Finally – someone speaks out!
The following is by “T.J. Snodgrass II,” for my blog:
Of course, no one on the US side has condemned this facade — in fact, some US apparatchik probably gave the Shia and Kurds the idea.
From the Oct. 4, 2005 story at BBC NEWS (PDF version):
The United Nations has criticised changes to Iraq’s electoral law that make it harder for Iraqis to reject the draft constitution.
The two-thirds majority needed in three provinces to defeat the constitution will now be counted from all registered – as opposed to actual – voters.On Sunday Shia and Kurdish members of parliament pushed through the changes in the referendum rules on 15 October.
Sunni Arabs reacted angrily to the amendments on Monday.
They believed many registered voters may not show up at the polls because of violence.
Pat Lang
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“Drinking the Kool-Aid,” Middle East Policy Council Journal, Vol. XI, Summer 2004, No. 2
some US apparatchik probably gave the Shia and Kurds the idea
Well, with a “constitution” in place, the US can leave Iraq, probably some time next summer in time for the mid-term elections, Bush can claim that Iraq is a “constitutional democracy” (ignoring the fact that women are going to be less free under the new “constitution” than they were under Hussein), and the Republicans can solidify their stranglehold on America.
Just a thought…
on the surface this is clever. It disincentifies the Sunnis from nonparticipation in the election, and it makes it much less likely the constitution will be rejected.
Ultimately, we are in big trouble if the constitution is rejected. And the more Sunni participation the better.
They may be too clever by half. While it looks savvy on paper, it may provide even less support from the Sunni community.
But on Sunday, MPs said a No vote from two-thirds of “registered” voters was needed for a veto. Who are the MPs?
BAGHDAD, Iraq 1½ hour ago — Iraq’s parliament voted Wednesday to reverse last-minute changes to rules for next week’s referendum on a new constitution after the United Nations said they were unfair. Sunni Arabs responded by dropping their threat to boycott the vote and promised to reject the charter at the polls.
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Leave it to you, Oui, to know about this.
More on this:
From Reuters/Alertnet
Susan & everyone,
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United Nations Foundations. Look for the UN Wire box and click “join”.
Who is the head of the foundation?
I think I saw him on Charlie Rose not long ago, and was incredibly impressed. I wrote his name down — in a book I was reading — and now I can’t remember where I wrote it down.
(I looked through the site quickly but couldn’t find his name.)
Good night from me.
Just in from Al-Jazeera:
Iran FM puts off visit to Saudi amid row
Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki put off a planned visit to Saudi Arabia on Wednesday after the two countries publicly clashed over the situation in Iraq. Sunni-ruled Saudi Arabia has accused Shia Iran of meddling in the affairs of the violence-ravaged country, but Tehran has denied the charge, which also drew a scathing attack on Saudi Arabia from an Iraqi Shia minister.
Full Story
Iran accused of helping Iraqi fighters
Britain believes Iran’s Revolutionary Guard is supplying explosives technology that is killing British soldiers in Iraq, a senior official has said. The official, briefing reporters on condition of anonymity on Wednesday, said there was evidence that Iran was in contact with Sunni Muslim groups battling US and British troops in Iraq.
Full Story
I have followed this accusation for some weeks now, it popped up on the Internet by Iranian opposition groups. This bogus story was coordinated with UK, US and Israeli officials, as the IAEA grip was tightened on Iran’s nuclear ambition for development of its nuclear reactors for civilian purpose.
Remember the false accusation of —
IMHO :: BS – LIES – DECEIT – for focus on Iran and distract from loss and failures in Iraq.
NeoCon Times Newspaper
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