[From the diaries by susanhu whose advice to Kansas is to borrow some from John’s handsomely coiffed head of hair.]
First of all, let me say that overall I like and respect John Edwards. I love Elizabeth Edwards. When it comes to domestic policy, there are few politicians on the scene today that I would rather see in charge of things than he (or she). But Edwards’ My Bad editorial in the WaPo today — “The Right Way in Iraq
” — has me tearing my hair out.
Here is the specific paragraph where hair started parting company with scalp:
“A plan for success needs to focus on three interlocking objectives: reducing the American presence,building Iraq’s capacity and getting other countries to meet their responsibilities to help.“
Emphasis mine.
He’s still saying. . . build up the Iraqi troops! hup !hup!! Get other countries more involved! Yeah, right. Gimme an I, gimme an N, gimme a fucking break!
He goes on to say that which has already been said and said and said TO NO EFFECT: “Second, this redeployment should work in concert with a more effective training program for Iraqi forces. We should implement a clear plan for training and hard deadlines for certain benchmarks to be met. To increase incentives, we should implement a schedule showing that, as we certify Iraqi troops as trained and equipped, a proportional number of U.S. troops will be withdrawn.
Continued below:
“Third,” (he continues) “we must launch a serious diplomatic process that brings the world into this effort. We should bring Iraq’s neighbors and our key European allies into a diplomatic process to get Iraq on its feet. The president needs to create a unified international front.”
Blah blah godhelpus blah. Yes! those things would be nice. No kidding. They haven’t worked! And just who does Mr. Edwards. . .or any other Dem parroting those lines. . .think is going to execute such a plan, much less an improved plan? It will still be this incompetent administration running things for the next three years unless something as dramatic as impeachment happens. Therefore, continuing to make those two suggestions again and again and again begins to look like the definition of insanity.
So we’ve made this much progress: a few prominent Democrats are starting to admit they voted wrong. That’s a start, though not all that much of one, since they’re still not staying the whole truth which is that they weren’t smart enough or suspicious enough or honest enough to see what millions of the rest of us around the world could plainly see. I suppose that’s too much to ask ambitious men and women to say. But what is NOT progress is parroting those two tired prescriptions for peace. Do I know what we ought to do instead? No! But I do know what I wish pols like Edwards would say in addition to My Bad. I wish they would say, “Building up Iraqi forces hasn’t worked, is getting hundreds of them killed, is helping to bankrupt us, and with this administration in place, it will continue not to work. Bringing in other countries sounds like a great idea, but why should they come? So they can be insulted and cheated by our government and our corporations? We need the truth, and we need new ideas.”
End of rant. Discuss Edwards’ My Bad editorial if you feel like it. As for me, must now sweep hair off floor.
Edwards in WaPo: LINK:
hope so ’cause that look would be great for your next author photo.
for a bad thing — do more of the bad thing better.
The only way to cure them of doing this is to give them no support — politicians can be good learners, given appropriate behavior modification that is painful enough. The problem lately has been that the pain has all been applied by the right. Time for the left to get out some cattle prods.
Cattle Prods R Us.
I even used to get mad at my man Howard when he said those lines about building up Iraqi troops and bringing in other nations. (I’m not up to date on what he’s saying about it now.)Saying something does not a real plan make. If people fall for those prescriptions they’re falling for more lies.
Kansas, I could not agree with you more than what you have just said. We ARE the problem! When will they ever get this in their minds, for God’s sake!!??
I want someone in office to get us out and all of our men and women OUT and out by the end of the year. Drop what you are doing and get on the truck and head for HOME!
oh and I do not mean someplace else in the ME either…bring all the troops home and asap
Doesn’t it almost make you wish the whole bunch of them would call a press conference, through up their hands, and say, “We screwed up and now we don’t know what to do about it. Help!”
Molly Ivins is running a series of columns in which she tells some of the ideas that “ordinary” (read: smart) Americans have for getting the broken pottery and broken people back together again. God knows most of our politicians, or at least the ones with the biggest bullhorns, don’t seem to have a clue. I wish they’d listen to the smart ones among us.
yes, I wished they all would; however they wont and we all know this as well as we know that they are all crooked.
They have their own agenda to maintain and it just aint ours! What happened ont he way to congress, they got indoctronated to the opposite that they campaigned on. So you see, I do not trust any of them…I really think we need all of them out and to scrub dc and sterilize it and start all over again. This includes all three branches and have it branded in their minds that they are there for us not for themselves and business and churchs and such. It is for us each and every one of us. Is that asking too much?!
My question is why they are now doing the investigations into going to war when it should have been done before the fact. They always do things assbackwards, if you ask me.
Oh, by the way, this news news coming our of Jordan with this woman and her statement. I think it is a set up. I do not believe anything anyone is saying anymore. I think they all are lying. Was she tortured? Was she for real or just a plant? See I do not believe anymore. This is such a sad state of mind for me.
I was wondering about her. First she says that her husband told her to get out when he saw that she wasn’t exploding. Then she says that she and he were in opposite corners of the Wedding Hall. How did that work?
I dont know how that worked. All I know is I do not trust any word coming out about this. Somethings smells to me. Have you ever in your life seen someone ocming out to testify to how they set up to distroy ppl in such a manner??!@!
Let me just ask y ou this. Do you really believe this statement? I would like some very firm evidence. I just do not take their words for anything anymore. I would have killed myself before I got caught. See they show her on TV with the belt of explosives strapped on her. If they found it on her, before they searched me I would have figured out a way to do way with the whole lot of them. See I am placing myself in her mindset. If my soul purpose was to blow myself up for the cause, I would have still done it no matter what. I think it is still a ploy for our benefit. Just ask our government.
I wish Edwards and the whole lot of them: every member of Congress, the administration, the Supreme Court, and the corporate masters of war would set a meeting and tell us: “OK, you’re finally getting it. We’re total screwups who are too stupid to think, too greedy to see, too power-hungry to speak truth. We’ve runed Iraq and other countries including our own. We have the blood of murdered innocents on our hands. We are less than useless to America and the world.
Therefore we are going en masse on a cruise ship departing for points unknown this afternoon. Maybe it will sink, in which case we will not be missed. Maybe it will land in some new place where we can learn to survive by means of our sorry excuse for intelligence. Our last act will be to pull all Americans out of Iraq and set up a $100 billion trust fund with the United Nations for judicious distribution to Iraq and our other victim nations as a poor and inadequate show of reparations.
Iraq will not be worse off for our absence and neither will America. We take this action because we have no lies left to tell, no more evasions to sell, no more swindles to play. We’ve always known you’re smarter than we are in the long run, so we couldn’t get away with it forever. We’re getting out before you wake up and do something even worse to us. Good luck with your new government, however you decide to build it. You couldn’t possibly do worse than we did. And now we have to get aboard before the truth drug wears off and we change our minds.”
It’s sooo not funny, and you sooo made me laugh.
I had much the same reaction when I read Edward’s op-ed today. I’d just add that its a bit of “too little too late.” How we long for a democrat to really speak the truth on this issue the way Dean did prior to the war! I think what they will have to say will be difficult – but history would validate them.
On the other hand, I did hear George S. on his show today talk about how Edwards doing this will put pressure on “I still support the war Hillary”. Which is good. She’s made a deal with the devil that could come back to haunt her unless Bushco finds a way to get us out of there. Not a good position to be in if you ask me.
I hope that turns out to be the case, that it puts pressure on her. I am biting my tongue so hard it is bleeding down my chin to keep from waxing snide about her here. Oops, guess I just did it anyway. Well, hell, if the MyBad position gets popular, she’ll grab it and run with it faster than a punt returner in the Super Bowl. (Sorry, football Sunday.)
I think Hillary has dug her hole too deep to change her tune now. I think she’s made the “calculation” that support of the war covers her back on charges of not being strong on national security. And she’s going to have to stick with that. All of the evidence she’d need to change her position is out there and she isn’t moving. Her only prayer now is that Bushco pulls out of Iraq to save their own skin. And hitching your star to Bushco looks to be a pretty dangerous choice these days.
I so agree with you!!!!!!!!!!! As far as I am concerned, she is dangerous. If NY still wants her, let them keep her. I do not want her…never did, for that matter.
We don’t want her!!
Trust me on this, please.
(Sorry, had to be said.)
I stopped reading it in the middle. It was a base political move. Empty.
The salient realities about JE, to me, are that as an adult he voted barely half of the time. That goes down hard with me.
He has a LOT to prove… and no office to establish votes from.
He does have a lot to prove, and isn’t proving it. I tend to give him the b. of the d. mostly because of his book, Four Trials, in which he comes across as such a good and decent man. But “good and decent” voted for the war, which is about as far from good and decent as one can get. He was a hell of a trial lawyer and he was of real help to people there. Maybe he should have stayed there.
I agree with your last remark …
Further, he doesn’t have the experience to run for the presidency. He should have fought for another Senate term. A second term helps Senators get some status, and frees up their votes a bit more. Junior senators are very confined in how they can vote and act. He just didn’t have enough time in the Senate to learn all he needed to.
Susan, there in lies the problem with me anyhow. Whether a junior senator or not, they were voted by their state to represent them…the ppl, not just the party. I think they need to understand this from the get go. When I vote, I do not vote for the party mantry, I vote for the person to do what I sent him to DC or to the state congress to do…..for me the ppl. See where I am coming from? This is probably why I remain an independent.
Susan, thanks for the hair tip. He owes me now. (I looked for my diary and wondered where it went, heh. Thank you.)
John Edwards.
Sometimes I think we would have been better OFF with John Ritter.
At LEAST Ritter initially chose an honorable profession…
Did I mention that I’m going to change my signature to I totally agree?
hate to point this out but last night you totally disagreed with yourself.
“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds” (Ralph Waldo Emerson).
I’m sure I don’t remember what you’re talking about!
I like Edwards(he’s the only ‘white’ politician I’m aware of who linked to the NAACP for hurricane relief on his website-that may sound unimportant but to me is a big deal and has a New Deal type Recovery Plan for the Gulf States).
His op-ed certainly starts out right with his 3 little words-‘I was wrong’…no if ands or buts and he does make some good points such as basically getting rid of Halliburton/KBR in Iraq-very good points in his favor.
He then of course doesn’t take his getting out of Iraq far enough and is still in the mindset that just can’t come out and say ‘Bring the Troops Home Now’. So his plan was disappointing to me also yet I somehow believe that he is going to come around to this idea sooner rather than later-at least that’s my hope.
There was a great article on him in ‘The Nation’ called ‘Cornbread and Roses’ mostly about his work with his One America and what he is doing about poverty and talking about race-again one of the only white politicians that is consistently talking about race/poverty..and very much reminds me of Bobby Kennedy which interestingly this article also mentions.
Sounds like I’m shilling for Edwards-I’m not particularly but I do follow his and his wife’s web site and what he is doing. He has a book club there also-now that’s cool.
So far it seems I’m in the minority here in my opinion about Edwards and his op-ed but like the fact it’s being discussed and hope the general public might start hearing ‘I was wrong’ from other politicians(ha ha) also followed by ‘Bring the Home Now’…and it’s not just bring them home but the ‘NOW’ part that is really important.
Like you, I think he’s the real deal when it comes to domestic issues.
I have to admit that my underlying problem here–quite apart from the deadly situation in Iraq–is what statements like Edwards’ column reveal about the state of Democratic thought. It’s the same queasy feeling I had about my man Howard every time they asked him an Iraq question during the campaign. When all they can do is blurt those particular two points, then I think it reveals a shallow approach to the problems and reveals them for what everybody suspects they are–lightweights on international stuff. I want them to do better than that, but if they don’t have the knowledge,experience, or creativity, I guess they can’t.
But you’re right that hearing more and more of them say “I was wrong,” is a good thing. It may make it a lot easier for ordinary voters to admit that, too.
I agree. Don’t know what it is about war that can make truly intelligent, sane people become so afraid to take stances against war…or try to be for yet kinda against it…and one reason why I was glad Kucinich was in the primary races-at least he was against this war from the start-not that people paid too much attention to him either. Then again I also thought Al Sharpton had some of the best speeches going during the primaries.
which hopefully might point out to the remaining masses who’ve had their heads up their (ahem) how inept this misAdministration has been in handling the Debacle in the Desert.
Or it might end up just preaching to the choir, which is unfortunately more likely…
Well, from what I am reading here this morning and have been reading for ever so long, is we are very disappointed in the democratic party. This is a given! Now what is it we must impress on them that will make them change to our ways of thinking. I have seen many things written about this for the past 5+ years. Frankly, I am very tired of seeing them only in words and not implemented. We have to change the way things are going/getting done. That is a must. We all have a hand in doing this. We must get out the vote for our cause this time or else we really are toast! Did you all hear me???!! It has to happen this time or else.
I do not want a kerry to give in before all the votes are counted and not do what we, the ppl want him to do. I REALLY want someone to stand up and fight for us, we the ppl!!!!
If anyone who gets the nomination should do such a thing, he/she will get my vote for ever more.
I really am not ready to throw in the towel and get knocked down ever again by this croud of non-beings. I think we really have to tell them what we want so they will have an agenda for US, WE THE PPL!!!!!
It is not ever going to change unless WE make it change. So let our voices ring from the steples and forever more hold our peace for what we have to say! All we need to do is start out with is that WE ARE SICK AND TIRED OF THE STATUS QUO! Now here is how we change that.
Sorry for getting on my bandwagon this morning. But folks, now is the time..not next week or next year..NOW, I tell you. These politicians have very thick skulls and do not listen well, if at all. We really do need to impress on them it is their livelihood or their reputations that is on the line here. Thanks, one and all for allowing me a space to let my voice be heard. Hugs around the table this morning.
From Why Iraq Has No Army by James Fallows in this month’s Atlantic [subs. req’d]:
Edward’s speaks, as do too many these days, as if the problem were solvable with minimal changes to our force structure, and a “few dollars more” from our allies (any that are left).
One thing to say “train Iraqi forces”, another to actually accomplish the task given the gross negligence of this administration in prosecuting the war and occupation. Rather than politician’s rhetoric, I’ll take the accumulated wisdom of the military and civilian experts:
The US military could easily re-task our forces to present a less confrontational presence in Iraq. Further, the leadership could and should demand increased numbers of experienced trainers, and to demand civilian authorities provide the Iraqis with the weapons, vehicles, and supplies necessary to sustain their units independent of our forces.
I don’t give a frank damn about politico-babble. I do give a damn about our people, and those citizens of Iraq who put their lives in danger simply walking down the road. Failing to restore some sense of order and security for those 25 million people, after decimating their society would be unconscionable.
OK, so what do we do in Iraq? I haven’t seen a plan yet from anyone, Democrat or Republican, that makes any sense.
It’s taken me a long time to get to the “get the hell out NOW” position, and I’m not very comfortable with it for a variety of reasons. However, I don’t think the current Administration is competent do do what needs to be done.
Now, it’s easy for me to state my position, because nobody listens to me and I’m not trying to get anyone’s vote. But, if you’re Joe or Jane Democrat, running for office, and you need to appear sober and responsible, and you have lots of mushy do-gooder impulses, what do you suggest we do??
Democrates MUST have an answer to this question, and we need it soon.
not necessarily pull-out, but replacement.
Bring home the National Guard…and send in Doctors Without Borders to treat the injuries we’ve caused, physical, mental, and emotional.
Bring home the reservists…and send in Habitat for Humanity to help rebuild the homes we’ve destroyed, and to teach the Iraqis how to rebuild their own.
Finally, bring home the regular forces and the crooked contractors…and send in the Peace Corps and other groups to rebuild the infrastructure, care for the children, train those who need jobs, and help the Iraqis rebuild their lives in a peaceful way, not in bloodshed.
this is a nice dream
those people will be slaughtered if we send them in….i dont think the people in this country really want to hear the answer to this mess.
because i think the answer is we need an immediate draft and we send 500,000 troops over asap.
since we arent going to do that we are faced with no good answer and a big mess….nothing good is going to come of this at all.
we are either going to do the draft and take care of this mess with soldiers or we are going to get out and allow the country to implode.
the dems are now saying something like – we gave them permission to go to war because we had faulty intel and they lied….but we didnt give them permission to be this incompetent…they never would have been able to sell the war if we hadnt silenced the generals who said we can do this but we need 500,000 troops on the ground….if bush had said in 2001 we need a draft so we can properly go fight the war on terror over there so we dont have to fight them over here…would america have gone for that? no america went for the war on terror cause they thguht we could just bomb the shit out of the place, secure some oil fields to pay for our efforts, and install a new friendly govt….america never wants to hear the real truth. which is good cause neither the dems or the repubs will tell them the truth.
not yet been exterminated.
Even after subtracting a few thousand “interrogators” and “detainees” whose extermination will be delayed for stress relief and US domestic morale purposes, I believe you would need many more than 500 thousand gunmen to exterminate so many Iraqis without creating a hazardous condition for the oil company employees.
And Iran has around 3 times the population of Iraq, and an airforce, nor have they been starved for 12 years to soften them up. And we have not even mentioned Syria yet.
A draft under current rules will not be sufficient. US must reduce the minimum age to 12 and the maximum to 75 in order to slaughter the required number of Muslims to make real progress in its bid to “take care of” those who would stand between America and its oil.
On the positive side, this will also effect something of a decrease in the domestic demand for this oil, as so many of the populace will be deployed in the crusade theatre, and of course many will be rendered unsusable in their noble service.
I just saw a clip of Obama on TDS where Stewart asked him this question. His line was (I’m paraphrasing):
“Its kind of like a bus that the driver ran into the ditch. The first thing you do is fire the driver.”
I know it does sound cruel, but lets just pack up or hardware and leave. It is because of us that they are fighting us. If we leave, lot stock and barrel, they will have to figure it out for themselves or else. I know it does not sound good, but who said, besides Powell, that, if we break it we pay for it??!! I do not see that things could get any worse. I think the honest to goodness Iraqis will find a way. After all this is 2005 not 1919 and they do know of modern ways to get things done. If they had the job of putting things back together once we broke it they might not have such a large unemployment factor either. Let them determine what is to be done with their own oil. Not halliburton, and affiliates.
The real problem is us and this administration. We are trying to run the show over there on everything, as I see it, up and including the constitution they wanted and so forth and so on.
I am very sure they will find a way to get things up and running sooner or later. After all SH is now gone. They have another one to do the dictator thing. As much as things change, they never do. Folks we are talking the ME here not UK or some small country of our own that is colonialzed…or is it??!!:o) We will have to leave sometime..why not now. There is not one damn thing we can and will be able to do from here on out except die. That day has gone by 2+ years ago to do the right thing by Iraq, IMHO.
NOw there you have my plan.
A terrible and horrendous deal for the dead and for their families, but that is the reality.
We are dealing over and over with the business wing of the Democratic party. All of the likely contenders for 08 but for Feingold are Business Wing and most are DLC. It is very hard for them to divorce themselves from their business (and that includes corporations taht benefit directly from war) alliances.
From a recent TomDispatch interview with Ann Wright, one of three senior diplomatic officers who resigned at the opening of the war:
LOL Nothing new, war IS business but the mil used to do more for itself… that has drifted away across two decades.
Note Fallow’s assertion in new Atlantic that training is not being taken seriously by Bush.
now ask me if I am suprised abot that statement! thanks for your wisdom. I happen to know you are right.