The holidays are here and Fighting is in the air. In Iraq, the churches, the stores, congress and on the blogs. The battle-mentality is everywhere. And now that it is the holiday season the Merry Christmas War is back. Talk about mixed messages. Where’s the freakin’ Peace on Earth??!!
Falwell fighting for holy holiday
Evangelical Christian pastor Jerry Falwell has a message for Americans when it comes to celebrating Christmas this year: You’re either with us, or you’re against us.
I am so tired of fighting. I am tired of watching the insanity, feeling it seep deep into my soul, looking over my shoulder, and listening to lies, half truths and the constant finger pointing.
I’ve already signed and sealed my Christmas cards and usually write “Merry Christmas” somewhere on the card. But now I’m wondering if I’ve made an unwittingly political statement for Jerry Falwell. Oy!
Falwell has put the power of his 24,000-member congregation behind the “Friend or Foe Christmas Campaign,” an effort led by the conservative legal organization Liberty Counsel. The group promises to file suit against anyone who spreads what it sees as misinformation about how Christmas can be celebrated in schools and public spaces.
The 8,000 members of the Christian Educators Association International will be the campaign’s “eyes and ears” in the nation’s public schools. They’ll be reporting to 750 Liberty Counsel lawyers who are ready to pounce if, for example, a teacher is muzzled from leading the third-graders in “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.”
Stop the world I want to get off.
Friends, according to “Friend or Foe” campaign sponsor Liberty Counsel, “do not discriminate against Christmas.” Foes are going to get a letter from one of the pro bono lawyers reminding them that “Christmas is constitutional,” not to mention a federal holiday.
“We’ll try to educate,” said Mat Staver, president of Liberty Counsel. “But if we can’t, we’ll litigate.”
I should have been a lawyer. The lawyers will have the only job security for the next few years. Someone please put Bushco, Falwell, Robertson, Delay, Cheney Rove etc., on a ‘torture taxi to hell’ so I can have a good Thanksgiving tomorrow..please.
just don’t sue me.
This Thanksgiving will be difficult with all the unrest, war, poverty,and hunger battles in the world.
But try to enjoy your family tomorrow.
Take care
Me too.