I am running for Congress against Mike Pence in Indiana’s 6th.  He is the Chair of the group that is pushing this budget.  The Republican Study Committee which is over 100 Neo Cons.

I was so pleased with what Congresswoman Pelosi had to say in opposition to this attempt to balance their budget on the backs of those who can least afford it.
She reminded us that a budget is a moral document, and she reminded us the number of faith institutions that felt as she does and as I do, and as I believe many of you do as well.  This budget proposal is not moral, it is that simple.


The Republicans closed with Hassert and it was horrible

Now we await the vote.  14 Republicans have voted against so far(as of this posting), so not all of them hate the poor, that is at least some good news I guess, but
I am sad that this would be as close as it is.  

I am a person of faith, and I generally keep that private, but my faith is based on the concept that we are to aid the least among us and not oppress.  This seems to me to be an oppressive measure, and let us hope it is defeated!

Barry Welsh Democrat Congressional Challenger and Proud of it!  IN-06