Kos reports via the Washington Post’s Fix that Joey Biden is definitely running for President. And I have a confession to make. I have always liked Joey Biden. I like him on a personal level, and that puts me in a distinct minority among liberal bloggers and, I suspect, most of this community.

I know about all Joey’s shortcomings, his voting record, his vanities, his hairplugs, his teeth whitener, his propensity to step on the message, his antipathy for Howard Dean. All of it. And those are all reasons why I will not be able to support him in the primaries. But I still like Joey. Joey is my kind of guy. He’s the kind of guy I grew up around. He’s got the same attitude, the same sharp mind and sharp mouth.

There are some politicians that I disagree with on the issues and still think are good people. Joey’s one of them. He takes a beating on this website and on dKos, and elsewhere. He usually deserves what he gets.

I’m not sure how Biden expects to win the nomination. It will be difficult for Biden to win a battle of centrists that includes Hillary and Mark Warner. And it is too late to move to the left. But I hope Joey can contribute to the debate, and I hope he finds a way to become the centrist pick. And I hope Feingold, or some as yet unknown progressive, takes him out.