I went to a fundraiser for Pat Murphy last night. I’m getting to know Pat and his campaign staff pretty well. He is a great candidate and his staff is filled with excellent people. If they keep buying me drinks, I may even endorse him. LOL.

Pat is running for Congress in the 8th district of Pennsylvania. The district covers most of Bucks County, which is a very affluent county that runs along the picturesque Delaware River. The river serves as the border with New Jersey.

His opponent Mike Fitzpatrick is one of Tom DeLay’s flunkies:

Federal Elections Commission records show that Fitzpatrick has received $15,000 from the DeLay controlled Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee (ARMPAC) since 2004.

If you want to contribute to the BooMan bar tab you can do so here.

From Pat’s bio:

Jack Murphy, Patrick’s father, served in the Navy during the Vietnam era and served honorably for twenty-two years as a Philadelphia police officer and sergeant. Two of Patrick’s uncles were Army airborne paratroopers, Joe Rapone – who served with the 11th Airborne and distinguished himself in the Philadelphia police force as an inspector – and Bill Rapone – who proudly served with the 82d Airborne “All-American” Division and in Vietnam with the 101st Airborne Division. Currently, Patrick’s brother J.J. serves as a captain in the U.S. Air Force Reserves and is working at their Rescue Coordination Center at Langley Air Force Base. After serving on active duty for over five years, he was mobilized after 9/11 and served for another year of active service.

With this background, it is no surprise that Patrick went on to become a West Point professor, airborne and air assault qualified, a JAG Corps attorney, and that he served two deployments after 9/11 — the first to Bosnia in 2002 and the second to Baghdad, Iraq in 2003-2004 as a paratrooper with the 82d Airborne Division.

In Iraq, Captain Murphy advised on offensive operations, initiated reconstruction efforts within the justice system, trained the new Iraqi Civil Defense Corps on the rules of engagement and was instrumental in the prosecution of Sheik Moyad, a radical lieutenant of Muqtada Sadr. For his service, Patrick earned the Bronze Star and his unit earned the Presidential Unit Citation.