It seems a damn shame that the elected officials in Texas think it is more important to promote Bigotry and Hatred instead of taking care of the School Children.  The State Board of Education has decided they would rather stop working with the National groups than help promote tolerance in the schools.

Equality Texas – Press Release

Austin, TX – Ignoring Texas taxpayers’ values and their official responsibilities, the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) voted Thursday to withdraw from the National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE) in order to pursue an out-of-step radical agenda.

The NASBE is the only national group that helps strengthen state board leadership in education policymaking. The SBOE voted to give up Texas’ seat in America’s boardroom for education because they could not get along.

Putting the board’s opinion before Texas school children, SBOE member Terri Leo stated, “They’re (NASBE) taking policy decisions that I believe the majority of our board members here don’t agree with.” Leo was referring to a NASBE seminar on bullying and violence prevention that included a presentation about students being bullied because of their sexual orientation.

In another act of failed leadership, the Texas SBOE followed the example of Governor Perry and Speaker Tom Craddick and just quit on Texas children because they cannot get along or find an easy solution.

“Making our schools safe environments for learning should be the goal of all school boards, all school districts, and all school administrators”, said Chuck Smith, Equality Texas Deputy Director. “Making our schools safe environments for learning is everyone’s agenda”, Smith said.

“It is a reality that students are harassed and bullied based on their actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity. It is also a reality that students are harassed and bullied based on other characteristics, such as physical appearance, weight and socioeconomic status. If we truly care about making our schools a safe learning environment, then any and all characteristics that are the source of harassment and bullying should be included in safe schools policy.”

“Responsible leaders know how to find consensus and solutions when our children are at stake,” Smith said.