Raw Story tells us:

According to Friday’s Wall Street Journal: “Six in 10, including 43% of Republicans, say there should be a public investigation and hearings into exposure of operative Valerie Plame’s identity.” The statistic is published in the paper’s Washington Wire.

“Fully 69% of Americans hold Cheney personally responsible for the matter; 54% hold Bush responsible.

“Republican congressional leaders don’t plan to go along. Among conservatives, 60% say other administration officials aside from Libby may have acted illegally.

Despite a massive disinformation campaign carried out by people like Joe DiGenova, Victoria Toensing, Clifford May, Jimmy/Jeff Guckert, the Senate Intelligence Committee, and others, the American public is not buying the pro-Cheney talking points.

Joe Wilson did not tell people that his wife worked in the CIA. Valerie Wilson did not authorize her husband’s trip to Niger. Valerie Wilson worked in the Directorate of Operations, not in the Directorate of Intelligence, and that information was highly classified. Scooter Libby did not hear about Valerie from reporters, but from the Vice President and members of John ‘don’t call me Michael’ Bolton’s staff. Dick Cheney did know who Joe Wilson was before his column appeared, and his office had been looking for dirt on him for several months beforehand. Joe Wilson’s trip did nothing to bolster the case that Iraq was seeking uranium and pretty much proved that they had not succeeded.

Someday the right wing bloggers are going to have an epiphany and realize that they have been lied to at every step of this investigation, and that they have foolishly repeated those lies as facts.

It’s okay. I have a few friends that thought Clinton had nothing to do with Monica Lewinsky…until they found the DNA on the dress.

When the Plame story broke, Porter Goss was the head of the House Intelligence Committee. He had the same standard.

“Somebody sends me a blue dress and some DNA, I’ll have an investigation”- Porter Goss, October 2003.

Sixty percent of the American people have now been ‘sent a blue dress and some DNA’. Let the hearings begin.