Judy Miller is stoned out of her fucking mind. (That’s a technical term from the late ’60s/early ’70s. I know. I was there. I recognize the symptoms. Intimately.)
Read the excerpts below from the WAPO article about her called The Reporter’s Last Take
In an Era of Anonymous Sources, Judy Miller Is a Cautionary Tale of the Times by Lynne Duke if you doubt this. Ms Duke may have her own agenda…after all, not only is it now pile-on time regarding the whole BushCo/Iraq fiasco, but WAPO is the NY Times’ main rival and Ms. Duke would probably like nothing better than to take Judy down a notch or ten just on general principles. (Seems like everyone ELSE in the journalism world would like to do so…why not her as well?)
Anyway…read on.
If you have never known a high-strung person on uppers or have never yourself indulged in the peculiarly painful pleasures of that class of drugs…trust me. Clean and sober for 25 years, and I STILL remember it as if it was yesterday.
She is stoned out of her MIND.
Believe it.
I’m sorry.
Time release, prescription uppers at the very LEAST.
More likely, she is on the good ol’ upper class pharmcological carousel. Up, then down. Up, then down. Can’t have one without the…other(s). ‘Round and ’round we go, where we stop even the good Doctor doesn’t know. OR care. As long as he’s paid, Dr, Feelgood (brother to Doctor Big Brother) will keep you going at whatever speed you most desire and can afford to dial in.
She is RACING!!!
With a father who was a mobbed-up, show biz frontman…and if you think the description of her father as someone who “once owned and operated a swank nightclub in the 1940s, called Bill Miller’s Riviera, high on a cliff in Fort Lee, N.J., where Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and a young Sammy Davis Jr. played. Later, he was credited with invigorating the lounge acts at several Las Vegas hotels, bringing in Mae West, Louis Prima, Sonny and Cher and — yes, even Elvis for a long run of sold-out shows.” isn’t the very PICTURE of a mob connected frontman, I’ve got SEVERAL bridges to sell you. (He was even connected to that execrable mob arm breaker, taker of dives and eventual heroin overdoser Sonny Liston…you could look it up. Bad, BAD people.)..and a mother who had been a dancer in ANOTHER mobbed-up club owned by Barbara Walters’ dear daddy Lou, the INFAMOUSLY mob infested Latin Quarter in NYC. (And I can PERSONALLY attest to that…I worked there as a musician and saw the whole game, up close and in my face.)
“Miss Run Amok”.
Judith Miller.
Run, Judy, run.
And her lovely (and OH so wealthy) consort Jason Epstein.
Class of ’49, Columbia College.
That makes him…what? About 80 years old?
Nasty piece of business, this woman.
And THIS is what spins our country?
Into wars?
Spins policy that murders babies?
VERY sad.
The Times, the media, the entire United States of Sleeping Fucking America ought the hang its head in shame.
Even I am ashamed, and I NEVER bought into the scam.
Not for a minute.
Not since Vietnam and JFK’s assassination.
And I am STILL ashamed.
I feel shame when I simply walk past a newstand these days.
If I turn on the TV.
SHAME on us.
And she ain’t alone.
I would wager that if you had to test clean in order to hold public office, the ENTIRE ADMINISTRATION would go down.
Butch, Rice and Cheney at LEAST.
And Bolton too.
Just for starters.
And how did Gonzalez get so…lean again?
Where did Giuliani’s death’s head, fixed grin/grimace come from?
Or Bloomberg’s VERY strange mouth set? Like a permanent tooth grind is going on back there whenever he isn’t screwing out the words?
I see
I can SMELL it on them.
They REEK of drugs.
BAD drugs.
Non-organic, hottest thing ever, latest thing out of the lab. keep you up until you fall down drugs.
Funny, ain’t it?
We chase down ballplayers who use drugs, we have a WAR on drugs, we piss-test drivers of buses and trains and ships and planes, but the ship of state? The biggest and most dangerous vehicle of all?
“Oh, no, sir!!! YOU get a PASS, sir!!!”
SHAME on us.
Arthur, congratulations on your sobriety ! 25 years is a big deal.
This is also a very interesting piece.
A question: Is it possible that Judy’s behavior could be explained by her psychological state? Let’s say she has tendencies for hyperactivity, manic episodes, grandiosity, and narcissicm …. wouldn’t all of these attacks she’s receiving greatly exacerbate those psychological conditions?
I once worked for an attorney who told me he’d been twice diagnosed with narcissism. That’s a very serious disorder, and nearly incurable. He acted very much as Judy is portrayed in the WaPo piece. And he didn’t take drugs, best I know. He was seriously mentally ill. (And thank god he’s no longer practicing law.)
I had the same thought. It reads like a manic state to me. There certainly could be drugs involved, but from that description alone, I would not be prepared to assume that. She’s decidedly off-kilter, though. If she does have narcissistic personality disorder, though, there is a high correlation with addiction, and, you’re right that personality disorders don’t respond well to treatment. When I meet narcissists, my inclination is to run far and run fast. I leave the inability to help them in the hands of professionals.
But thank you anyway.
25 days…25 weeks…25 months is a big deal.
After a certain point…it’s easy.
You’re over it.
At least…that’s the way it was for me.
GETTING over it…restructuring your entire life so that you are no longer in the culture that encouraged it…that’s the hard part.
As far as whether Miller is acting this way on the natch or not…certainly the possibility occurred to me. But, as with the other people that I mentioned and in point of fact, as with an ENORMOUS number of people in places of power today, if this sort of manic state (because that is what is being described in the article) were not drug induced, it would ebb and flow. Disastrously ebb and flow. And that is not acceptable in the halls of real power.
You cannot say “Ohhhh…I am SO down!!! I can’t appear at the debate with Small k kerry this evening. SO sorry…”
You can’t not come in for work when you are working on one of those hottest thing ever stories of the week.
You cannot pass on the board meeting to decide whether or not you are going to try to launch a hostile takeover of Sprint or the Republican Party or Iraq.
You’ve got to BE there.
All of these people…these trend setters, these record breakers…are medicated up the yin ying by Doctor Big Brother. Believe it. Especially the ones who tend to act…odd. The ones with sagging mouth corners that come and go, with teeth grinding so hard that you can hear it just looking at their pictures, with a snarl on their face that they simply CANNOT STOP no matter HOW much they know that they should be trying to look like benevolent old Unca Dick.
They are all on mental and/or emotional steroids.
They take pills to go to sleep, to wake up, to wake up further.
They take pills to shit, to stop shitting, to get a hardon, to deal with their digestive systems.
They take ’em when they are:
Too angry
or when the show any OTHER signs of incipient humanity.
They are, in short…good Americans.
If the advertisers who bring you the network news are any indication.
Hell…they’ve gotten to the point where they advertise pills and don’t even feel it necessary to tell you what the pills DO!!!
“Ask your doctor if Roxafil is good for YOU!!!” they say.
They have gotten to the point where they can lay out a list of side effects that would kill a healthy horse at the end of their multi-million dollar produced ad and good Americans troop right down to Dr. Big Brother’s, Inc. to line up for a shot at proving them wrong.
“Why…I feel FINE!!!”
Saw one yesterday…some hair restoral scam. Just rub it right in there. But the KICKER was a shot of a disgruntled looking woman wide awake and obviously pissed off in bed next to a sleeping man with a full head of hair.
Voice over: “And there are NO unwanted sexual side effects with Mxyzlfgt!!!”
BUTCH has himself some nice hair…
And so it goes.
A government full of mental and emotional José Cansecos.
A Schwarzenocracy.
Iraq as ‘roid rage.
a positive screening for narcissistic personality disorder was a bonus on the LSAT!
Actually, narcissistic personality disorder would fit most politicians, media darlings and death row inmates:
A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:
1. has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
2. is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
3. believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
4. requires excessive admiration
5. has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
6. is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
7. lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
8. is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her
9. shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes
“Wired” was frantic and “stoned” was more easy-going.
I found Judy as described in the news today to be a loathsome person. AND what I hate the most are people who treat their employees badly.
Now what about those notes that she withheld from Fitzgerald and “found” them after she got out of jail? That sunk her credibility like a stone.
Only clout matters in modern journalism.
Woodward and Bernstein proved that.
Their “source” was never even NAMED!!!
Deep Throat.
Named after a PORN MOVIE!!!
I got yer “credibility” right HERE!!!!
But sleep with the main scammer (Chalabi) which is what Ms. Miller did, or at least tried to make it appear that she did…
THAT’S what passes for “credibility” these days.
P.S. “Wired” is specifically for uppers.
“Stoned”…a “stoner”… is someone who uses drugs to go in any and ALL directions. Which I assume Ms. Miller does, because otherwise she would not be able to sleep and even the BEST plastic surgery and botox treatments and makeup and hair dye and whatever else she uses to pass for 30 when she is really somewhere in her 50s (and THESE are just stonings of the outer shell…drugs for the looks) would not be enough.
It’s funny you would say she passes for 30 when she is in her 50’s… I didn’t think so at all. She looks like a 50 year old woman trying to look like she’s in her 30’s to me. And it is entirely in the way she dresses and acts like a spoiled child.
Money is being spent. And time, too.
femininity and vulnerability. After all, she is a “victim” now. But she has a 6 figure pension to console herself and at least she is better off than the people in Iraq. People she betrayed so badly.
Her marriage to Jason Epstein is the first clue that she’ll sell her soul and her writing. She is a wanna be no matter how she gets to rub elbows with the rich and powerful she’ll take it.