Which politician has the worst hair?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
well i saw hillary the other day and i was aghast at her hair…someone give that woman a comb.
frist has hair like a ken doll
corzine needs a shave bad…unless you admire bears (big hairy gay leathermen)
barak’s haircut makes his ears look really big
i think john edwards has great hair
plus i love his taste in women(his wife has such a nice ass)
That’s it. We need James Traficante to restore honor and integrity to office.
Oh, now that’s not fair. The current winnah is Arlen Specter since he’s dealing with cancer therapy.
Specify that the politican must be healthy or suffer only from health problems unrelated to their hair.
I was wondering what happened to that guy’s hair. He would have been a candidate for worst hair w/ his pre-cancerous coif.
Helmet head Katherine Harris.
I walked into a nice Indian restaurant on 7th St. DC last Fall to get carry-out and as I was walking out saw K. Harris sitting there enjoying her dinner. I was so flabbergasted/repulsed, I didn’t think to slap the hell out of her.
Cheney or Hatch.
Worst comb goes to Wolfowitz
Trent Lott?
Texas has a hairdoo as its governor now.
Only a State as big as Texas could get this extreme. No other State has a Governor nicknamed “Blowdry.”
Does Condi count? (Dood Abide’s blog has some delightful verses regarding Condi’s “Betty Rubble hair”)
On the other end of the spectrum, good hair seems to be the only thing Lieberman has going for him.
And, although not a politician, there’s an attorney (Mickey something) who frequently pops up on the Abrams Report. He has a very unruly cowlick that offers endless loads of entertainment.
and actually Sen Arkin’s looks better since he had chemo, but there are so many bad hair representatives LOL!
So many of the older men seem to dye their’s and many of the women look alike..
Sadly (’cause he’s my Senator), I have to agree. Senator Levin’s hair is bad in photos, even worse up close! I think he and Donald Trump were exposed to the same toxin in middle age, and it killed the “seeing one’s hairdo” portion of their brains. There’s a type of head injury resulting in what’s called “left side neglect”, wherein people truly neglect the left side of their bodies. I think their has to be some analogy in comb-overs.
Please let him stay in the US of A !
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I haven’t seen a ‘Mullet’ hair-do like that in years. Is he the lead guitarist in an 80s ‘hair’ band?
I thought that was John Laroquette for a moment there. And if anyone could play the role of a villainous neocon, it would be him. (Not that we need any more of them, mind you!)
Biden…but then again it goes well with his veneer smile…lol!
The first female governor of Arizona, Rose Mofford:
Yikes, has she heard that Holloween is over?
At least bad hair days are bipartisan…not much else is these days.
Paul Wolfowitz when he put saliva on his hair to hold his comb-over in place … in … movie … going blank … Michael Moore’s.
Yeesh, susan, only the biggest documentary of all time.
Wolfie and the spit-comb get my vote too.
Gavin Newsome gets a lot of flack for his do. The picture doesn’t really do it justice.
has reported that Trent Lott says a Republican Senator leaked the story about the secret prisons…he thinks!
That do just don’t. And it never changes, it must be a bad rug.
in this thread.
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Pasting code is not speech.
You are HILARIOUS! wooo, that cracked me up. 😀