- Did you get confused or lost in the hurricane of bits of information during the time of Katrina?
- Have you made up your mind about what FEMA did or did not do and trust your information?
- Are you trying to write about Katrina/FEMA/Rita and finding the research overwhelming?
For dramatic, far reaching stories, such as the Katrina and Rita hurricanes, the new ePluribus Media Timelines let you go behind the blockbuster headlines to connect the dots between the minor stories that led to them. You can search for specific dots or follow the whole story, from start to finish. For example, the Katrina timeline offers you a methodical mapping of the onrush of information before, during and after the hurricane.
All items displayed in the Timelines databases contain a summary or excerpt of the original material, have been fact-checked and, whenever possible, contain hyperlinks to original source documents.
Features below the fold
ePMedia Timelines are comprehensive. For example, the Hurricane Katrina Timeline includes over 300 fact-checked and verified news events pre-Katrina that resulted in New Orleans’ vulnerability, Katrina’s immediate impact and the responses, as well as the aftermath and recovery.
Search ability:
The ePMedia Timelines can be searched, a feature unavailable in most timelines. Interested researchers can find data by date, title and story summary.
Uniqueness of events covered:
The Timelines include data unique and specifically relevant to each major event. For example, the Hurricane Rita Timeline covers state and federal responses in Houston and in rural Texas and Louisiana, as well as the economic impact of the oil industry’s disruption.
Broad focus:
The Timelines address all relevant data. For example, although the Katrina Timeline focuses on New Orleans and the initial failings of FEMA, it also provides data about the impact on Alabama, Mississippi and rural Louisiana; Katrina’s economic sequels, both regionally and nationally; efforts to conduct an independent investigation into the federal response; and the Bush administration’s efforts to use the disaster to push its conservative agenda.
Living timelines:
ePMedia’s Timelines are ongoing initiatives. ePMedia researchers and volunteers continue to document the stories of these events. And new Timelines on the CIA leak scandal/ Plamegate and the run-up to war are in the works. Visit the Timelines to see their comprehensive power. Contact us at timelines@epluribusmedia.org with suggestions, comments, submissions or to volunteer.
Special acknowledgement for their dedication and effort is given to: Lefty Limblog, Standingup, Kiw, Radish, JeninRI, XicanoPwr, 4fx, Downing Street Memo, highacidity, topdog08, Jeff Huber, Kfred, Avahome, Cho, Cedwyn
I must reiterate…
HUGE thanks to the people at Downing Street Memo for their help with the Timelines project!
DSM’s ‘highacidity’ and ‘topdog08’ were invaluable help in getting these Timelines and the coming ones online.
Now that is impressive!!!!
Having watched from the ePMedia sidelines as this project developed, I know just how much work and care has gone into this.
You are providing a useful and important tool–and example.