Gay GOPer turns Democrat
As press secretary to former Congressman Tom Campbell (R-Stanford) 1988-1992 and as a founding member of Log Cabin Silicon Valley (1988) I have always thought that if Republicans truly value the moral high ground then one of their first priorities must be the extension of fundamental civil rights (i.e., marriage, gender equity) to all.
Since 1982, my partner (former president of the California Medical Board, appointed by Pete Wilson) and I have lived as an openly gay couple. We have watched with dismay as gay-friendly Republicans have cut deals with the far right to save their own necks at state and national conventions or to curry favor with them for their own “special interests” – usually business or religious zealots.
Example: Pete Wilson’s vetoing Assembly Bill 101 in 1991 (a gay-rights bill he openly campaigned for in the 1990 race) to stave off the wrath of Lou Sheldon and the Traditional Values Coalition.
Since serving as a field rep for former Governor Bob Ray (R-Iowa) in 1978 until September of this year, when Governor Schwarzenegger vetoed the gay marriage bill here, I have been a staunch Republican.
(Is there any other kind?)Now, I am an unofficial Democrat. I will be an official Democrat
after this year’s election when I can safely re-register without
jeopardizing my ballot.Louis Bonsignore
San Francisco
I am stunned it took him this long to learn the truth I have known for years but at least he is learning. Now we can only hope the rest of them learn.
Good news. I really think people are waking up. At long last.
Good on him.
And how have you been, anyway? I saw a protest that Soulforce participated in not long ago and I instantly thought of you! :<)
I’m doing fairly well given my grave disappointment in the UMC’s Judicial Council. They do great work. Nov. 7-12th will be a week of prayer and activities with regard to the Catholic Church – co-sponsored with DignityUSA and the MCC. Details on the Soulforce site (click sig)
I haven’t even had the heart to read past the headline. I can only take so much bad news before I lose all hope.
What is this “you can be a lesbian as long as you don’t act like it in the privacy of your own home–or walking down the street” stuff?
Will click on the sig to learn more.
Hypocrisy, Fear, Failure to love the neighbor, failure to understand.
that’s what it is.
Such confidence we have through Messiah toward God; 3:5 not that we are sufficient of ourselves, to account anything as from ourselves; but our sufficiency is from God; 3:6 who also made us sufficient as servants of a new covenant; not of the letter, but of the Spirit. For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.
My church has focused on the letter, and lost touch of the spirit. It is my job to help undo the damage.
Oh – Aunt Peachy – you might enjoy this. Sermon I gave at my local church last January
Ok. No, I’m not. It makes sense. But it is a small step towards turning the tide… Definately a step towards rebuliding a group that used to be part of the Dem’s real base. A group thats some “no issue Dems” would rather ignore.
Definately good news, even if you are an independent like me.
Why did it take so long?!
it took so long cause he hates himself and didn’t care about gay rights cause he was in Ca. Now he has arnie and the repug ass holes trying to take away their rights there. I am sorry any GLBT person who supports the rrepugnat party is so full of self hatred they are pathetic, They are the ones who still have roommates at 40 instead of having a lover or a partner. They are the ones who refuse to come out to family and think no one can tell even though they swish more than any drag queen I know. Or worse yet, are still married to their highschool sweetheart while cruising the bars every weekend.