When I was little my favorite color was yellow. I don’t know why. I think my favorite color now is blue. But the Pond is green. Go figure.
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
If you mix blue and yellow pigment, you get green… :^)
That must be it. Or else the frog-marching thing might have had something to do with it. Who knows with the subliminables.
Favorite color?
Bah! Who needs a favorite color when modern Western culture lets you have a favorite lightsaber!
Have you had your aura photogaphed?
Anderson Cooper did last night. he came out with a huge yellow area above his head and on his should a purple area.
He did this as a stunt after his report on “Indigo” kids — which I’d never heard of but sounds like a big phenom.
Does one’s aura change color depending on one’s mood?
I don’t know. But i got the feeling that no matter which color your aura was, the photographer would have something flattering to say about it…. like the teensy purple section by Cooper’s shoulder showed that he had good communication skills. All that yellow showed that he’s a leader. etc.
This Indigo kids phenom is something else … apparently there are books about it? An Indigo Girl who was interviewed by a CNN reporter last night saw angels over his shoulder.
Please explain to the ignorant?
From Cooper’s transcript on CNN last night — too long to post it all, but here’s a start:
And here’s the section where they interview a Pennsylvania gastroenterologist who believes something is going on with these kids … and the beginning of Anderson Cooper’s aura photography session …
I don’t know about aura cameras, but I do know that if you see or are around people who are extremely focused, there is a great sense of clarity.
If you look at them in a not-looking kind of way, letting your eyes be “soft” without focusing directly on them, you can see light around them, sharper outlines than you see on other people, that kind of thing. Think, Archbishop Tutu or the Dalai Lama.
And, yes, people do have auras. Some people can see them from the get-go, others can learn to do it. I’ve only been able to do it a few times, not concentrated enough, I guess.
is that something simular to the old mood rings of years past or what
There have been studies and tv docudramas showing film of auras changing under pain, stimulation, calming influences. The basic theory is that aura change is generally measured by energy waves coming off of the body.
But I just dabble in the meta-physics side…and not a scientist. ;^D
When I was doing yoga regularly, with a competant teacher who guided us through breathing as well as the asanas (poses), I began to see colors around people. It startled me, and I questioned my teacher about it. She said it is one of the gifts that happen to many people when they practice yoga… there are quite a few. She told me that she sees dead people. During that time I also had a few auditory experiences. Since I stopped the yoga, the colors and experiences have faded.
Who are we to say something is or isn’t true? However, I don’t believe kerilian photography (if that’s what it is) captures the aura at all. I do, however believe that all living things have an aura that resonates.
When you combine equal parts yellow and blue, don’t you get green?
Don’t have time to write a full diary on this today but what the hell is going on here???
This stuff just scares the SHIT out of me. It’s already legal for the govt. to declare a “state of emergency” (aka martial law) and round everyone up and quarantine them….NOW, we will all be shot up with super-secret and experimental vaccines while their about it???
Anyone have more info. on this?
No one will be held liable if whatever they decide to shoot us up with makes us sick, deforms or kills us.
Fucking Frist.
From Japan Today
I read somewhere that star anise has some of the same properties as Tamiflu. It can also be used in Thieves’ Vinegar. This is one version, lots of other at Google.
It’s an antiviral, germicidal concoction of organic cider vinegar and various herbs. I have a batch developing now in my kitchen, will use it over the winter.
I suspect what it really does, used regularly, is balance your system’s pH, because our diets tend to be much too alkaline.
How greedy and insane can these monumental swindlers in the drug world get?
They give new resonance to the old saying; “The cure is worse than the disease”. I wonder where this cretin Burr gets most of his campaign money from. Maybe he should be required to be first in line to receive all injections of any drugs created therough this secret program. He and any of his pals that might vote for this thing should become, in effect, their own “food tasters” if this looney thing passes.
I like yellow too, and now blue. Anything but <b<RED</b>!!!
I sent a letter to Bill O’Liely concerning his starting an enemy list… You know: The web sites that “smear” O’Liely on a regular basis because they point out his lies and propaganda.
Here is mine:
I made sure to add recommendations for a few more sites to add to his enemy list. I hope you don’t mind Booman, and Jerome? I know C&L has been asking people to reccommend him for that list:
I urge you to send your Emails with your own Blogs and websites to make the point. Nothing like letting the Faux news viewers know we are out here! lol
can you add a favorite color poll? Just for fun.
Go green! Beat blue!
today i was hiking with my 2 newfoundlands (should help me get on booman’s good side :)) and thinking about the abysmal state of our nation and the rotten regime we have in washington.
it got me to thinking about the necessary (but not necessarily sufficient) conditions for aspiring to the job of US pres.
1. iq:
there must be some lower limit below which it is not possible to have the job. i’m sorry, i am not trying to be elitist, or anything, but i think some minimal iq (recent testing necessary) is impt. e.g. whether or not gwb has the requisite iq is in doubt. he might have had it at some point….but the drugs and 2-carbon fragments have taken a toll. so a candidate should be tested before beginning a campaign.
if you don’t have a high enough i.q. you are putty/puppet in the hands of smarter people than you. you must be able to understand your advisers and know when the advise you are getting is bad. btw, it is common knowledge that the big dog had the biggest iq of all US presidents.
2. interest in: the nation, the world and the planet.
there has to be some genuine interest in people in the US, around the world and the condition of this planet and a committment to improving all three during tenure. whether or not the person accomplishes that is another matter. but there has to be some curiosity about all 3 and a drive to make things better for all. one of the things i keep reading/hearing about gwb is how uncurious he is. what a shame and what a disaster. i never get/got the feeling that he actually liked his job….the power he liked, no question, but not the job.
3. integrity;
the person must be her/his own woman/man. this characteristic is vital and should insulate him/her from being someone’s tool. of course gwb is the opposite.
4. open-mind
this is probably the most important of all the qualities. it is vital that someone in a position of such power be amenable to changing his/her mind, if necessary. why the wingers, why gwb, why alito frighten me is their rigidity. in all those cases i think it is an attribute connected to their religiosity, making it doubly dangerous.
i think someone’s political persuasion is less important than the breadth of their vision, the depth of their understanding and the profundity of their interest in the world and the country coupled with a desire to make things better, really better.
btw, booman, both of your favorites are primary colors. i wonder if you’ll ever pick red as a favorite.
hiking with two newfs? Thinking about political qualifications?
When I walk with Newfs I contemplate newfness. How one simply could not improve on Newfs no matter how hard one tried.
My Newf does not like to get wet, which makes him defective. He will gladly swim, but he hates the hose and will not go for a walk in a downpour.
Nevertheless, his newfington is superior to all other canines. When I walk with him I usually amuse myself by watching how he goes about his newf business.
our newfies are 9 (dylan) and 8 (emily). she is not dog friendly so we take a pretty respectable daily hike in a remote area where i don’t have to watch them like a hawk. i live in a town of 60,000 and 10 minutes from my house i am on a trail where i meet NOT one other person in 75 – 90 minutes. i have loads of time to think. so think i do.
they are the very best of canine companionship. the very best. mature when young, still playful when old. real gems.
Well my Newf has just powered down his Alpo and is demanding that he be taken for his constitutional.
And there is not much chance of putting that off for too long.
I can’t resist. Here’s a crummy cell phone picture of my Bergamasco sheepdog, Charlie, who is not a Newf yet embodies much of newfness, IMHO. I took it by holding the phone out the window as we were speeding down the highway to Louisville, CO (no, my wife was driving).
You give him Alpo?
Black for my sense of humor and red for my political tendencies…
But I’d like to paint my bedroom a nice colonial blue…
And to clarify, that’s red as in -menace, and not -stater
should put out a replica of the vintage bumper stickers, “Better Dead than Red.” It has whole new meanings these days. Hmmm… I’m thinking I’m gonna make me a home-made version.
I’ve got big differences between the colors I like to wear and the colors I like on walls. So it’s hard for me to say a color favorite. I like to wear black and denim but I could never tolerate that in a room. On walls I like pale blues, lavenders and corals but I never wear such frou-frou colors. Then again, if hard pressed to select a color from the spectrum that “speaks” to me — it would be indigo. I’ve got a lot in common with the kids discussed up thread and am wondering why I didn’t wait to get born with them…
I voted for green, but not green-green, you understand. Variations on the theme. Teal bluegreen, aqua, turquoise, light yellow-green, seablue green, deep forest green, the delicate green of new spring leaves.
Same for red. Blue-based reds, rose, dusty pink, pink with a gray tinge, deep maroon red, oxblood, burnt umber, terra-cotta, winter-sunset blood red. And so on.
My lucky litigation tie is pink. My favorite oxford is pink. My favorite dress shirt is pink. My favorite Hawai’ian shirt is pink. [insert joke about pink slip here].
Fortunately, I’m big enough to wear them.
My older son’s favorite color was pink until not that long ago. Now it’s red, but I think he secretly still loves pink…
Is just a very narrow subset in the wonderful realm of pink. However, assuming your older son is early elementary school aged, advising him that a particular article of clothing is weathered-red, ice-garnet or somesuch, might keep the fisticuffs to a minimum.
He’s thirteen…luckily he has an independent streak. 🙂
Representative Dan Lungren, a very conservative Congressman that unfortunately is my representative, has just called my home with a telephone-based “town hall”, and I’m in queue to ask a question.
I have no idea how many people are listening, I was called about 10 minutes ago, and he’s basically talking about flood control (important to Sacramento) and immigration.
My question is — if anyone can get to me in time, what would the BT crowd like me to ask? I have in mind asking about the front paged letter about no pardons, any other ideas????
“Never Mind”
The “town hall” ended, without me being able to ask any question. Not a bad idea, but he got too into state issues even though saying that this was his Congressional phone and needed to not talk politics or state issues.
The rest of the time, it was regarding flood control and immigration. Important issues, but blah blah blah same ole Republican spin.
Thanks anyways; hope all are doing great!! 🙂
Indigo Children have fixed altered mental states in which they believe they can talk to the dead and have precognition.
Seeing angels and dead relatives are hallucinations. Speaking to the dead is hearing voices.
Similar fixed states can be observed in long term users of Qi Gong and Kundalini Yoga.
Severe problems including similar fixed altered states can be observed in Schizophrenia.
This is true because both groups have exposure to Subliminal Distraction.
The Yogis and Qi Gong Masters have exposure through the practice of their exercises, which require mental investment while there is repeating detectable movement in peripheral vision.
Children have exposure in classrooms. Although classroom exposure is low, intermittent, and random, puberty increases body size and exposure spikes in teen years. That’s why Schizophrenia onsets in adolescence.
Other qualities listed for Indigos are normal for gifted children.
Link to the Indigo Children page at VisionAndPsychosis.Net.
I am very interested in this
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