These comments intrigued me at the time, never disregarded them, so here is a repeat ::

In excellent diary by spiderleaf @dKos —
Plame Leak Timeline II… the case is made (Gannon)
Sat Feb 05, 2005 at 06:28:36 PM PDT

a discourse between her and Thinking Republican.

      link to thread, go upwards

You’re kidding, right?

Who do you think leaked the story of the FBI investigation into Feith’s staff to CBS News? That effectively “killed” the inquiry, and Franklin (the patsy for the scandal) was basically told to sit down and shut up by Plato Cacheris because it was all about to come out, which he did.

Now, the investigation is nowhere. All the leads have dried up and Franklin’s not talking.

You want to know who outed Valerie Plame? Look at
Doug Feith and Scooter Libby.

“The beginning of thought is in disagreement — not only with others but also with ourselves.” – Eric Hoffer www.InTheArena.bravehost.com

by Thinking Republican on Sun Feb 06, 2005 at 09:57:53 AM PDT

Becomes more interesting below the fold »»

No, I’m not kidding

Your first link does not address the leak to Novak/ Gannon which is the focus of this investigation. If you want to investigate Feith and the other leaks, feel free, but it does not directly connect to what we are doing here and I’m not going to include it.

We are on shaky ground here and I am not going to muddy the waters and watch the entire case be discredited because we bring in Feith with no direct links to the leak.

Your second point… to investigate Scooter… check the timeline. Scooter was the only one to sign the release of confidentiality and allow the reporter he talked to to testify about what he discussed… and the reporter stated that Scooter didn’t tell him anything about L’Affaire Plame… so.. what would you have us do? Disregard grand jury testimony and make an accusation? Sorry, I’m not sticking my neck out on that one.

Like I’ve said, provide info that ties Feith to the leak of the 2002 CIA memo to Novak/ Gannon and the outing of Plame with as much info as we have on Rove and we’ll run with it. That is the focus of this investigation. Not Feith leaking secrets to Israel… what is so hard to understand about that?

visit me @ Jaded Reality & join BooMan Tribune

by spiderleaf on Sun Feb 06, 2005 at 10:04:39 AM PDT


Here’s your roadmap…

  1. The source for Novak’s assertion that Plame’s identity was “well known”, according to his column, was Cliff May. May had questioned Wilson’s motivations before Novak ever mentioned Plame. See his piece, here:
    May says it didn’t come to him from the White House at all, but from “a former government official” (Perle via Feith?)

  2. Cliff May is currently director for the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies.
  3. Doug Feith’s father was a founder and contributor of at least $100,000 to the FDD.
  4. The FDD is a Likud/Sharon front group, according to the American Conservative magazine article, “Most Favored Democracy”, which I’ve posted elsewhere here in this thread.


“The beginning of thought is in disagreement — not only with others but also with ourselves.” – Eric Hoffer www.InTheArena.bravehost.com

by Thinking Republican on Sun Feb 06, 2005 at 09:15:50 PM PDT

[Center for — edited by Oui: Foundation for, abbreviation FDD instead of CDD]


Founded two days after the September 11, 2001 attacks … ?!!

Foundation for the Defense of Democracies

Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD) was founded two days after the September 11, 2001 attacks. Although FDD is nominally bipartisan, right-wing Republicans direct the policy institute, which focuses on “terrorism, the ideologies that drive terrorism, and the policies that can most effectively eradicate terrorism.” In its view, the “major ideological threat to democracies comes from Islamic extremism and rogue states,” which are the leading supporters of terrorism and totalitarianism.” In keeping with its neoconservative ideology, FDD advocates that the “United States should lead the war of ideas in the battle between freedom and totalitarianism.” (1)

Republican Party insiders dominate FDD’s board and staff. FDD’s three board members are Steve Forbes, Jack Kemp, and Jeane Kirkpatrick. Its two “distinguished advisers” are Newt Gingrich and James Woolsey, while other advisers include Gary Bauer, Richard Perle, William Kristol, Walid Phares, Charles Krauthammer, and Frank Gaffney–all prominent neoconservative figures with multiple links to the Defense Policy Board, Center for Security Policy, American Enterprise Institute, Weekly Standard, and Project for the New American Century. Among FDD’s advisers are also several prominent Democrats associated with the Democratic Leadership Council and the Progressive Policy Institute, including Donna Brazzile, a close associate of Sen. Joseph Lieberman; and Sen. Zell Miller (D-GA).(2)

The well-funded, well-connected FDD has quickly become one of the leading institutions in necon’s web of think tanks and policy institutes. Like all neocon institutes, FDD embraces a militarist pro-Likud position with respect to Israel and Middle East political affairs. Although FDD’s mission statement makes no mention of Israel, FDD’s public statements and operations mostly concern Israel. FDD associates and staff are outspoken proponents of the hard-liners in Israel. These include such Jewish FDD members as May, Perle, and Kristol as well Christian associates. FDD adviser Charles Jacob, for example, has been a prominent spokesperson for the National Unity Coalition for Israel (NUCI), a group he told the New York Times gives “voice to evangelical Christians who are ardent Zionists.” (5)

In the spring of 2002, in an apparent effort to thwart Bush administration initiatives to reopen peace negotiations between the Palestinians and Israel, FDD aired 30-second television spots that conflated Yassir Arafat with Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. Opening with the words “The Suicide Strategy,” FDD stated: “It was used by terrorists against America on September 11. It’s being used by terrorists against Israel day after day…. The suicide strategy threatens all of us–all those who are hated as `infidels’…. If we appease terrorism, we’ll get more terrorism. Our way of life is threatened… Never Appease Terrorism.” (3) The video’s producer was Nir Boms, the former Officer of Public and Academic Affairs for the Israeli Embassy in Washington, DC who served as FDD’s vice president. (5)(6)

Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise

An educational foundation for individual liberty,
free markets, property rights and limited government

The Center was founded on July 4, 1976, the bicentennial of the American Revolution. We are here to continue that Revolution of liberty, free enterprise and individual initiative.

Advisors have included:

SourceWatch —  CDFE

Mideast: On Target — the Analysts

  • Elliot P. Chodoff
  • Yisrael Ne’eman
  • Nir Boms