Bush, throughout his sorry life,has exhibited the charateristic traits of a nihilist.He wants to destroy everything around him.His purpose is self glorification and to visit vengeance on all those who disparage him.
Does he believe in the American Constitution that he is sworn to uphold? No.He will state he believes in it so long as it serves his purpose.
Does he believe in religion?No.It is another prop for self glorification.
Does he believe in the supply side cure of tax cuts? No. That too is a prop designed to make him look like an economic wizard.
Does he believe in the abortion issue? No.He doesn’t care about the health or well being of women except in so far as it rouses the sheep to think he has profound reverence for human life.
Does he believe in Science and its promise for helping improve the human condition? He does not even have the faintest clue.Evolution simply means nothing to him.So does stem cells.So does Global Warming. He is totally clueless about these topics.
The question I must ask is: Why does he continue to perpetrate this charade when everything about him has become obvious in the past few horrendous years?
I think he is motivated by showing up those people who have merit, education and wisdom.He is out to prove that he, a grifter, can control and dominate those far more knowledgeable and ethical than he ever has been or will be.He will resort to any lie,take steps to assure his win ( in elections or launch wars, propel his agenda) and put on any act to accomplish his purpose.
When I see his face after Katrina or 9/11, it is the face of a man putting on a fast one over his gullible audience.That is the role he is born to play.Professor Tsurumi had him pegged right.And he is out to prove he is better than the Professor Tsurumis of the world.Without having done a single thing to merit our respect or praise.
I got news for Kanye West.Bush doesn’t care about anyone or anything.
“You know I could run for governor but I’m basically a media creation. I’ve never done anything. I’ve worked for my dad. I worked in the oil business. But that’s not the kind of profile you have to have to get elected to public office.”
George W. Bush, Midland Texas, 1989
My Favorite Quotes —
Washington, D.C., Jan. 29, 2001
Nov. 22, 2000
Bush’s Executive Order Burying Presidential Records
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Those quotes are very revealing.Thanks.
His total depraved indifference to the plight of ordinary people in New Orleans is going to look like a sunday school picnic when the economic tsunami from the auto industry’s collapse is going to hit us soon, a collapse hastened by his reckless invasion of Iraq and the attendant rise in gas prices.Both Ford and GM are reporting drastic drops in their sales in september with no relief in sight as $3 a gallon gas becomes the norm.Because their fortunes are tied to SUVs and big trucks, Ford and GM will see their profitability erode as people move away from those gas hogs.
As even people like me can foresee this disaster looming, where is the commander, you ask? As usual he is busy doing and saying irrelevant things while the entire Midwest is being gripped by something approaching economic fear.
What the heck, Bush says, Mideast, Midwest they are all the same.And who cares what you people think? See, I think it will be a lot easier if this were a dictatorship with me as the dictator.9/11, Katrina and the coming death of Ford and/or GM, that is a trifecta that will be my great legacy.
OK – so Bush is a sociopathic dry (? who knows these days) drunk who doesn’t care about anyone because he never formed any real human attachments (thanks Barbara and HW) and has never been held responsible for anything he did in his life.
BUT, what I really want to know is – what makes Cheney tick? I think he’s the real evil behind the scenes. Maybe a subject for another diary.
Cheney and Rumsfeld go back a long ways to the Ford administration. They are the original axle of evil.They are both convinced of their own magnificence and want the world to simply obey their dictates.Democracy is an inconvenience to these born totalitarians.They have found the right front man in Bush, vapid,obedient and delighting in inflicting pain on others.
Another important aspect of these axles of evil is that they wre the original revolving door geniuses who converted their government power into plush industry jobs and used the reentry into government into lush contracts for their old employers guaranteeing them financial rewards as far as the eyes can see. Risks are for others.rumsfeld and Cheney like rewards with no risks.
They have carried this philosophy to the battlefield.Let the poor bear the burden of the battle scars.The Cheneys and Rumsfelds and the Bushes will launch the wars for others to fight.
Nixon had Rumsfeld pegged right when he told Haldeman:”That Rumsfeld, he creeps me out!”.
I think you are soooo right about them being convinced of their own magnificence and democracy being an inconvenience to them. This is totally what I see and its why I think we might be on the brink of loosing our democracy if we don’t see the cliff we are about to jump over.
And thanks for the Nixon quote. I hadn’t heard that before. Its hard to believe that we’re seeing Nixon being a better judge of character than our current presnit.
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President Ford meets with Deputy Chief of Staff Dick Cheney and Chief of Staff Don Rumsfeld in the Oval Office. April 23, 1975.
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Even then, Cheney & Rumsfeld were quick with their triggers, ordering an assault on the Khmer Rouge forces entrenched on Koh Tang Island.The main reason was that the U.S. had just suffered a defeat in Vietnam and these two warmongers convinced the President that revenge was the only way the U.S. could save face.
Instead, the operation resulted in at least sixty deaths which could have been prevented if Rumsfeld and Cheney had counseled the President to seek negotiations. You have to remember that Cheney, the draft dodger during Vietnam, was the advocate of force in this case too.And, given the times, he was in his early 30’s. Rumsfeld, of course, was a born warmonger.
My bet is that Cheney has a signed taped to the bottom of his pen drawer. He pulls it out and it says, “It’s about the money, stupid.”
Bush only truly believes in obtaining benefit for himself and perhaps a handful of people (the rich) that he considers his peers. He was already rich upon entering office (estimated wealth $10 million, sorry no link) so one would assume that he sought more power and the “glory” of being president. It wasn’t as if he wanted to make life better for the bulk of his constituents. And he likely felt the need to live up to the achievements of his ancestors, Dad (president) and Grandpa (senator, Ct). (Perhaps Babs was pushing him along.) He was raised in a privileged family and obviously has no ability to conceive of not having life’s necessities or limited ability to obtain them. An interesting contrast with the Kennedys.
Power for the sake of power. He’s been propped up by those around him for so long that he doesn’t even know how weak he is and those who pushed him along are just using him for their own ends which they’ve convinced him are his too. He’s no evil genius. He’s a pawn. His lack of conscience ensures that any feelings will never get in the way of using that power. It’s all very pathetic and dangerous.
The fact that he relishes inflicting pain on those who are weak and defenseless, is totally lacking in conscience and remorse makes him quite unique among our leaders.Notice how he became incapable of showing any empathy for the drowned and drowning people of New Orleans!Placed in a similar situation, a man like Al Gore rose to the occassion quietly and airlifted 270 hospital patients to safety and comfort on his own.Bush is incapable of such a gesture, because he believes that will show him as a weak person.Go figure that one.
It also contrasts with Bill Clinton’s 2 hour face to face meeting with survivors yesterday.
Bill Clinton famously said: I feel your pain.
I can imagine Bush saying: I do not feel your pain.In fact, I don’t feel anything at all.