: “We have let the troops down when it comes to trying to give them guidance in very stressful situations.”
Opposing the effort, Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, said that requiring all U.S. troops to follow procedures in the Army manual is not practical in the current war environment. “The techniques vary upon the circumstances and the physical location of people involved.”
The White House opposes legislation that would impose restrictions on the Pentagon’s detention, interrogation and prosecution of prisoners, arguing that it would tie the president’s hands in wartime.
▼ ▼ ▼
Well, hell – if the manual shouldn’t apply, just throw it out and let the troops go wild. Sheesh.
forget that one — no doubt he was very busy elsewhere? Oh, no wait, I saw his ugly face talking with Harriet Miers on the Hill today on my TV, so I KNOW his happy ass was in Washington — I think I will write him a letter every month until his re-election, just to let him know I haven’t forgotten. With appropriate news clippings of course…what a freaking toad.
What is Howard Dean fantasizing about here?
i saw that and I just hung my head. What’s wrong with him?
but he really doesn’t think about what he is saying sometimes.
He might as well have said “No time for the old in-out, love, I’ve just come to read the meter.”
the world sort of way……he probably doesn’t know what “hide the salami” really means. A Deanism?
The way he said it “or whatever they call it” makes me think he really has no clue what he said. I’m sure Linsey or Tom had a quiet talk with him afterwards.
Either that or he is telling us something about why Harriey Miers got the job.
Is this what he was talking about, or…ummm…something else that I wouldn’t want to link from here?
Maybe he’d seen a video of Tom Cruise and Katie making a baby …
(I really think he’s a pretty straight guy, and just doesn’t think like that much … unlike us sleazy-minded people! … and he had a synapse short-circuit on him.)
Oh god … sometime I’ll tell you what I did to Howard Dean… it was SO embarrassing.
hide the salami?? rofl! WTF??
Maybe he’s tired of them just dickin’ around.
The rest of the interview was very good but after the hide the salami quip its hard to take him seriously. He makes himself an easy target for the republicans. Its a shame he’s a passionate and well spoken politician. most of the time.
bush meant when he was talking about putting food on his family.
and has baby batter on the brain syndrome! Howard, take Mrs. Dean on a date… are acting like a village idiot and we already have one!
He couldn’t have said that! What the hell Howard?
No its true I saw it. Some kind of bizarre freudian slip. He did a quick grin after he said it. Howard is just a spectator like the rest of us.
joins the staff of Naked News — oops, sorry, wrong fantasy…
The spouse is off for the next two days — I think we may be glued to the TV tomorrow if this is really coming down that soon…
Wow thanks for the link Cali!
Churches, universities set to close
Followed by an appropriately Onionesque article.
The Rumors are Confirmed.
There is a total news blackout at Redstate, where Kreepy Krempy is usually the first to denounce nasty liberal rumors. Means he believes it all and/or doesn’t want to go out on a limb.
Republican Party in shambles. Markets crashing. Fuel rising. Economy crumbling. Gottendamarung in Iraq. The South flattened. Real Estate Bubble bursting.
Oh, sorry, Boo. Did you mean pleasurable fantasy?
Well, that one’s got nothing to do with politics.
Off-topic for a moment… the McCain amendment limiting torture by the US (how far have we fallen that this is even a discussion let alone amendment) passed 90-9. Corzine was campainging so he didn’t vote.
Here are the Dr. Mengele Nine:
NAYs —9
Allard (R-CO)
Bond (R-MO)
Coburn (R-OK)
Cochran (R-MS)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Inhofe (R-OK)
Roberts (R-KS)
Sessions (R-AL)
Stevens (R-AK)
WH Press Briefing, Friday, Oct. 7, 2005
Q. Scotty, it seems you’re the only one left in the White House who hasn’t been indicted this morning. Even President Bush has been named as a co-conspirator. What are your thoughts about that?
Scotty: You know what guys? I’ve had it! I HAVE FUCKING HAD IT! Do you know what it’s like to stand up here day after fucking day and lie for these soulless bastards? Spewing off the same crap over and over like some bloody automaton? I CAN’T TELL YOU how long I’ve waited for this day to come. GOD! Do any of you want this job? Huh? Do you? Cuz I have HAD IT! You guys want dirt? I’ll give you dirt. Meet me at the Starbuck’s over by the Pentagon in about one hour and every last one of you will have an exclusive you can run with in no time flat. I mean it. Screw these guys. I AM OUTTA HERE! Let’s roll.