[From the diaries by susanhu w minor changes. To be plain about it, this makes me ill.]
by Timothy D. Smith (“timroff’)
ePluribus Media
Emboldened by 2004 election results that favored many conservative Christian candidates, the Reverend Rod Parsley, senior pastor of the World Harvest Church in Columbus, Ohio, will be “Silent No More” about what he considers to be the victimization and suppression of evangelical Christians by laws that stifle their expressions of faith.
Parsley is working with Pastor Russell Johnson and 900 other pastors to form a powerful religious-political coalition called the Ohio Restoration Project (ORP). They aim to establish a team of 2000 “Patriot Pastors” to guide their congregations in support of conservative Christian candidates, who will presumably move the Ohio legislature toward a legislative agenda based more on biblical text than on constitutional law.
Toward that end, the ORP is diligently working to get one of its strongest proponents, Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell, elected governor. But Parsley’s call to action has led other religious leaders in Ohio to speak out against the efforts of the ORP.
“I know I’m not the only pastor that feels this way — the real silent folks are people of faith who are stunned by the direction this country has taken,” said the Reverend Doctor John C. Lentz Jr., pastor of Forest Hill Presbyterian Church in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. “The Ohio Restoration Project is dismissive of non-Christians and of the poor. It’s incredibly hurtful, and I find it insulting to my faith. Parsley’s interpretation of what is moral and correct is just that — an interpretation. The danger is when they say it is the Truth, with a capital T. Then you end up with a narrow definition. Combine that with rampant nationalism like the religious right is trying to do, and you get exactly what the Taliban does with the Koran.”
The ORP is using shifts in the political climate and a narrowly focused theology to wield its influence. According to the ORP Web site:
more after the flip
Now more than ever, we are convinced that God has blessed this nation with resources to share the light of God’s Word with a world lost in darkness. America has had a mission to share a living Savior with a dying world.
And why Ohio? In an interview with Focus on the Family, Parsley noted that “Ohio is a hotbed. I believe very much in the geographic locating abilities of the Holy Spirit.”
This does not sit well with Lentz. “This isn’t America’s mission. It’s not Ohio’s mission. There’s nothing in our charters, our constitutions that says we’re supposed to create a Christian nation. I find it insulting the way they are misreading the Constitution and misreading Scripture in order to advance their ideas.”
Lentz adds, “The implications of the ORP are dangerous. Many non-Christians are terrified by this. I have a Jewish friend who called me and asked, ‘What are we to do?’”
However, developing a strategy has not been an easy task. “The problem is that progressive Christians have given the language of faith to the Right. Now when we use it we ‘sound too Republican’; and when we try to come up with new ways to express ourselves, we end up sounding like a group that’s just trying to be nice to people.”
A complicating factor is the willingness of such pastors as Parsley to blur the lines of separation between church and state. According to Section 26 U.S.C. 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Tax Code, houses of worship and other nonprofits may “not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements) any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.” It may be that the ORP is not technically guilty of violating this rule, but Blackwell’s participation in the ORP and Parsley’s ringing endorsements of the secretary of state’s bid for governor — while not spoken from the pulpit — tread very close to violating this core rule. During the 2004 presidential campaign Parsley noted, “Everything in my life prepared me for this project, and I feel very privileged to have traveled throughout Ohio with Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell, setting up crusade meetings in big churches where more than 50 percent of the congregation were African-Americans. As we traveled I saw people literally changed when they were informed.”
Blackwell is slated to make a series of 30-second commercials for the ORP’s “Ohio For Jesus” rally to be held in the spring of 2006. He is also scheduled to be the keynote speaker for the event that organizers hope will include evangelical leaders such as Focus on the Family’s James Dobson and Tony Perkins; former Nixon administration special counsel Charles Colson, who became a born-again Christian activist while serving seven months in prison in 1974 after pleading guilty to obstruction of justice in the Watergate-related Daniel Ellsberg case; controversial evangelist Franklin Graham; and Phil Burress of Citizens for Community Values. The rally is designed to energize Patriot Pastors into becoming “Informed, Registered, Involved and Encouraging others to be involved” according to the ORP Web site.
The high-energy, large production-value event is characteristic of Parsley. The author of God’s Answer to Insufficient Funds lives a lavish lifestyle that he presents as a success story to the viewers of his television show Breakthrough, broadcast to a worldwide audience.
It is this lifestyle that Lentz claims is twisting Parsley’s message. “Preaching the ‘prosperity gospel’ is playing on people’s insecurities while leading them like sheep to the slaughter.” He notes as well:
Don’t people of faith see this vast discrepancy? Where in Scripture is there a theology that says wealth is a blessing? Nowhere is success considered a blessing in the Gospel, but [many of the megachurches] are all about success. They’re all high-energy, all MTV, media-savvy, slick productions. But they’re closed-minded to knowledge. They’re anti-intellectual, antipoor. And they’re going to hurt this country if we don’t speak out against them.
I think that there are many good-hearted people who go to these evangelical churches, who aren’t really aware of what their pastors are up to. I think if they really knew what was going on, they’d speak up against it.
[Ed. Note: This story comes from a lengthy conversation the author had with his longtime neighbor, the Rev. Dr. Lentz, after the two had read a June 5th front-page Cleveland Plain Dealer Parsley profile, which is no longer available on-line.
For another take on Parsley and his Ohio Restoration Project, see "Ohio Players," by Media Transparency’s Bill Berkowitz.]
Contributions by ePluribus Media researchers, editors and fact checkers: Biblio, XicanoPwr, Susie Dow, SawcieLackey, DEFuning, Sue in KY, JeninRI, Stoy, Standingup and lilnubber
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for years, have lived within the shadow of Forest Hills Presbyterian Church’s steeple nearly my whole life — my boy scout troop still meets there — and have worked with John on a number of projects since he came to Cleveland in 1994.
His bio doesn’t say nearly enough about him — that he works tirelessly on issues of social justice and peace, that he opens his church to wild-eyed crazy antiwar people like me to hold candlelight vigils, and he plays a mean guitar, too.
After reading a kos diary about him, I called and said, “let’s chat.” A few days later the Plain Dealer came out with their glowing profile on Rod Parsley — which has since been taken off the PD’s horrible archive area which only stores articles for two weeks — which gave us more than enough to talk about. Lentz has gone on to continue to speak out against the ORP, to preach at the Washington National Cathedral, and to act as a leader among progressive clergy in Cleveland Ohio.
These guys are seriously hurting our country… as Jon Stewart would say about fake news reporters.
There are a few embers of the 60s radical in me. And every time I drive by a church on Sunday mornings, I feel this bizarre urge to burst in and take over the pulpit.
Me too! I have often thought my calling was as the Grand Duchess of the Church of the Straight Poop Ministry. Please send invitations should you take the pulpit. Would you consider a tag team effort?
Um, if they can organize, so can we … we could have a top-secret national take-the-pulpits Sunday!
I am always reminded of that great scene at the end of The Graduate where Dustin Hoffman uses a large cross as a batten to keep the church doors locked and the people inside. (and keeping them from pursuing he and Katherine Ross) One could talk about the symbolism for days.
is that there are those who are actually coming out and speaking out against the efforts of the Religious Reich, and calling them out on their perversion of Christ’s message.
What part of “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof” do these folks not understand? Their opinion is that any perceived restriction is a prohibition on their free exercise…and they don’t care about anyone else’s rights to free exercise of any other religion than Reich-Wing Christianity.
We’re edging closer and closer to a national religion…and as a Christian, it’s scaring the bejeezus out of me…
This ORP thing is a travesty.
As for the “prosperity gospel” that is so central to the WalMart-Style megachurch’s spiel, it’sused because it attracts those who seek ways in which their own selfishness and disregard for their fellow man can be legitimized.
BushCo has done more to enable the aggresive belligerence of religious hypocrisy than any other regime in the hstory of the country.(And not only has he enabled the evangelical fascist hypocrisy here in the US but he’s also enabled the psedu-Islamic hypocrisy of creatures like bin Laden and Moqtada Al-Sadr and the Iranian president.) By turning over billions of taxpayer dollars to these greedy and power mad crackpot ideologues here in the US he’s sent them a signal that they are free to operate with impunity.
My word would be “insane”
I feel just like george feels about illegal immigrants – Can’t we round them all up in a big warehouse and then ship ’em off to central Mexico?
to see how these mega-churches are able to draw in those who are most vunlenerable and prey on the weak.
I can’t believe the callers I hear on Washington Journal who believe that politicians who have been “saved” would not lie. They are being brainwashed for their votes and monetary support.
Back to the Age of Billy Sunday? Or Moody? There’s always been some enterprising preacher to repeat the terror of Children in the Hands of an Angry God; with a hand out for the money. If Sunday proved nothing else he demonstrated that religion could be marketed outside the realm of established churches combining the call of the carnival to the call of the itinerant preacher.
Charlatans they were, and charlatans they are. Who among them ever got rich by directing the crowd to the Gospels? Who among them underpins his/her message with Matthew 25?
People of faith need to take back their churches. Churches need to take back their members. Nothing spurs membership like activism. So, those churches who’ve been quietly supporting soup kitchens and shelters, educational programs and youth support services need to make some noise about it.
Believers need to act and ask questions. If their church or religious organization isn’t active why not? If it’s active where’s the publicity? The Radical Christianists won’t be happy until they’ve not only taken over the government(s) but the mainstream religious community as well. And, they’re working on it.
These two articles in Harper’s linked here and here do an excellent job of examining the deranged and slf-serving mind-set of these maniacs.
Well worth reading.
Rod Parsley – sounds like the name of a gay porn star.
That aside, what part of “Render unto Caesar”, don’t these people get?
“Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s.” JC
yes it makes me ill too
but what makes me more ill is that so called christians buy into this….and they are more than willing to force their beliefs down everyones throats….where do they get off? where did they get these ideas and why do they go for it? why do some christians reject this stuff and some buy into it? psychologically speaking where does this come from? this feeling of ethnocentrism and rabid hatred of anyone who doesnt believe what they believe. what are they all afraid of? why cant they just believe what they want and leave everyone else to believe what they want? what are they afraid of? are they afraid they are wrong? are they afraid that culture will tempt their children and turn them away from the beliefs they force on them? what makes people believe that? the redical islamists believe the same thing….whats up with that?
That’s a sermonette!
Join our undercover take-the-pulpit-on-Sunday movement…. burst into a church, take the pulpit, and deliver it, sister. (I’d pay to see you do that.)
…all get up and such, and I come backhere, and find that we have ourselves here a movement.
SusanHu, Sister, can you start us out with a few verses from Alice’s Restaurant??
with slight variations, of course…
“If just one person, one person stands up and takes a pulpit”
Fear and the need to be superior that springs from fear; this is why people are so susceptible to believing this crap.
This is as fake as the Taliban or Osama Bin Laden plus Al Qaeda claiming the Islam and Jihad as facade for venting anger against “Christian” countries of the West. The bubble needs to be deflated by attacking all so called spokespersons backing this disease of the minds.
As I wrote earlier today in claiming the truth or veritas to form an empire, will be as short-lived as the Pravda of totalitarian Communism and the Soviet Union.
Kenneth Blackwell is a charlatan in all he stands for, combining membership of the Free Masons with Ohio Restoration Project does not comply with Christian faith. His aim is power, neocon power of the Republican party, and building the Evil Empire Bush Cabal to rule the world, insanity reigns the White House.
Free Masons a conspiracy against the Islam faith? Is their common goal a war of “civilizations” …
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Of course faux Christians such as Parsley preach the “prosperity gospel.” They don’t worship God or Jesus; they bow down to the Almighty Dollar and its bastard child, the corporation. To hell with good works–if it works for them, it’s good.
I wish this were merely a battle between the faux Christians and genuine Christians for the religious high ground and didn’t involve the faux Christians’ efforts to mutilate the Constitution and usurp political power. It’s way past time to drag Parsley and his ilk out from behind their shiny pulpits and expose them for the greedy and dangerous money mullahs they are.
All thanks to folks like Lentz for belatedly taking a stand decades after the horse has left the barn, I guess. Seems to me Christians of all kinds are going to have to reconcile the fact that the fundy crazies and swindlers are preaching traditional Christianity. It’s always been about forcing itself down everybody else’s throat, whether through the classic partnership of the sword and the cross or by the slightly more subtle manipulations of Billy Graham, the Vatican, Billy Sunday, Falwell, Dobson, and the rest. The bottom line is, either you profess to believe in the One True God and thus work for Its triumph in the world, or you got some ‘splainin to do about why you keep saying you believe something you don’t.
Being all shocked, shocked when somebody acts out what all the other Christians have been mouthing forever just seems kind of grotesque to me. Christianity offers some powerful mythology. Too bad the Christians have to come along and ruin it with their stillborn imaginations. To paraphrase Henry II, who will rid us of these meddlesome priests?
I read about the ORP awhile ago and still find it hard to believe how powerful they are becoming in Ohio-for starters. Blackwell has a lot to answer for as far as being among the ringleaders of this whole travesty of wanting religion to take over instead of our Constitution. He’s a real looneytune but powerful as he is still Sec. of State.
It is always amazing at how people like this can so twist things around to fit their warped point of view such as saying that separation of church/state is in the Soviet Constitution but not ours….wtf.
I also have to wonder how many millions and millions of federal dollars are going to these pastors from the faith-based slush fund..an enormous amount I’d bet.
If anyone has gone to the ORP it seems that they have come up with their own red/white/blue flag also..the whole thing is incredibly frightening and a complete assault against our Constitution and our so called way of life here. Along with their propaganda of course that they as christians are the ones being persecuted…it’s amazing to me that people can actually believe that.
Having bush in office has unleashed this whole scary religious scenario and combined with laws passed and the faith based slush funds it will take decades to undo the damage he’s so actively promoted.
If you think Blackwell is powerful as Ohio SoS, just wait until Judge Roy Moore is elected Governor of Alabama. Then you’ll see the mainstreaming of the Reconstructionists. In case you’ve never heard of them,
According to John Sugg’s article “A Nation Under God” in this months Mother Jones Magazine (sorry don’t know how to link here) their ultimate goal is a Christian theocracy wherein
What they want, ultimately, is the annihilation of freedom and the destruction of America.
http://www.talk2action.org/ Yes, I’m aware of the Reconstructionists and also am really afraid Moore just might win in Alabama. The link is to a great new site that will try to keep people informed on what all these whacko ‘christian’ groups are up to and also how to fight them. One of the founders of this site is Fredrick Clarkson who writes amazing and insightful articles.
I think there are lots of scary groups out there, KKK etc but the phony christian groups to me are the scariest because people think because they are ‘christian’ they can’t possibly be a threat to the country….an insidious deception on their part which makes them become more powerful.
in other words
more small penis syndrome