I try to keep my private life private. Hell, most of you probably don’t even know my real name. But, I have been going through a lot of turmoil this year as we’ve gotten this site launched and rolling. By far, the most significant event has been a decision by my wife and I to get a divorce. We were married in 1996. We will not be celebrating our tenth anniversary.

We made the final decision sometime this summer, and ever since we have been taking the preliminary steps. We put our house up for sale, necessitating constant cleaning. We needed some roof work, some electrical work, some new windows, we had to do some painting.

Once we sold the place, we had to find two new places to live, and that took some time. Now we have to divide up all our stuff, pack, and arrange for two separate moving dates.

So far, I’ve been able to do all these things without it having much effect on running the site. In fact, the community has been very helpful to me as a support and a distraction. But I have now reached the point where the actual split-up and move are imminent. I will be moving into my new place on December 3rd and there is a lot of work to do in preparation.

At the same time, Susan is going through her own life crisis. Her mother is extremely ill and is not expected to live much longer. Her brother is battling a very serious cancer. She too, has found solace and support through this community. And she too, is approaching a point long anticipated, but no less emotionally difficult for being anticipated.

I am telling you all of this now so that you understand that the next few weeks are going to be a very hard time for Susan and me, and so that you might understand why one or both of us are not posting regularly.

We’ll both get through this and eventually we will be relieved to have these burdens behind us. But in the meantime, please be understanding if the frequency and quality of our posting suffers.

StevenD and jpol are both aware of the situation and they have been fantastic in offering to provide support and content for the community.

Thanks to everyone that helps make Booman Tribune such a great website. Keep up the frogstalking and we’ll be through this and as strong as ever very soon.