Just watching CNN and Ed Henry reports..” Questions being raised that a REPUBLICAN SENATOR leaked the classified info about the (Bush/Cheney) Torture prisons around the world to the Washington Post last week. Belief was that the CIA had leaked the info, now CNN reports that Senator Trent Lott believes a Republican Senator leaked the info. The details were discussed last week at Tuesdays Republican only Senate lunch that was behind closed doors.  VP Cheney was in attendence.  There was lots of discussion by Sen. John McCain to tighten up the anti torture standards. Lott says after the meeting a lot of what was discussed was in the Washington Post story.

Lott added “We can’t keep our mouths shut- *We’ve met the Enemy and THE ENEMY IS US.*
. Lott says the investigation will focus on a Republican Senator and staffer as well. He believes the leak went from Senator to staffer to Washington Post reporter. First thought was the information was leaked through CIA, then through a Democratic Senator. Now a Republican Senator. We have not heard the last of this story. Senator Bill Frist had NO comment”

GAME SET MATCH…These fuckers can’t even keep track of their own. I am just wondering if they will stand by their word and have an Investigation? I love that Darth Cheney was in the Meeting no doubt pimping his torture chambers to any Republican Senator that would listen..Good way to shut him up about his hidious ProTorture ways that in the end will hurt Republicans all over the country….Leak the info about his and Chimpy’s Hidden Torture Chambers that are poping up all over the world. Boy oh boy…these Fuckers are really Fucked. I wonder what they will do for an Encore?