[promoted from the diaries by catnip]
Cross-posted at Eurotrib by de Gondi.
While Berlusconi dishes out his intergalactic bullshit (Title of il Manifesto yesterday: Balle spaziale) as a latter-day peacenik, the Bonini- D’Avanzo team publish a new series that promises to have far-reaching consequences. The first installment reveals what happened at the secret Rome meetings starting in December 2001, involving Sismi agents, Ledeen, Franklin, Rhode and the crucial protagonists, Aras Habib Karim and Francis Brooke. Ghorbanifar, according to Sismi sources, had a minor role, more as a decoy, to divert attention.
The scoop reveals the behind the scene preparation of the war and the key role of the Italian secret services in infiltrating southern Iraq to prepare the terrain for the land invasion through their long-standing network in Iraq.
The Rome meetings were arranged at the behest of the Pentagon’s Office of Special Plans in collaboration with the Iranian regime which certainly had converging interests to eliminate Saddam and expand their influence in Southern Iraq.
Here follow translations of significant parts of the first article. I will update it throughout the day, and expect Nur-al Cubicle to do so also:
The American intelligence source continues: “Ahmed Chalabi and his best men- Karim, Brooke- work as a team with the Pentagon and the American Enterprise Institute. An example to understand better. In 2004 the three [sic] men who alternate in Baghdad together with Chalabi as “liason officers” are Michael Rubin, president of theAmerican Enterprise Institute; [and] Harold Rhode, Douglas Feith’s assistant at the Office of Special Plans and Paul Wolfowitz’s “advisor for Islamic Affairs.” Just as in Italy before the war. The meetings in Rome brought together representatives of the whole team: Michael Ledeen, of the American Enterprise Institute; Larry Franklin and Harold Rhode of the Office of Special Plans; the colonels of the Iraqi National Congress; and the Iraqi Shiites of the Supreme Council of the Iraqi Islamic Revolution, and of course “the Guardians of the Revolution.” That was the situation in Rome. Interesting, isn’t it?” [Yes] interesting…
The following translation concludes the first installment of today’s la Repubblica scoop by Carlo Bonini and Giuseppe d’Avanzo. A full translation is presently going on line thanks to Nur-al Cubicle.
UPDATE: In order to offer readers significant passages not yet on line in English, I will continue where Nur-al Cubicle has left off.
UPDATE: The rest of the article is now available below in full.
If a defector, “worked over” by the INC in London, declares that Saddam Hussein “is trying to develop a new chemical weapon,” the military leader of the Sadr Brigade, Abdalaziz al-Hakim, while visiting Washington, consigns to American functionaries “a document from the Iranian intelligence demonstrating how the dictator has authorized his regional commanders to use chemical and biological weapons against any Shiite uprising in the case of an American attack.”
We’ve learned to recognize the mechanisms of disinformation. But now protagonists appear to walk the Italian stage just before the war of whom we were not aware. We now see them, one next to another. They participate in the Rome meeting. Programmed by Michael A. Ledeen for the Pentagon’s Office of Special Plans. Politically sponsored (according to Pollari) by the Minister of Defense, Antonio Martino. Technical organization by the Sismi.
What a bunch of nonsense about this meeting. It was organized, we’ve been told over the years, “to save human lives in Afghanistan.” Then, “to program together with Iranian exiles popular support from the Iranian masses,” with the nebulous idea of an uprising capable of sweeping away the Ayatollahs’ regime. It’s been said that it was useful to “pin-point Iranian interests in Afghanistan.” And at last, according to a Sismi “note,” to “obtain information on the alleged ties with Al Qaeda and the role played by certain Mideast governments in their relation to international terrorism.”
In each one of these interchangeable scenarios Manucher Ghorbanifar has a leading role. Iranian by birth, resident- as far as is known- between Paris and Genève, Ghorbanifar doesn’t have a great reputation. For some, he’s an arms dealer. For others, a forgerer. For the civil branch of our intelligence, he’s a secret agent for Teheran. For American intelligence, he’s a Mossad agent. For others, he’s an accomplished bullshit artist. Still for others, he’s all this rolled into one. But to the contrary, the Iranian appears to be a minor figure. He’s the decoy that the meeting’s organizers throw out to stir nosey busybodies away from the scene of the crime, and above all, away from the motives.
The American source tells la Repubblica: “Manucher Ghorbanifar only offered a London source who apparently was able to show us in Baghdad where Saddam stocked enriched Uranium just before the war.Ledeen embelished the story by referring that Ghorbanifar’s contact also knew that Iran was trying to buy the Uranium and that the radiation emitted by the material had contaminated Iraqi technicians whose identities he knew. After a series of blows between the CIA and the Pentagon, Ghorbanifar’s London source was taken to Baghdad at the Agency’s expense to localize the place where the Uranium was stashed. After dragging Langley’s men around for a few days, the guy asked for fifty thousand dollars to refresh the memories of some people in Baghdad who could help him in the hunt. Obviously, the jerk was ridden of with a kick in the ass…”
So forget Manucher Ghorbanifar.
The meeting in Rome at the [Hotel] Parco di Principi or in the house in Piazza di Spagna- most likely in both- has to coordinate three intelligence services. Nicolò Pollari’s Sismi. Ahmed Chalabi’s Iraqi National Congress. “The Supreme Council for the Revolution,” the Sadr Brigade of Mohammed and Abdalaziz al-Hakim. The coordination of the work and the “material” produced by the three “networks” can offer essential information for the planning of the Anglo-American military campaign, and above all a concrete evaluation of state of Saddam’s defences; his generals’ will to fight; the real state of Saddam’s arsenal of arms, beyond [allied] influence operations. Each one of the intelligence networks has something to offer that would be useful to the Pentagon.
The Sismi can boast of its good contacts with the officials who were trained in Italy in the Eighties. With the passage of time, they have become informants and “sources.” The Iraqi National Congress can count on regime defectors. The Sciri constantly monitors the territory since, as Muhammad Baqir al Hakim explained to la Repubblica before being killed on March 18th, 2003, “The Sadr Brigade, with its autonomous militias, is in Baghdad, Iraqi Kurdistan and Southern Iran.” Above all in the area that encompasses Kerbala and Najaf to Bassora and the peninsola of al Faw up to the Kuwait border, everything that happens is reported by the invisible Sciite network that covers the no-fly zone below the 33rd parallel, a strategic territory for any land invasion.
The operative plans of the Pentagon foresee that the terrestrial campaign will rely on intelligence gathered behind the front. The information will be gathered by the Joint Anglo-American Command in real time, analyzed, elaborated and transformed into instructions for the fighting units. The concept is elementary. Signal strategic objectives from within enemy territory, the nature of defences and the capacity for offensive measures of the enemy military forces whose exact location is not known, as well as the [state] of militia dispersed among the civil population. There is also a second work project, more important than this. Behind the lines, infiltrated agents must prepare the terrain for a “secret pact” (safqa, in Arab) “for the capitulation of nation.” The pact includes “safe conduct for commanders of the Republican Guard, the Baath militia and the president’s fedayn.” In a second phase the Americans intend “to offer rich compensations, the possibility to reside in the United States, together with their families, and above all, to offer a significant operational role together with factions of the Iraqi opposition, especially the Iraqi National Congress.
Together with the Sciri and Chalabi’s men, Italy will have its role in the spoils’ auction of Baghdad and Bassora- places all too familiar to Italian military counter-espionage. Besides, the campaign in Mesopotamia, in its first phase (up to Bush’s “Mission Complete”) was nothing more than “simple corruption of a rotten system whose functionaries sold themselves in mass to the CIA.” The Sismi agents get to work. It’s time to go back to the terrace of Hotel Eden and listen to the Sismi agent.
(part 1, to continue)
This is very significant information coming out, and I only hope the momentum of disclosure has taken on a life of it’s own in a way that will keep the disclosures coming.
I find it interesting that Ghorbanifar is described as peripheral, a decoy in the whole scheme. I’m not sure if I buy that yet, but it does make sense in a certain way, even if it is coming from a SISMI source.
I can tell you that we are on the verge of knowing much more than they ever thought we would know. Keep the reports coming, please…this is so very interesting. This has to be inplace before 9/11 to even get the workings off the ground. In my opinion they were working on this way long before……..it is something that didnt happen over night.
I am almost certain that spooks in the CIA are all about shutting this administration DOWN before Bush starts WWIII and he and his looneytune Christian Coalition stand outside with arms raised to the heavens waiting for the fucking rapture while nukes detonate around them. Crazy fuckers!
come out, but people are gunning big for this administration now. BushCo is only evil, overall though they dumb as a post because they are so certain that they are entitled. I can’t help but wonder that Scooter told such big fucking bullshit lies because he firmly believed that reporters would be shielded from testifying. They are so stupid they didn’t realize that breaching national security trumps just about everything. I think somebody much much smarter, in fact several somebodys much much smarter are gunning for BushCo and I’m putting my money on them. This is the beginning of Bush’s nightmare!
Great work rom wyo! Thanks for posting this.
The conspiracy to fix the intelligence widens and becomes truth more and more each day.
Kudos to la Repubblica once again. They’ve taken on what most of the American media refuses to touch.
Thanks rumi for excellent link
Right Wing Watch – by Jason Leopold
Oct. 31, 2005 — Lawyers involved in the two year old probe said that two former Cheney aides had a hand in obtaining information about Wilson and shared it with Libby after the chief of staff had personally requested such information.
Those aides, David Wurmser and John Hannah, are now cooperating with Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald’s probe into the outing of Plame’s identity and CIA status to reporters. Wurmser and Hannah have agreed to cooperate with Fitzgerald after being told that they faced indictment for their role in outing Plame. The officials had told Fitzgerald that they were acting on orders from Bolton to obtain such information. Hannah a key aide to Vice President Dick Cheney and one of the architects of the Iraq war, and Wurmser was Cheney’s Middle East advisor and an assistant to Bolton.
Wurmser’s cooperation with Fitzgerald would certainly come as no surprise to those who have been following his career. Last year, he was questioned by the Federal Bureau of Investigation for his possible role in leaking U.S. security secrets to Israel.
According to a 2004 story in the Washington Post, the FBI interviewed officials in Cheney’s office and the Pentagon, including Hannah and Wurmser, former Defense Policy Board member Richard Perle, Undersecretary of Defense Douglas Feith and Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, to determine if they were involved in leaking U.S. security secrets to Israel, the former head of the Iraqi National Congress Ahmed Chalabi and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).
The revelation that Hannah and Wurmser have become prosecution witnesses, as well as being identified as the original sources of the leak, indicates Fitzgerald now may be looking into the motive for outing Plame and how Administration officials sought to derail a vocal critic of Iraq intelligence.
Rhode – Wurmser – Larry Franklin – AIPAC – Abramoff
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Just heard that John Hannah has been promoted within Cheney’s office to share with the nutcase David Addington the duties formerly performed by the Scooter.
This begs the question; If Hannah cooperated meaningfully with the prosecutor, would he now be receiving a “promotion” from his lord and master Cheney?
Too soon to tell, but a vexing question nonetheless.
If he is still sworn to secrecy as part of any arrangement in a deal then he would probably lose any deal if he speaks out. Any knowledge of sealed indictments are kept to a very few people but they’re rumored to have been filed earlier.
Legal experts could weigh in here with more knowledge. I would also guess that many of the plea deals or cooperation hinge on final results if the evidence is presented to another grand jury.
The ones that cooperate could escape being charged at all and would be mentioned as ‘unindicted co-conspirators’. Judging by Fitzgerald’s careful wording, if someone is not charged with a crime they will not be discussed in order to protect their privacy and rights. This could lead to guilty individuals staying in the administration with no public knowledge of their involvement. It will all come out eventually anyway.
This would reasonably apply if some low level participants were used or duped into their activity as part of a larger conspiracy in an effort to secure testimony against upper level conspirators.
…just a guess.
It’s pretty obvious also with Cheney appointing these two people who are heavily involved in this whole sleazy mess that he’s continuing his utter arrogance and disregard for any semblance of trying to show the public that he is in any way in the wrong.
The only explanation for their actions that seems to be representative is that they don’t think they’ve done anything wrong.
We can help correct that misconception.
Here’s another good one for background on Chalabi’s involvement. I still can’t believe our govt paid him so much money for nothing, and worse.
His office was raided in May of 04 about the same time his payments stopped. There were plenty of other serious stupidities occurring at that time but I think it falls in line time-wise with other investigations. It sounds here as though the WH ordered the raid and the Pentagon had no idea it was going to happen. As far as that goes, Bush was going to just hand the keys to Iraq over to Chalabi and let him have it. This sounds like Cheney and crew were aware of paperwork in Chalabi’s possession that was incriminating and ready to be asked for.
Halfway down this page THE MANIPULATOR: Ahmad Chalabi
I remember this one when it first came out. It explains a lot of the history.
I read that this morning also and got a good laugh out of this..his timing obviously was very calculated and some reporter here surely will ask about it..won’t they? Definitely= rats meet ship.
Amazing how frequently the covert hand of Iran comes up in all of this. There is another mystery the FBI seemingly hasn’t pursued, and that’s the story of Chalabi betraying to Iran the fact that we had broken their code. At the time that story came out, it seemed to me that a plausible narrative for why we went to war in Iraq was that Iran tricked us into doing its dirty work. Surely, of all the nations of the world, Iran is the one that benefits most from our invasion, if not our occupation.
Iran has been outsmarting the US government since Reagan was president, and with Iraq it’s clear they’ve improved their skills at duping self-absorbed ideologues.
If any country would benefit most from tricking the US into military action in that area it would be Israel’s benefit.
Unfortunately, Nur-al Cubicle has temporarily stopped her translation, probably for the next two hours.
Luckily my second excerpt that concludes the article which she hasn’t gotten to yet is available here. I had expected her to have it all done by now, as she is a better, and far more prolific, translator.
Expect more updates.
Sorry, Nur, I’m going to have to eat what I said. There are serious errors in her translation which I will amend.
OK. This is a disclaimer. There’s a problem between proprietary rights and peoples’ right to know. In general I don’t think it’s a good idea to do a full translation, but perhaps this is an exceptional case. Even Flores d’Arcais, the Repubblica correspondant in NYC had a kind word for bloggers the other day. Bloggers simply outstrip the establishment when it comes to translating, commenting and researching the news. I recall the Calipari tragedy as well as the Niger scoop just the other day.
But what is presently a quandry for me are several errors that escaped Nur’s attention in her translation. I’m not talking about idiomatic expressions, but minor substantial errors, that make some passages difficult to understand.
So with this said, here follows a revised version of Nur’s translation up to, and including, a small portion of my translation. I am therefore twice guilty for having posted a full translation of the original text without authorization and the correction of a portion of another unauthorized translation:
A strategic summit in Rome with the Pentagon.
ROME: He’s another politico-military intelligence chief. He’s a SISMI man. He slowly saunters down the narrow hallway of the bar at the Hotel Eden in via Ludovisi. He stops to admire the sky and the attractive skyline of Rome in the April sun (it is 22 April 2003) through the hotel’s large windows. He looks elegant as far as the drabness of “a functionary of President’s Council” allows. [Berlusconi presides over the “President’s Council”–Nur]. He selects a table at the center of the terrace. The waiter walks over and solicitously takes his order. The gentleman orders a freshly-squeezed orange juice and a double espresso. The Anglo-American invasion of Iraq began on the night of 19-20 March, thirty-three days earlier.
Today, as Silvio Berlusconi reveals that he never supported the military intervention in Iraq, it is fitting to tell the story of how our country, Italy, although supposedly opposed to war as our Premier now claims, was an active protagonist in war preparations and operations.
We will reveal the different arrangements and plans of action, as well as who planned them and with whom they were planned.
“For us Italians,” recounts the high-ranking SISMI official to La Repubblica, “the war on Iraq was already underway before Christmas, 2002.” He smiles. He is animated with a glint of excitement in his eyes and for once seems to have no qualms about letting his personal satisfaction slip from behind a frozen mask.
Our man is too disciplined to crow about his successes and too stubborn to be discouraged by defeat. He tells us: “It was a novelty, a revolution for our intelligence services. Never before in its history has SISMI been so prominently involved in military ground operations and a major role in a war campaign, to boot. The Italian Government? Of course our work was authorized by the Italian Government–are you kidding? It was real war, not an exercise! The twenty men we sent to Iraq were risking their lives.” He pauses. The espresso arrives. He sips it slowly, his eyes half-closed with satisfaction.
He continues. “Twenty men from three SISMI departments were involved: Military Intelligence, Operations, and Counterterrorism. They were divided into small groups which were to operate in the areas of Kirkuk, Baghdad and Basrah using outlandish covers. Each unit was unaware of the identities and the mission of the others. Each unit was ordered to operate within a sector of territory and to work with intelligence “assets” who had already been selected and trained. The objectives were twofold: To identify Iraqi defenses and to evaluate the readiness to fight of the Iraqi armed forces’ upper echelons. If the war we fought there wasn’t as cruel as expected, it’s thanks to the job we did there, which of course we didn’t do alone. If we won the war before firing a shot, it was due to our successes at infiltration and intelligence-gathering.”
The story of Italian military intervention in Iraq begins when the resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, Michael Ledeen, sponsored by Defense Minister Antonio Martin, debarks in Rome with Pentagon men in tow to meet a handful of “Iranian exiles.” The meeting is organized by SISMI. In an agency “safe house” near Piazza di Spagna (however other sources told us it was a reserved room in the Parco dei Principi Hotel).
About twenty-five men are gathered around a large table, covered by a maps of Iraq, Iran and Syria. Those who really count are Lawrence Franklin and Harold Rhode of the Office of Special Plans, Michael Ledeen of the AIE, a SISMI station chief accompanied by his assistant (the first is a balding man between 46 and 48 years of age; the second is younger, around 38, with braces on his teeth), and some mysterious Iranians.
Pollari confirms the meeting to La Repubblica: “When [Defense Minister Martino] asked me to organize the meeting, I became curious. But it was my job and I wasn’t born yesterday. It’s true–my men were also present at the meeting. I wanted to know what was boiling in the pot. It’ also true that there were maps of Iraq and Iran on the table. I can tell you those Iranians were not exactly “exiles”. They went back and forth from Teheran with their own passports with no difficulty whasoever as if they were invisible to the pasdaran…”
So the Iranians were not exiles. They were not opponents of the regime of the ayatollahs. These men are members of the regime, sent by Tehran. If people in Washington are wondering what the devil they were doing there on the eve of the invasion, in Rome, elbow-to-elbow with people from the Pentagon, we can tell you something. In order to make some sense out of the confusion, it’s best to listen to an American intelligence source, who has requested anonymity. He tells us: “You Italians have always underestimated the amount of intoxication carried out by Ahmed Chalabi, the head of Iraqi National Congress. You tend to omit this chapter from your side of the story because you think Ahmed concerns only the Americans. But that’s not the way it is: he was also your business, far beyond anything you currently imagine or know.”
So what do we know about Ahmed Chelabi? […] [see diary above]
[…]We discover that the trump card played in the conflict in terms of the involvement of Iran in post-9/11 planning is Shi’ite. Tehran decides to get involved “to reasonably preserve Iranian strategic interests in the region”. The pragmatic Americans must realize the extent of the Iranian influence on the Shi’a community in Iraq (65% of the population). The ayatollahs have a vested national interest in regime change in Baghdad. An Iraq liberated from Sunni power means major political influence by Tehran and good prospects for the handover of government to the Shi’a of the Supreme Revolutionary Council led by Ayatollah Muhammad Baqir al-Hakim, who is both supported and protected by Iran, together with the military wing, the Sadr Brigades (7 to 15 thousand militiamen). It is no surprise that Chalabi’s team (no matter if his colonels are Iranian agents or not), are welcomed in Tehran as dignitaries and are feted with ceremony usually reserved for a foreign diplomatic delegations.
The rest of my translation takes it from here.
While this article was being updated and generally completed, the obscene toad that runs the Italian government is holding a press conference at the Italian Embassy in Washington. He has declared that Bush fears a Left-coalition win next year.
He then corrected his declaration, “No, it’s not true, or better it’s not exactly that, just add one and one…”
In one of his typical breaches of diplomatic etiquette, he attacked the Italian Left, “I’m ready for a televised debate with Romano Prodi but not with the so-called teeny-weeny leaders of the left: yes, they’re professional liars, mean and contemptible. A confrontation with them would degenerate into a brawl.”
This is the sort of courtesy Berlusconi has accustomed us to over the past twenty years. It’s too bad the poor thing is so obsessed with losing that he has to talk about it abroad. Imagine Bush going to Indonesia to lambast Kerry.
Thanks to La Repubblica, I was able to see a few video clips of Benigni on RockPolitik. I really liked the sketch, “Silvio, fa il comico!” with Benigni’s take on Berlusa’s insults to Prodi, Fassino, and Bernotti – an inspired rendering of personal attacks on political opponents.