This is the final stage of the first phase of “Operation Yellow Feather.” You can recommend this so it gets better visibility if you would like to. I’m going to be taking it down shortly.
At this point, all that is left is to try to launch “Operation Yellow Feather” onto the dKos rec’d list. Sally Cat will be posting a diary at 6:00 p.m. EST / 3:00 p.m. PST titled “Operation Yellow Feather.”
If you can go there and recommend it. Talk it up. That’s about all we can do. We’ve gotten pretty broad Internet coverage today. Now let’s launch it on Kos, and hope that it takes root.
Of course, send your own protest feathers. And continue to spread it to your favorite corners of the Internet.
Thanks for all the help from all the Boo Trib bloggers. Too many to mention by name. But you are a good group. Bronze star to Internet Activism on this project, if I was handing them out.
Three… Two… One…
[Hits plunger. Bridge doesn’t blow. WTF look on face.]
Wait. Maybe that wire needs to be connected. I know Sally Cat got to the bridge to plant the charge.
[Stay tuned.]
DKos Diary link is here! Please recommend and comment!
been there … done that! lol
What he said π
Glad I happened to pop in at the right time!
Made it?
BostonJoe’s entry is now on top!
Great job BJ, and Man E and SallyCat and others in great supporting roles.
And still is even now!!!! Yee-ha!
Post it here.
Link to BooTrib diary
[Onrushing train of Fascist Republicans about to cross bridge that needs to be blown. Situation looks bleak. Is that Jean Schmidt on the engine, blowing the wistle in smiling.]
C’mon Sally Cat. You’ve got to get through, man.
of the scene from “Porky’s” where the teenagers are blowing up the bridges to keep Porky and his boys from chasing them, and the last one doesn’t blow, meaning they have to run for it.
Gotta admit I loved that movie…politically incorrect that may be…
Man. I was shooting for Bridge Over the River Kwai. Just goes to show you I’ll never be a scriptwriter.
Porky’s. Man, I didn’t even like it when I was a teenage boy. Maybe that’s what makes me a geek.
hidden behind all that teenage sex, at least in the first two — the Klan facing the gym full of Native Americans in Porky’s 2 was classic, along with Brian (the Jewish kid) offering himself as moyel… π
If that train makes it over the bridge before I have to leave at 6:30, be sure and mail this last letter in my pocket to my ma and pa back home. Sniff.
All right. I’m going to go and blow the damn bridge myself. I hope that Sally Cat will forgive me. But Manny, if you could rally what support you can here, I’m going to go and diary the whole thing over there. Should only take a second. And I’ll pull mine if Sally Cat’s comes in shortly.
Okie Dokie.
Manny. You’re in charge. They got me. Diary posted. Cough. [Blood in sputum]. You’ll have to man it for me. Cough. Of find someone. Hope we stop the… [Fades to unconsciousness — or goes to anti-war meeting]. Good luck at Kos.
Hi Joe. It’s morning downunder, so I just got your reply about the size of the Four Feathers image and your request to send it to mlr.
So, I cut it down and sent it off a few minutes ago.
If all goes well that pic will have to wait fo the second assault…
Damn! I find this at 7:30,
There I was from 6 to 6:30 wandering and wondering in the orange: what happened? Did I get the date wrong? Rush back and check the oyf diary–nope. Did I get the time wrong? Was it 6 pm pacific? Rush back and check again. Nope.
(well, when I say ‘rush’ i am using creative license–have a creaky dial-up that freezes every 15 minutes)
And now I read that the first batch of explosives just didn’t take. Hate it when explosives behave so unpredictably.
My deepest apologies to everyone in the ops center.
I filled out the new diary thing at DailyKos TWICE. Cleared my html errors and hit submit…nothing – nada – zip
I haven’t posted a diary since April, but comments post just fine…I am so sorry it didn’t take on time.
BUT – BostonJoe is at the top of the list – so between some dKos irregulars and the BooSwarm he gets the props he deserves!
I’m going to grab some food, will be back shortly. GREAT JOB TO YOU ALL!!!!
Did you see Larry’s comment above?
Hey SallyCat,
No need to apologise–shit happens!
I should talk–I wouldn’t recognize an HTML code if it came and bit me in the ass.
And yours and Manegee’s baby-sitting was admirable. Kudos.
I recognized most of the first 60 recommends…now the list is lonnnnngggg and I don’t know most of them!
Like Manee I’m going to be away from the computer for about 20-25 minutes. Diary should be good…then I’ll sit at home with a nice scotch and babysit some more…
BostonJoe is now officially an activist!
Please cross post the diary you posted at dKos.
We’d like to see it here as well.
Operation Yellow Feather at Booman
This one may still be on our recommended list here
Posted at Man Eegee’s blogspot, MyDD and My Left Wing
DailyKos diary
I just thought about My Left Wing and typed out the question before checking the comments…
Dopey me… lol
Recommended and it’s sitting at the top of the list 8:27 CST.
Did anyone put this up at My Left Wing?
My Left Wing by Duke1676
MyDD by Man Eegee
DailyKos by Boston Joe
RenaRF’s blog –
Sent to Jesus’ General per one of the diary comments
Any more – add them to the comments….
Yeah… I sent it to Jesus General at his “Operation Yellow Elephant” addy AND to “Mikes Blog Roundup” at Crooks & Liars BUT there is no guarentee they will use it. They usually send a “thank you” note on a reply if they use it at C&L on the roundup.
Nothing in the inbox so far.
Someone else go and click on the “Email Tips” Link. The more this gets out there the better!
Just getting back to the Ops Bunker. Back from Accidental Activist patrol. And I just want to say — you men and women here — you tribbers — wearing your green, froggy uniforms. You are the finest blogging soldiers on the planet. You crazy progressive activist bloggers you. Great work. Tomorrow, the chicken hawks will have their feathers. And the world will be one step closer to peace. You all Rock!
Right back at ya, notBostonnotJoe!
127 Recommends over at DKos (yes, I just counted. I’m a Virgo)
Woohoo! Your message resonated notBostonnotJoe!
grin on my face over this!
(ps manee, just got back from Harry Potter IV on an IMAX screen-GREAT movie!)
They really need to build the IMAX here in Tucson already…I can’t wait another two years! (I saw the movie again Saturday night with a different set of friends, what a geek huh)
one out-fucking-standing day…
And a mighty productive day to boot.
Not only does the message get out… But five of the major left blog communities all on the same page and moving as one!
This is something we need to do more often!
Thanks again for your comments and Recommends across the various site CM1. I’m tapped out for the night, I think I’m gonna crash soon. See you all tomorrow (in the cafe, where I’m hosting) π
Is that why your name is on all those comments over at dKos at 8:30 at night???
Congrats to the BooSwarm…6 hours after the diary went up it’s still #2 on the recommended list over there.
BostonJoe should make ‘High Impact Diaries’ tomorrow which means more links and info…
I’ve been found out! Don’t look now but we’re on the frontpage here at the Frog Pond, AND [cross the fingers] Raw Story may be linking tomorrow.