Maureen Dowd is funny this morning:

Robert Bork complained to Tucker Carlson on MSNBC last night that Ms. Miers had “no experience with constitutional law whatever,” that it was wrong for W. to choose a justice simply to have a woman’s perspective and that conservative reaction veered between “disapproval and outrage.”


Way to crack the gal right across the kisser, when she’s already on the ropes from so much conservative wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Senator Sam Brownback suggested it would be futile for the “very decent lady,” as he dismissively called her, to compete with John Roberts’s masterly performance because that would be like “following Elvis.”

Pat Buchanan told Keith Olbermann that conservatives were “agonized,” “depressed,” and “virtually heartbroken,” and Charles Krauthammer wrote: “If Harriet Miers were not a crony of the president of the United States, her nomination to the Supreme Court would be a joke, as it would have occurred to no one else to nominate her.” Ouch.

And yet, I still think the Dems should reject her. We don’t need no stinking Bush apologists on the court. Let Miers “twist in the wind” for a while, and then send her packing back to Texas and her whacko church.

The New Republic this week chooses the biggest 15 hacks in the Bush administration, noting that “no administration has etched the principles of hackocracy into its governing philosophy as deeply as this one.” Ms. Miers wins at No. 1.

W.’s case for her elevation is their closeness, because she is, as Alexander Hamilton put it, one of the “obsequious instruments of his pleasure.”
