I can’t get enough caffeine in my system.
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Well, then you haven’t stopped by the meeting of BooBooks often enough! Raging Hippie’s serving Community Blend chicory coffee, you know.
Straight up or au lait–take your pick.
Speaking as a decaffinated coffee drinker I was surprised to hear the 20/20 show last night where they tested coffee around the country and found that most decafe served at the tested restaurants, including Starbucks and Krispy Creme was not in fact decafe at all.
Hi Booman, how are you doing!
Speaking of caffeine, my province’s Conservative solicitor general is an absolute idiot!
Goodgodalmighty. If somebody took away my coffee, I’d have to kill them. More peaceful? Right.
What is it with the ‘coffee is bad’ Scrooges anyway? I mainline coffee all day and don’t see that after some 40 years I’m a worse person for it. I do agree that some people and caffeine don’t mix but that doesn’t make coffee in itself inherently bad….sorry for the little mini rant here but this is just dumb…and so is that idiot as you say in Canada.
I don’t know why people get all hung up on caffeine; I was wearing my “Caffeine is good” t-shirt at a farmer’s market with the family, and they noticed I was getting some funny looks; they thought it must be my shirt.
I have a poster up in my office at work which has a sort of abstract image of a face and a cup with a whisp of steam coming off it. The caption reads:
Sure I can live without my coffee….
but that’s no guarantee that you’ll survive.
Down near Ipanema beach you can get a tiny cup of coffee that will send a spasm through your body.
It is advisable to look away from the thongful beach as you do so, to avoid cardiac arrest.
So you’re the Sven from Ipanema they sing about!
I was quite a hit there. I was totally white – even green – from 3 months in the deepest Matto Grosso. Also extremely thin from eating only rice and beans (and the occasional monkey). But I had three things going for me in the Floating World of beach bars up from Ipanema to Cococabana. A) I had been adopted by the Tzukhamai – the toughest Indian warriors B) I was a colleague of the Villas Boas brothers and C) I could sing and play Who songs.
I was also, then, English… 😉
Oh Sven you are such a mystery of the deepest sort, I am constantly trying to frame you and everytime I think I have a glimpse you add another dimension that reframes the whole thing in my mind. I say that with a chuckle, you know.
You and everyone here it seems have the most delicious and complicates lives which are constantly amazing me.
What next dear Sven, and you mean you are not Finnish…lol.
I have lived in Finland longer than I have lived in England – therefore I call myself Finnish.
I am just a piece of flotsam or jetsam cast upon the waves of global culture. I go where the waves take me.
It is not an easy philosphy to justify – especially to my teenage daughters. – but it is who I am.
They do have good coffee there. Also some kind of really good tasting artificial sweetener. I remarked to my hostess how good it tasted and wondered what it was. She explained, quite unconcernedly, that you couldn’t get it in the U.S. because it causes cancer. Maybe the coffee does too . . .
can cause cancer.
My theory of the world is that everything is a parasite on everything else. It is a system – both macro and micro – in which nothing can exist without everything else.
Did it take them long to resuscitate you? Hopefully there was no lasting damage.
New TV show for my Saturday afternoon viewing entertainment: HGTV’s Craft Corner Deathmatch
Take that, Martha Stewart! You girly-girl!
OMG! Dueling decoupage!
Ah, this was originally on the Style channel and it was a hoot and a half. It was the host that made the show with his full-out pro-wrestling announcer style. Is it the same or did HGTV re-package it with different people? Also, one of the regular judges was a drag queen, I swear, and the another one looked like she’d tripped in from the corner when her pimp wasn’t looking. What time does it come on? I have to check it out!
Since I’m such a crafty person, there was some pressure from my family that I should try to be a competitor on this show. But, the prizes were a bit on the cheap side; I couldn’t see myself going thru the stress and pressure of making jewelry out of soap in five minutes flat just to win a sewing machine I already have.
Don’t know if it’s the same. Here’s the link.
You should go on the show! That’d be fun. 🙂
Next time I receive a letter from my Congresswoman, Shelley Moore Corruptico, I’m going to write her back warning that we do not want to associate with people of ill repute and she’s been hanging out with criminals.
Speaking of caffeine. . .
Now I know the world has really changed. Hersey’s–Hersey’s!–has come out with 60% cacoa chocolate bars. I know this from rather recent experience. Excuse me while I pause to rewrap the rest of the bar.
If Hersey’s has 60% cacao, can indictments be far behind? After all, they’re just another form of chocolate.
In an earlier open thread, I speculated about Wolcott’s blog being blank for the past couple of days. Now, I’m happy to announce that he’s baaaaaa-ak, torturing and goading Scooter Libby with rapier-like wit.
Doing the BooBook diary today makes me wish we had another formatting possibility which would be short diaries within an overall diary.
It would look like:
This would allow us to organize a general topic with subtopics so that people could pick and choose where they wanted to comment. It would be even cooler if several people could work together to do one diary if they wanted to, say in a case where they had a major topic and each of them wanted to do a part of it.
Dreamin’ on a rainy afternoon.
Well Kansas I have that ability on my site VB…
You do? Wow! I’ll go take a look. I guess I haven’t been there for a while. My bad.
and I wish I was 29 again – what’s your point?
Snort! Yeah, but Diane made it come true on her site. So there, neener neener.
Hey, Diane, if you can make dream formatting come true. . .can catnip and I be 29 at VB? This could be serious competition for other blogs.
Dream formatting, book pages, with child pages, commenting on all pages, all linked together with reference links on each attached diary…yeah that’s what I got at VB + editing on comment and site image hosting (no need for photobucket) and cheesecake too in the cafe. See what you’ve been missing!
Yeah you can be 29 or any old age you want….lol
(maybe I’d better say that more quietly – you never know who’s reading this stuff)
or the Internets that are slow, but sitemeter.com seems to be crawling along…oh, and it looks like the Orange Empire is down, which is not a big loss except that it’s taken Street Prophets with it! Hope it’s back up by tomorrow morning so I can attend my online church…