(Cross-posted on Daily Kos)

Well, the quick message of thanks to Senator Reid I meant to post on his website http://giveemhellharry.com/... turned out a bit longer and more in-depth than I had anticipated, and I thought I’d share it with all who feel likewise:
Thank you Senator Reid,

As I watched you today during your press conference, my despair and feelings of hopelessness gave way to a ray of  light. Your courage and actions made my day, and I am so grateful.

Perhaps you don’t know how many of us there are just feeling utterly powerless while watching the current administration’s horror shows unfold daily: the unjust war, with hundreds of thousands either dead, maimed, or otherwise suffering; the daily menu of newly passed bulldozer legislation against the people, plants, animals, and oceans of America, bullied through by deceit, greed, elitism and arrogance by the false majority created through false elections.

All my life I’ve been an optimist, believing in the best of humanity, and each person.

My whole world view changed after the 2000 election, when something kept nagging my conscience: “there’s something seriously wrong here.”

I began following and learning about politics, and, unfortunately it was a bad time to start learning about politics. It’s been a pure descent into hell from there. My idealism shattered, my dreams now ever so fragile: at first a general disbelief, then an angry active fighting period, and nowadays, a depression along with a deep sense of powerlessness.

Please know that these feelings do not come from my newly acquired knowledge of our Constitution, but from the realization how far “THEY” have managed to destroy its inspirational ideas and concepts.

For months now I, like so many others, have watched our Democratic leaders under constant attack, their voices diminished and/or silenced not through honest discussion or genuine debate, but through lies, bullying, threats, and just plain out defiance of standard congressional rules and procedures. A coup either already has, or is still taking place. You would know more than I do on this. I hope it’s the latter.

So many of us have been longing for the day when one or more of our Senators would finally rise and say “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH”, regardless of the risks and consequences involved.

Today I saw you, and your fellow Senators Rockefeller and Durbin, and my hopes (at least for today) were met 100%.

Today you brought me and thousands others like me a hint of hope.

It was the RIGHT thing to do. What, at this point, do we all have to lose?

If not now, when? If not us, who? (who’s the author of this quote, anyone know?)

We, your constituents, write letters, support our local candidates, donate to the Democratic Party, and show up at the phone banks, or walk the districts – but WE CANNOT DO WHAT YOU CAN. Please let this be one of many days to come.

Thank you again. For today I am full of hope.

Gabriele Droz