Bush has just arrived to Argentina to take part of the Americas Summit. I am sure you will be hearing of this all over the news, so I decided to write about what you wont probably hear: the Security for the Summit, and the Peoples Summit.
The Summit’s Security
Under the title “Summit of The Americas: Planes Under The Controls Of The US”. El Clarin newspaper points out that 4 Awacs and battle ships will cooperate with Argentine Air Force in the security of the Summit.
A couple of weeks ago, Argentina purchase Sidewinder missiles for this occasion, same ones that Great Britain used against Argentina in the Malvinas-Faulkland war in 1982 Given that in that war, Argentina lost 69 planes, in 1995 Argentina began purchasing A-4AR Fightinghawks planes to begin re-arming their Air Force (today, only 10 out of 39 are in flying conditions)
They will be employing 8 A-4AR Fightinghawks, 8 French Mirage, and 8 Argentine made Pucaras (designed for anti-insurgency combat since, if I recall correctly, are able to move from side to side while flying straight).
The US also brought some Blakhawks and CH3 helicopters to protect Bush while he moves around Mar del Plata.
An exclusion area of 220 miles in diameter has been created, which will be guarded by the Argentine Air Force. The Mirages can travel from that area in about 10 minutes.
As for the city of Mar del Plata, 250 blocks have been blocked of in order to insure the safety of Americas’ 34 Presidents (all except Fidel Castro). According to Pagina 12, on November there are 3 protective areas: the first one consists of a fence (so heavy that it takes three people to open the gates). Behind the gates, is the Province of Buenos Aires police, an anti-mutiny brigade, and the mounted police.
The second line of the fence is 3 blocks away. Even further away is the third protective ring, which cannot be seen from the first one. Needles to say, this operation has turned upside down the whole city. Bumper to bumper traffic is ever present, for there are only three gates for vehicles, long lines to cross the fence for those who live with it, not being able to get the needed credentials, delivery trucks that could not get the passes, can’t do their deliveries. So, it is understandable that the people of Mar del Plata are not too thrilled. Many have left the city until the Summit is over.
Another reason many people have left is that there are many rumors flying around. For example, ti has been said that there are 40,000 body bags in the city. Further more, it has been said that the US has brought 4,000 coffins. There has also been the rumor that Bush is also bringing his own food, because he is afraid of being poisoned.
They also mentioned that the US has rented 2 frigorific warehouses. The rumors where such, that the government issued a statement to try to calm down the population.
The Peoples Summit
Lets start with a brief history:
The Peoples Summit (also referred to as the Counter-Summit) first took place in 1998, when the continent was fighting the neo-liberal policies, of militarization, and foreign debt, pushed by the US to dominate the Continent.
At the first counter-summit they demanded that there were more public information that the governments kept secret regarding free trade, and that the presidents should not sign no treaty without popular consultation.
In 2001, the third Summit of the Americas, and the second Summit of the people there were two visible discussions: on the one hand the presidents would compromise that the FTAA should begin to function in January of 2005, while the Peoples Summit was rejecting it and conduct popular mobilizations to resist the FTAA: today we can see that the FTAA has not been implemented, which is a product of popular resistance.
In the present counter-summit, there will be over 600 organizations, conducting over 150 workshops and conferences concentrating on these subjects:
-No to the FTAA and free trade -yes to the integration of the people
-We are not debtors-We are creditors of the social, ecological and historical debt.
-No to militarization-Yes to popular sovereignty
Organizers criticized security operations for the Presidential Summit, and related that in and just as in previous there were intimidation campaigns so that people would leave the city, borrowing US’ paranoid discourses
Subjects will concentrate on education, justice, unions and syndicates, energy health, land and food sovereignty.
The Peoples Summit is not about protesting. Rather, it is about creating alternatives, about getting to know in depth the domination policies of the US for the region.
Nobel Peace Price, Adolfo Perez Esquivel, said: “we are going to repudiate Bush for the serious human rights violations, and for the invasion to Iraq. We are going to demand from the Latin-American presidents have some coherence so that kids wont from poverty.”
He also praise the presence of soccer player Diego Maradona, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez who will leaving the security zone to be present in the Peoples Summit (now that is a president with guts) and Bolivian presidential candidate, and coca leader Evo Morales. Although Fidel Castro won’t be present, there is a big Cuban presence.
Bush’s intention is to sign the FTAA agreement. My opinion is that this is crucial because if he does, he will earn some political capital, which we all know is so desperately needs when his image bottoming down. During his trip to Argentina, Condoleezza Rice and her argentine counterpart, Rafael Bielsa had a phone conversation that lasted about half hour. Those conversations have been described as tense.
Apparently, Bielsa explained her The Mercosur’s position and what is blocking the advance of the treaty. Apparently Rice was not to understanding, and said that the US wants that some concrete advance in these negotiations. According to some versions, Bielsa had accepted some points. According to others, he said that it was a matter for the Mercosur, and that it was out of his hands.
Apparently, there might be two different documents, which would be a first: One would express the majority version, and the other the Mercosur’s positions. This would be very unusual, because it would indicate the strong division of the continent. And Bush, with all the problems that he has at home, has to present himself as a leader of the group.
What the Latin-American opposition is looking for is an end to American subsidies of agricultural products, so they can have a chance of introducing their products into the US. If he does, he will face strong opposition of those red states, which are the agricultural zones.
After maintaining his arrival in secret, due to security reasons Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez arrived to Mar del Plata . His first comments were against the FTAA,
He will be staying in a hotel OUTSIDE the exclusion zone. For him, the FTAA is dead and “we are going to bury it here,” and pointed out that the American empire is weakened and that proof of that is that the Presidents will sign a document that will not mention the FTAA. He also said: “only the peoples union will save this land.”
Riots begin to take place. These groups are the hardliners. They set fire toBanco de Galicia. The numbers given By MSNBC are about 1,00. Argentine radio Splendid only says that they are about 200.
The rioters have been moving out, and on their retreat they are still burning and breaking stores.
Also they just mentioned that they are vandalizing a store of Direct TV. Also the rioters are concentrating on American related stores.
In Buenos Aires they destroyed a branch of the Bank of Boston
I,ll try to find a radio from Mar del Plata to go live.
On the radio: A total of 3,000,000, people protesting.
In Mar del Plata there is about 40,000 and 50,000 people heading towards the area were the fences are.
Integrating that colum there are people from Asia, Middle East, and Africa.
-Those are by the fence sealing the Summit’s area say that it seems like the fence between Israel and Palestine
-There are fears of subways attacks
-They are saying Bush’s birthday.
-People are trying to remove the fences, and that police is provoking the protestors.
-There was a protest in front of MacDonald and they have been throwing garbage because we are being fed garbage ourselves. They are protesting the 14 hour work day in exchange for a missery wage.
I am getting a break because they are playing some Argentine rock (los Abuelos de la Nada. They kick ass 🙂 ]
Which comments re. Blitzer falsehood did you want to clean up?
I’m so glad you’re okay … PLEASE keep blogging here or at the main story on the home page.
I hope no one dies for that bastard Bush.
I have been doing it at your diary. It is all over the place because I wasrespondidng as they were talking, and also as I was ansewring questions.
Oh g-d stay safe!!!! CNN is now showing the violence.
Please let us know you’re safe!!!!
I just read the front page thread and I am scared to turn on the news. We are all thinking about you!
For this diary… I hope you keep your head down low, as it appears to be getting violent there!
Please stay inside and stay safe.
President Kirchner slammed the IMF because it gave 9 billion in loans t those that would not pay, while now it is denying to refinance those debts if we don’t accept certain conditions that are the same ones that drove us to default. He also said that Garcia Marquez should dedicate the IMF a few paragraphs of magic realism
He also said that “governability” was at risk if we can’t create jobs.
Further, he said that “it is the regional experience and not the bureaucracies of international organisms that defines each country’s policies. He also said that Argentina as a country does have a responsibility but that so do the international organizations.
The problem of emerging economies should not be taken as a matter of beneficence. Finally he said that they should consider the US should consider that the policies applied not only created poverty and misery, but that they also added regional institutional instability, which caused that democratically elected governments to be overthrown. Ouch
Maradona said:The guy arrieved and waved with his hand. Bush is the guy that waives to nothing.
Apparently the Summit is a political defeat for Bush. First of all, Mexican President Fox has come to the rescue of Bush, and has been criticizing the Mercosur (and Maradona for being so outspoken against the FTAA)
Secondly, it seems that there wont be a final document due to the Mercosur’s decision to defend its interests.
It seems likely that the FTAA will be signed, but that it will only be in effect in Central and North America. So, why can it be called Free Trade Agreement “of the Americas”?
CNN & Wolf Blitzer are approaching Fox News in their stage-managed/ sanitized version of the truth.
Yesterday, Blitzer was heard repeatedly deriding and painting ALL the Argentine protesters as “thugs.” Sure, there were people committing acts of violence and vandalism, but there were far more (thousands,more) protesting in a principled and peaceful manner.
Wolf “brought in” Cafferty(?) to get his impressions on the protests and he said (I’m paraphrasing):
“Truth be told, Wolf, they were far more people protesting peacefully, and for what they hold as just cause…I’LL PROBABLY BE IN TROUBLE NOW WITH SOME PRODUCER WHO WILL COME TALK TO ME AFTER THE SHOW, BUT THOSE ARE THE FACTS.”
Wolf quickly jumped in and nervously said: “No, that’s fine, we’re interested in the truth here.”
Did anyone else witness this State-run media episode gone awry?
Cruz, please a diary at European Tribune sometime on this…
Also, a friend of mine from Argentina has this blog, so drop in there sometime too: