Tuesday’s FBC II had a brief discussion of female issues and of course books came up!  This discussion is focused on the perceptions that are perpetrated based on aging women and “female issues”. I was going to post this as a comment in FBC – then my fingers and the keyboard got away from me!

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or nurse, I have no medical training, or any other background except being a woman. I take no prescription medications and prefer holistic / alternative medicines. I do take alternative herbals supplements – after discussing them with my traditional AMA M.D. and Nurse Practitioner…both are women.

Men please consider the topics and discussions here. There are so many stereotypes about ‘female issues’ that the more we share here the more you may understand your partner.

How I got here: About 10+ years ago I had horrid mood swings, was exhausted, tried to decide if I needed therapy for depression, and had irregular cycles that wouldn’t stop. I was 39 years old. I went to my traditional, male Ob-Gyn and he said take this prescription for the cycles and don’t worry, you are fine. The Nurse Practitioner was older and took me aside and recommended that I read about peri-menopause. She told me to buy the book “The Pause”.  

I went to the store, bought the book, and changed my life – literally. Information is important to all of us and it made me look at what I was eating, drinking, and how I was spending my life. My husband read the book and found a new understanding for the changes that were happening and became more supportive.  He also learned to help me watch my food intake, tease me about my very red ears when I get hot flashes, and doesn’t get upset when I burst into tears for absolutely no reason.

Over the last 10 years I’ve read dozens of websites, had long discussions with other women my age and older. Some of those women were on estrogen replacement therapy, some like me were on alternative treatments, and others were cold turkey for symptoms. My mother’s generation didn’t talk about `female issues’. My generation of women – hell we talk about everything – look at the number of women on the blogs!

Consider this your kitchen table and pot of tea for sharing anecdotal information and recommendations. If we have any doctors, nurses, or others here, please jump in and help with inaccuracies.

So here’s my recommended reading list – all from Powells.com today.
The Pause, Lonnie Barbach
The Wisdom of Menopause, Christine Northrup, M.D.
New Menopausal Years, Susun S. Weed