Just watching CNN and Ed Henry reports..” Questions being raised that a REPUBLICAN SENATOR leaked the classified info about the (Bush/Cheney) Torture prisons around the world to the Washington Post last week. Belief was that the CIA had leaked the info, now CNN reports that Senator Trent Lott believes a Republican Senator leaked the info. The details were discussed last week at Tuesdays Republican only Senate lunch that was behind closed doors. VP Cheney was in attendence. There was lots of discussion by Sen. John McCain to tighten up the anti torture standards. Lott says after the meeting a lot of what was discussed was in the Washington Post story.
Lott added “We can’t keep our mouths shut- *We’ve met the Enemy and THE ENEMY IS US.*
. Lott says the investigation will focus on a Republican Senator and staffer as well. He believes the leak went from Senator to staffer to Washington Post reporter. First thought was the information was leaked through CIA, then through a Democratic Senator. Now a Republican Senator. We have not heard the last of this story. Senator Bill Frist had NO comment”
GAME SET MATCH…These fuckers can’t even keep track of their own. I am just wondering if they will stand by their word and have an Investigation? I love that Darth Cheney was in the Meeting no doubt pimping his torture chambers to any Republican Senator that would listen..Good way to shut him up about his hidious ProTorture ways that in the end will hurt Republicans all over the country….Leak the info about his and Chimpy’s Hidden Torture Chambers that are poping up all over the world. Boy oh boy…these Fuckers are really Fucked. I wonder what they will do for an Encore?
And in completely unrelatd news, a Grassley staffer was assaulted last Wednesday , coincidentally the same day the Dana Priest article came out.
There was some speculation on what the assault might all mean over at dKos, but for some reason the front-paged diary was deleted, I guess by the diarist.
Clearly the Repub wasn’t expecting their own to have been the leaker. My guess would be McCain. He has everything to gain, especially with him being all over the press with his anti-torture amendment. They are really eating their own and Lott is still pissed about being ousted from the Repub Senate leadership. I wonder if the Repubs will backdown now from investigating with news that it could be one of their own.
Can’t even spin anti-anti-leak bullshit w/out pissing on their own feet. (See Republicans Demand Leak Investigation here on BT for more on THAT…)
Do they miss Rove?
You BETCHA they do!!!
P.S. AND… CNN has switched sides too, apparently.
I never believed this mantra before. But look how their message discipline and…everything…has gone to hell since Unky Karl got distracted.
Bush running the halls like a madman, Rove whimpering in a corner, everyone gunning for Cheney…are we having fun yet?
Actually…whoever devised this whole PlameGate tactic is a fucking genius too.
I’m not sure they knew where it was going when it started…hell, I’m not even sure when it started .
Did it actually START with sending Wilson to Niger? Was that an opening move with this whole thing in mind?
Is there a mole inside the neo-cons who helped set them up? (Colin Powell’s my guess if this indeed happened.)
Was it just dumb luck combined with a good awareness of the media and legal possibilities when the Neos DID fuck up to Novak and all the other little hacks?
We’ll never know, more than likely.
But…this thing is WORKING.
As well or better than Watergate so far.
Of course.,..the Neos are even stupider than the Nixons, truth be told. So it SHOULD be working better.
But it ain’t over ’til it’s over.
And…it’s NEVER “over”.
Not really.
It just keeps going and going and going and going…
Right from the Pharaohs to the White House.
The hustlers and the hustled.
Always a tussle.
‘Round and ’round and ’round.
I guess that’s why they call it “revolution”.
And the wheel of Time?
The Wheel of Karma?
None call it sleep, though. At least not very many.
‘Round and ’round and ’round she goes.
She don’t stop, as very few knows.
Have fun, though…it’s a GREAT ride!!!
WASHINGTON (NYT) – The Pentagon has approved a new policy directive governing interrogations as part of an effort to tighten controls over the questioning of terror suspects and other prisoners by American soldiers.
The eight-page directive, which was signed without any public announcement last Thursday by Acting Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon R. England, will allow the Army to issue a long-delayed field manual for interrogators that is supposed to incorporate the lessons gleaned from the prisoner-abuse scandals last year.
The Army intends, for example, to ensure that interrogation techniques are approved, up to the highest levels in the Pentagon, that interrogators are properly trained and that personnel in the field are required to report any abuses, Army officials said.
It also reaffirms that military dogs may not be used in interrogations and that military police may provide interrogators information about detainees’ behavior, but may not take part in the interrogations themselves.
“Acts of physical or mental torture are prohibited,” said a copy of the directive obtained by the daily, which added that the document only elaborated that detainees must be treated humanely “in accordance with applicable law and policy.”
New information about the CIA’s secret camps makes it all the more imperative for Congress to rein in the Bush administration and to begin to wipe away the mud that Bush has smeared on the nation’s name.
Newsweek – Cheney in the Bunker
By Daniel Klaidman and Michael Isikoff
Bloodied but unbowed, the veep has a new number two. Game on.
Nov. 14, 2005 issue – As usual, Dick Cheney insisted on doing business behind closed doors. Last Tuesday, Senate Republicans were winding up their weekly luncheon in the Capitol when the vice president rose to speak. Staffers were quickly ordered out of the room–what Cheney had to say was for senators only.
Normally taciturn, Cheney was uncharacteristically impassioned, according to two GOP senators who did not want to be on the record about a private meeting. He was very upset over the Senate’s overwhelming passage of an amendment that prohibits inhumane treatment of terrorist detainees.
Cheney said the law would tie the president’s hands and end up costing “thousands of lives.”
He dramatized the point, conjuring up a scenario in which a captured Qaeda operative, another Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, refuses to give his interrogators details about an imminent attack. “We have to be able to do what is necessary,” the vice president said, according to one of the senators who was present.
The lawmakers listened, but they weren’t moved to act. Sen. John McCain, who authored the anti-torture amendment, spoke up.
John McCain: “This is killing us around the world”.
The House, which will likely vote on the measure soon, is also expected to pass it by a large margin.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
to invoke the tagline of Walt Kelly? The biting wit, the geniunely American satire, the cute animals? Lott’s not fit to carry Walt’s pen.
I grew up reading two things: Pogo and Mad Magazine. Both because they were old and valuable and my dad considered them sacred. The Jack Acid Society Black Book should be required reading for everyone.
Perhaps Frist needs to head the investigation now, and “out” a Republican Senator! (He could ask Scooter for some helpful pointers)
Isn’t the real crime here the existence of these secret prisons, not the leaking of the story to the WaPo? I’m pretty slow at this political stuff, so somebody correct me if I am wrong.
No, the real crime was the installation of George W. Bush in contravention of the American electorate’s will.
All subsequent administration crimes, including lying, stealing, and torture, are simply additional violations to be considered in determining sentencing.