Reacting to today’s push by Harry Reid and Dick Durbin to force a closed session of the senate on pre-Iraq war intelligence, the right-wing blogosphere predictably had a meltdown when they realized their dear leaders had been outmaneuvered.

I scanned their sites so you don’t have to:

Captain’s Quarters:

Headline: Democrats Deny Open Government To American Electorate

threw a tanrum over Joe Wilson, emptiness of Democrats, both in head and heart, cheap political stunts, (on Libby’s indictments) the only indictment he could muster was one in which a very stupid and probably criminal act by a single person could be verified, stupid beyond belief, tired of their crybaby, whining tactics, a big, heaping helping of pompous impotence, Reid has abused it for his petulant tantrums.


Headline: Bless the Dems

Presumably, Reid needed a closed door session to prevent the public from witnessing the spectacle of Democrats making fools out of themselves trying to explain the connection between that indictment and pre-war intelligence on Iraq…That the Dems see throwing a temper tantrum as a way to regain momentum, rather than as reminder to the public that they are unfit to govern, speaks volumes.

Michelle Malkin:

Democratic temper tantrum…Ok, so the Senate is open again after 2 hours locked down. Is it just me or does Sen. Frist seem shaken? I hope it’s just me.


The only spotlight here is the one the democrats are desperately trying to get back into; Grasping at straws; The disappointment the democrats over the impact of indictment charges for “trying to lie about a crime that wasn’t even committed” have set them in a tail spin.

Blogs for Bush:

Democrats are losing it… part of the Democrats plan to retake the Senate by scandalizing Bush and the Republicans so that they can avoid offering any constructive ideas of their own.

(and, get a load of this!)

We haven’t found WMDs in Iraq?

What about the 1.77 metric tons of enriched uranium, the 1,500 gallons of chemical weapons agents, 17 chemical warheads containing cyclosarin (a nerve agent five times more deadly than sarin gas), over 1,000 radioactive materials in powdered form (meant for dispersal over populated areas), and roadside bombs loaded with mustard and “conventional” sarin gas… just to name a few things… Don’t believe me? Get Richard Miniter’s new book…

The Strata-Sphere:
Maybe he [Dick Durbin] wants to recycle his Nazi nonsense – but doesn’t want the press in on it.

We all know that if the Republicans would have pulled this off, their right-wing shills would have been hailing their leaders as: “brilliant!”, “powerful!”, “stunning!”, “cajone-driven!”

Okay – maybe not that last one, but you get the picture.

All I can say is, “Alito who?”


BT’s live coverage of this historic event:
Part 1
Part 2

Update [2005-11-1 21:7:49 by catnip]:: Don’t forget to watch Joe Wilson on Larry King Live tonite!