But he was talked out of it at a White House summit by Tony Blair, who said it would provoke a worldwide backlash.
A source said: “There’s no doubt what Bush wanted, and no doubt Blair didn’t want him to do it.” Al-Jazeera is accused by the US of fuelling the Iraqi insurgency.
The attack would have led to a massacre of innocents on the territory of a key ally, enraged the Middle East and almost certainly have sparked bloody retaliation.
A source said last night: “The memo is explosive and hugely damaging to Bush.
“He made clear he wanted to bomb al-Jazeera in Qatar and elsewhere. Blair replied that would cause a big problem.
“There’s no doubt what Bush wanted to do – and no doubt Blair didn’t want him to do it.”
A Government official suggested that the Bush threat had been “humorous, not serious”.
But another source declared: “Bush was deadly serious, as was Blair. That much is absolutely clear from the language used by both men.”
Yesterday former Labour Defence Minister Peter Kilfoyle challenged Downing Street to publish the five-page transcript of the two leaders’ conversation. He said: “It’s frightening to think that such a powerful man as Bush can propose such cavalier actions.
Cavalier doesn’t even begin to describe it. The idea that we would bomb our ally Qatar, where our troops are protected by our use of Al Udeid Air Base and we have our forward command base, is insane.
At the time, the US was launching an all-out assault on insurgents in the Iraqi town of Fallujah.
Al-Jazeera infuriated Washington and London by reporting from behind rebel lines and broadcasting pictures of dead soldiers, private contractors and Iraqi victims…
Al-Jazeera’s HQ is in the business district of Qatar’s capital, Doha.
Its single-storey buildings would have made an easy target for bombers. As it is sited away from residential areas, and more than 10 miles from the US’s desert base in Qatar, there would have been no danger of “collateral damage”…
To have wiped them out would have been equivalent to bombing the BBC in London and the most spectacular foreign policy disaster since the Iraq War itself.
The No 10 memo now raises fresh doubts over US claims that previous attacks against al-Jazeera staff were military errors.
If we had bombed Doha, it is obvious that we would have had to take over the whole country in order to maintain our command center and air base there. This is total lunacy. Is this the kind of strategic thinker we have in the White House?
This calls for an immediate Congressional investigation.
Update [2005-11-22 16:33:53 by BooMan]: props to Alohaleezy who first broke this story here.
Strategery is hard work.
All snark aside (well, OK, some snark aside), one wonders what would constitute mental incapacity in this instance as grounds for the VP to take over (shudder).
Perhaps Al-Jazeera was storing WMDs. Yeah, that must have been it.
I had posted this on another site:
Al Jazeera and the Qatari royal family started the news station to cover stories often censored by other Arab television networks. They are particularly targeting the House of Saud in Saudi Arabia.
My tinfoil hat says that Bandar Bush himself whispered in George’s ear that the Qatari station is helping to spread messages of the terrorists.
Makes perfect sense!
You always sound so surprised. What is always amazing, tho, is that this whole large gang of the certifiably criminally insane all managed to converge in one place. You’d think managing psychopaths would be like herding cats, but evidently not. Hitler managed, and he was neither sane nor even especially bright.
george’s blood-lust is virtually insatiable.
Careful Boo, remember he started with frogs. Do you think there’s any wise people in Washington who aren’t afraid of this maniac?
He’d better bomb my e-mail Inbox too cuz I get all of Al-Jazeera’s news headlines … and they’re so mainstreeam mostly — and well done — that they’re not much different from any other professional news business.
Which tells me that the dumb fuck is totally out of touch. Besides being insane, he’s IGNORANT!
(Probably the TV is more provocative but — here again — Bush will have to bomb the headquarters of DISH satellite, and other such providers, because they all carry Al-Jazeera and the other popular Arab channels. Jesus.)
Time to revisit the murder of the press.
The war in Iraq : the most deadly one for the media since Vietnam
And counting.
It’s astonishing that this has been revealed, but for me, there’s absolutely no surprise that the Imbecile in Chief would seriously propose such an act.
His emotional and cognitive development was arrested at an early age, and he’s never developed the ability to reason or evaluate information in a responsible way.
He’s always been the “village, (i.e. Bush family) idiot”, and it’s always required the attention of others to prevent him from going completely over the edge.
I’ve remarked numerous times in the past that I though Bush got lots of mileage out of being the Village idiot because people generally don’t want to be seen as being mean to such a creature. So Bush and his handlers have worked this angle for sympathy and support for the last 10 tears or so.
But once it’s clear that the Village idiot is deliberately deceiving the townspeople, once people realize that he’s not to be trusted with weapons or matches because he’s prone to doing really irrational, stupid and aggressive things, then the sympathy wears off in a hurry. That’s what’s happening to Bush now. The public is waking up to the dangerous aspects of is idiot pathology, and his handlers are slowly abandoning their efforts to restrain his looniness because they’re looking ahead to advancing their own careers in a non-Bush environment.
Bush has never been more dangerous than he is now. His ignorance is weaponized to an unprecedented degree I only hope his controllers will be able to immobilize him with drug laced dart guns or something when he finally has his emotional breakdown.
Just when I think I’ve got a handle on the moral abyss that is the Bush administration more information comes forth.
couldn’t agree with you more. That is why I wrote a diary about this at 5AM pdt. Oh well, didn’t get much attention this morning. Glad this is where everyone will see it now.
Why don’t you post a link so we can all go read it now and your spin on the subject can be part of this current discussion?
P.S. Sorry I missed it this morning or I would have Recommended it.
nah…Boo’s is much better and has more analysis than mine. It was just one of those headlines that hit me first thing this morning. No biggy! the important thing is that his(Bush’s not Boo’s…haha)insanity is being publised on alsmost a daily basis. That’s enough to make a grown gal cry with joy!
” Blair replied that would cause a big problem.”
Uh, yeah. Understatement of the century.
Blair is smart! He knows stuff! His brain must have been whirring at a thousand times its normal rate….
I still don’t understand why he went along with Bush.
I still don’t understand why he went along with Bush.
Wasn’t there some news a while back on Blair headed for the Carlyle Group on “retirement.”
How much could you be bought off for?
Me, oh … about 10 million would do it.
And didn’t Bush win the election based on people thought he would keep us safer? We are really living on the edge as long as this idiot has his finger anywhere near the button. I am not much for prayer….God help us all.
based on criminal fraud.
In both Afghanistan and Iraq, and I forgot how many of their personnel they marytyred.
US was angry because Al Jaz showed footage of US atrocities, and Washington believed this might engender anti-American sentiment in the region.
Al Jaz has since been essentially declawed, and runs mainly rewites of AFP stories.
Apparently the Emir of the client state was made an offer he couldn’t refuse…
Having their reporters in the field consistently murdered by US troops can’t have helped the quality of their news either.
Yasser Salihee * Reporter Murdered :: Story He Died For
Tue Jul 5th, 2005 at 12:19:09 AM PST
Yasser Salihee (4.00 / 6)
Thanks. Your comments mean a lot. There has been a number of police actions directed at Sunni clerics that I probably could have reviewed, but this is the first piece that really felt like Negroponte’s Honduran fingerprints were all over it.
by Hal C on Tue Jun 28th, 2005 at 05:49:35 AM PST
US Marines accused of murder ◊ Ambassador Samir Sumaidaie
… & Afghanistan.
Afghan Adventure – Two Missing US Soldiers Are Dead ◊ by susanhu
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
The only thing that prevented Bush from bombing WaPo and the NY Times is the Bob Woodward and Judy Miller matching lapdog show.