Since this is a foody kinda day
It is time for True Confessions…
Hello my name is Parker and I am a potato chip-aholic. I am powerless when it come to these thin slices of evil.
This morning’s diary was about “Comfort” breakfast foods this one is about “Shame” foods… yunno the ones that you berate yourself for eating. We have all been there…
We live in a society that expects perfection yet we are still just mere mortals. I decided that I can not give up chips … I don’t know if it is the salt or the mega carb loading … so instead of “punishing” myself I just buy the smallest bag I can find. I have already given up cigs so I feel I deserve some “sin” in my life… how many Hail Mary’s is this worth?
that atonement is only necessary when eating one Pringle. Since it is physically impossible, you’ll be just fine!
My weakness has always been chips and salsa (homemade of course, none of that Pace Picante ketchup stuff) While it’s not all that unhealthy, I can’t help myself from eating a ton in one sitting. I’m also pretty addicted to Paydays, which I indulged yesterday.
Great job with the cafes Parker!
Many thanks.
Food is always “universal”… π
I drink waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too darn much Diet Coke.
But it’s better than before: I used to guzzle regular Coke like there was no tomorrow. And you know how much sugar that stuff has.
Coke was my lifeline in November 2004. I was on a campaign. I drank more and more. It was the only way I could stay awake. On November 3rd, 2004 I decided to quit. Man, that was HARD. I had to ask one of my campaign buddies to hide her Dr. Pepper as we were cleaning the office so I wouldn’t have to look at her soda and want some. She was so cool about it.
I did so well, for four whole days. I really thought I had it in the bag. And then I had to drive halfway across the country. It took two days. About twelve hours at a stretch. Midway through the second day I was literally going to fall asleep if I did not have some caffiene. So I pulled off the road and got a Coke and stretched my legs, and that was it for that.
I didn’t even have the heart to try again. But a few weeks later I switched to diet, and I do feel the difference.
Talk about your lesser of two evils!
Yeah, it’s Diet Pepsi for me, but same thing. I really want the caffeine! Mmm!
ya’ll be careful with the amount of that crap you put in your bodies, please? Neural damage, seizures, it accumulates in your system and is DAMNED hard to flush out….if that’s not enough to get you to quit, Donald Rumsfeld (former CEO of Searle) is making money off of every bit of NutraSweet/Equal you consume.
Need caffiene? Drink iced tea (there’s some SERIOUS caffinated stuff out there) and/or ice coffee? Or better yet (my favorite pick me up), chew a ginseng root (that can be tea too) — need bubbles? Put the tea into a 1/2 and 1/2 mixture of soda water — anything except the aspartame!!
Food for thought, certainly.
I never have liked tea or coffee π I am picky.
Then back to regular Coke with you!!
Ok, I am going to shut up now, because I am the QUEEN of the addictive personalities — soda is not one of them, and I don’t ingest aspertame (though it is difficult to avoid it ALL together — you’d be surprised at some of the stuff it shows up in…), but I smoke, so I ingest 10,000 different chemicals that are horrible for me to your one.
Ignore me completely at your pleasure!
Regular Coke makes me fat. To put it bluntly.
I just can’t win, can I?
I could always try quitting again.
Sigh. Grumble. Mutter. Gripe. Complain.
I used to be down on people who smoke, goes back to my family and how badly they treated me because of my bad reactions to being around secondhand smoke. Then I realized how awful of a time I would have giving up Coke (that was well before I ever even tried) and I realized I had no standing to be talking about that.
OMG serious gastric pains if that stuff comes with in 20 yards of me… I can only drink full sugared Coke and can’t even look sugarless gum in the face.
Luckily for me I could never to the protein drink fad because it was loaded with this crap.
indeed…at least sugar is a natural substance. i’ll take regular soda over the diet crap any day of the week.
(sigh) With a signature like mine, I don’t think this is the Cafe for me.
The breakfast conversation almost broke me in half.
Maybe tonight?
Well this really does not have to be about food…per se.
It is more about that perfection that we are all striving for… Why are we so conflicted about food when we are sitting in the land of plenty? The US uniquely schizophrenic about it’s eating habits.(Europe is catching up mainly the UK) and it can all be traced back to a capitalistic economy. It is a racket to sell copious amounts of food then to turn around and sell diet aids. We are like the little hamster in his spinning wheel.
Geez..the sugar and wheat industries basically took out a contract on Dr. Atkins.
And people are in such denial about it. If I had a penny for every time I heard “People should just show some self-restraint and not eat so much” I could buy a movie theater full of popcorn and Coke. (Would you like a large for a quarter more?)
Remember when 8 ounces was a serving of Coke? Then 12… then 16… then 20 ounces. Now they’ve got LITER BOTTLES in the gas station. For one person. They price them so it looks like you’re getting a better deal if you buy the biggest bottle. Who the hell needs to drink that much Coke?
Completely, utterly insane.
I take the somewhat extreme position that nothing that goes in our bodies – not drugs, not herbal supplements, not drinks, not food, not any substance that we ingest for any reason – should be advertised either on TV or in print. Even that won’t stop the insanity… but it will help.
I know that my first step toward getting my life back under my own control. Was when I realized that I’m not a garbage can and I don’t have to eat or drink anything just so I don’t throw it away.
Mister tells a story about how his mom would have all the kids drink all the milk out of the refrigerator before they left on vacations. Then the kids (he and his sisters) would spend the next few hours puking it up with car-sickness. But, it was better than pouring the milk down the drain!
Wow. That’s just… wow.
I wonder where that particular aspect of our collective insanity originates. The Depression? “Starving kids in China”?
One thing I struggle with is when I attend some event that has a buffet, all you can stuff in your mouth, for free. I spent some time being poor enough that if I could tuck away enough to last me the rest of the day, save myself paying for supper, that was a gain. Once you form that habit it is hard to break.
I took one of the boys out to dinner the other day and we ended up at an all you stuff in your face buffet. I could not believe the number of horribly obese people there. I would estimate that at least 80% of the people we saw were obese, not just overweight. Why do we eat like it’s our last meal all the time? I watched people walk past me with plates literally heaped with food and then walk back again 5 minutes later. I actually used the scenery as a motivator to eat only until I wasn’t hungry anymore. Started with salad. Then some grilled mushrooms from the steak-fixin’s bar and some rice and fresh broccoli. And a big glass of unsweet tea. I felt absolutely virtuous.
Yes, it is hard not to overeat at those restaurants. You want to try everything…
Remember when 8 ounces was a serving of Coke?
I think 7-11 convenience stores got this going with their ‘Big Gulp’ – ‘Super Big Gulp’ etc series. I think they’re up to 64oz ‘cups’ now, ha-ha.
I have no words.
I’ve been toying with the “mini-meal” idea; instead of three big meals a day, go for six smaller ones, at maybe 2-3 hour intervals.
Sometimes I need a little protein in the mid-afternoon, if I’m feeling a little braindead. Tillamook cheeses has these little 1oz. individually wrapped cheese squares (in sharp cheddar and a cheddar/colby mix) which I like, and I also found cheddar and Monterey Jack cheese sticks at Trader Joe’s. I also like the Laughing Cow light soft cheeses; I spread those on celery sticks so I get a veggie as well as the protein.
I must confess to a major cookie addiction…but fortunately not too much soft drinks; I have an occasional diet root beer, mainly when I make a root beer float using low-fat vanilla ice cream. I’m an iced tea fan, but Equal leaves a weird taste to me so I stick to good old Sweet ‘N Low. Yeah, supposedly it causes cancer in rats, but I’m not a rat so I’m probably safe…
talk to any of my former co-workers and they will say “oh, the girl who was always eating?” i’m a serious grazer. there’s lots of talk that it’s a healthier model, anyway.
Haribo Gummi Frogs.
Sometimes I eat so many at one sitting that I shamefully check my face in the mirror to make sure I haven’t turned green.
have you tried the peach or cherry gummis? they are the best!
that is not moving.
You and my sweetie…he describes himself as ‘omnivore’
say that they will eat anything that swims except a submarine, anything that flies except a plane and anything with legs except furniture. Sounds perfect for you.
(I’ll eat anything that isn’t moving) once. I’ll try foods, but can resist them all. Guess I’m just not an addictive type. Snack foods and candy way low on my list of foods I like, probably down around “don’t particularly like.”
Omnivore is what Nature made humans. Look at our dentition — not-so-big fangs and molars. I always try to do what Mother Nature tells me — eat it all.
Seriously, I can resist almost anything that’s been breaded and fried, anything that comes out of a can, and most snack items, including potato chips. Spouse’s homemade fried chicken is the exception. You guessed it — I’m not crazy about greasy food.
Chinese food is okay in the haute cuisine mode, but greasy to my palate otherwise. With the exception of dim sum, which is my favorite Chinese yum-yum.
Love almost all things sour, garlicky, and Mediterranean. As opposed to all things sweet, saucey, and German.
So the chinese saying is perfect for you (once).
My dogs will eat anything so long as it was alive some time within the last 1,000 years.
I crave salty things but try to eat less offensive ones like baked Lay’s. (plain ones are quite good and actually rather free from undesirable ingredients.) As to sweets, those almond M&Ms are to stay away from.
This comment is going to cost me an extra 15 minutes on the treadmill and 5 more salads in the next week…but here goes –
In no particular order…
Oatmeal cookies (as many as I can eat) and milk…for dinner
Oreos and milk…because they are there
Potato chips: randomly plain, bbq, or Salt and Vinegar
—Added equal sin: Sour Cream and Lipton Onion soup/dip – most of a container at one sitting
Homemade nachos – with homemade salsa, melted cheese is extra Sharp Cheddar AND sharp Irish Cheddar
MacDonalds French Fries
Mother’s frosted animal cookies
“Turtles” chocolate candies with pecans and caramel
Okay…that’s enough confessions for now…time for some of my organic trail mix snack…’cuz I’m now hungry. BTW – I don’t keep any of this around my house. Any given item is bought randomly and rarely…
Geez – this place has got me admitting all of my hidden secrets (toys, junk food,…next we’ll discuss trashy/sexy books…)
Hmmmm… I’m not buying it… I think you’ve got secret stashes all over your house. π
Major weakness: roasted peanuts, salted in the shell…add a nice micro-brew and my, my. Not recommended for frequent consumption ’cause of the fat and salt content, but damn good.
Sorry to rain on the parade but related to snacking: fat asses hinder effectiveness of injections.
Gee so what are they saying that fat will kill you one way or another….
Sorry…everybody may now permenantly hate me…
I regularly do the virtuous salad and lean meat eating 5 or more days a week – with periodic bouts of junk food binges….
And am a skinny butt size 6.
I’ll go annoy the front page diaries now….
When I was younger I always ate anything I wanted and never gained or lost weight — everyone hated me for it, too, but it was mostly just genetic lotto and no babies keeping me a size 5.
Now, though, since my autoimmune disease affects my thyroid, my weight can fluctuate 50 pounds in a few months. Recently I went from 99lbs to 150lbs in 4 months, and then the past couple of months have dropped back down to about 128lbs, all without changing a single thing about diet or exercise. It’s all due to thyroid hormone fluctuation. GAH.
until my 30’s. Then average weight until my 40’s. Now I’m holding comfortably…but I look at pictures of all the women in my family past age 40. I will say that all the women in my family are comfortable with their bodies and weight…whatever it is.
The whole weight thing makes me crazy.
There are wonderful people with weight that feel bad, and those that starve themselves to be thin, and trying not to feel guilty because we watch what we eat and how we exercise.
Gaaaaa….if we are healthy and happy and comfortable in our own skins…someone help me throw bricks at the fashion industry!
As a result of this thyroid thing, I’m confronting body issues and weight issues for the first time in my life, really. I’m pleased to discover that I don’t care about it any more than I suspected I would. My biggest issue is finding pants that fit right as my body keeps changing, but I’m learning that women’s wisdom bit about closet organizing, fat clothes, and skinny clothes, so that’s working out all right, too.
And I’m still pretty much convinced I look mah-velous naked no matter what my weight, so either I have a real healthy body image or my over-inflated ego is just taking care of a lot of crap for me. π Seriously, the only thing that really matters to me is health, the rest is just extra baggage.
and anyone that doesn’t like us naked…well, gosh, that’s their loss! ;^D
Exactly right! See, SallyCat knows how to play the We’re So Sexy game. I wish I had one of Katiebird’s big green fours for you, SC.
at that game on second-wave feminism π I just never thought about myself as sexy or not, I never cared if I was sexy or not and since Jim didn’t either, it’s just not any part of my psyche. OTOH I am absolutely convinced that my brain is drop-dead sexy and looks even more mah-velous naked that either your or sallycat’s bodies.
Well don’t put the mortgage money on that because my boobs are awesome, and my naked brain is even better. π
More seriously, it’s interesting that you would raise the influence of second wave feminism on your self-image in that way. I’ve long suspected that part of my comfort with “being sexy” is about my sense of myself as a sexual creature with my own agency, which ideas were made concrete for me by and through 2nd wave feminism/feminists. And then the 3rd wavers have helped me to negotiate a more adventurous and less rigidly defined sense of my own sexuality, whether with men or women, without feeling as though I was playing a sexually objectifying role for anyone.
and thinking of yourself as sexy are two different things to me. One reason why I am, as you so nicely put it the other day, “filthy-minded” is because I have quite a happy and very friendly relationship with sex and sexuality. Trust me, you can’t keep your sex life going in a marriage that has lasted 34 years otherwise.
OTOH, I got no boobs and never did so you can win that one.
Hm, I think we’re talking about the same concept, we’ve just learned to call it something different. Just like with “lady”. Damn, Andi, this generation gap kinda sucks. Good thing we’re both
typers and neither of us is the sort of delicate flower who can’t handle a disagreement with a friend, else we’d never figure out we actually do agree on all this stuff, lol.
think of all the great discussions we’d miss.
what you weigh couldn’t be more meaningless. if you’re lookin’ good nekkid, that’s all that matters!
This happened to me I thought it was because I broke my leg skiing and had a cast for 6 weeks…. but it didn’t go away.
I have had every thyroid test known and they keep saying it is normal… but I KNOW I do not eat a lot (yes I eat chips) but it is impossible to “keep” weight off.
After everything I’ve been through the past 6 years with my health, which has been substantial and insane, I have a little bit of an attitude with doctors, particularly western doctors. I think they must make all the specialists take a class at med school on How To Be An Arrogant Prick.
Whatever your health thing is, I hope you’re able to find someone competent to diagnose and treat it. Grr, the health industry in this country is SO BAD.
Me too. I’d always been a healthy 5’8″ and about 140 lbs. And I hated myself because I thought I was fat. Then came a pregnancy and 80 lbs. Then another and another and another. Funny how those things happen when you’re miserable and only having sex 3 times a year but it just happens to be the exact right time.
Then after my last child was born I went into a terrible depression. I lost about 75% of my hair. I had acne for the first time in my life. And I gained 100 lbs. And they found nothing wrong with me. My OB, an endocrinologist, my internist. Nothing easy jumped out at them from the numbers; all my hormones were within normal range or just very slightly off. Same with thyroid which I was praying was the problem.
Fast forward 15 years. My skin is lovely again and I’ve lost some of the weight, and MY GOD it is very hard work just to maintain. But my hair never came back and I am constantly fighting off depression. Funny, I’m at least 50 lbs overweight and what really makes me cry is my hair. It’s funny what we identify with.
Now that you mention the hair… this summer I had to cut my waist long hair to a half inch because it was just getting too thin and patchy. I had all the signs for thyroid problem but nothing showed up.
do you think we just have lazy-ass doctors that refuse to look any further than the end of their noses? I went to a new doctor last year and when she finally graced me with her presence in the exam room and asked me what my major complaints were I started out with “well, 14 years ago…” and she actually blurted out with the utmost impatience “I don’t care about 14 years ago tell me about now!”
But THAT is the problem it NEVER goes away. I am spending a fortune on hair cair products to coax my hair back to life.
Someone earlier mention a treadmill… I am thinking about getting one for X-mas… if I din’t know any better I would swear this was a conspiracy to keep this consumer based economy purring along.
I will tell you this…when I was exercising like a fiend my hair started to grow back a teeeeeny little bit. As you know, fat cells produce estrogen, and estrogen inhibits the reuptake of testosterone, which means that you can have both too much estrogen and too much testosterone at the same time. And too much testosterone produces male-pattern baldness, kind of like what you see when you look at post-menopausal women like Madeline Albright. You can see her shiny pink scalp through her hair, which is understandable on a 65 year old but I was 29 when it happened.
may I ask if you are premenopause or have you gone through menopause? Many women gain weight at that time and their metabolism slows down quite a bit. I gained about 30 pounds and am having a hell of a time getting it off. It was suggested to me to be sure to eat something for breakfast, a snack mid morning(fruit or yogart) lunch, a mid day snack and dinner before six pm. This keeps the metabolism stimulated. Many people fail on diets because they try and starve themselves to a degree and that sends out an alert to your metabolism to shut down and store fat. Just some “food” for thought.
Like SecNat this became pronounced in my early 30’s. But this is good advice nonetheless
Get thee to a chocolate factory…
let me recommend cadbury’s royal dark. omg!
I’m a sugar freak. Ice cream, cookies, brownies, candy, cake, pie, liqueur cocktails, strawberry-vanilla motion lotion, you name it. It’s waned slightly since I grew up — by which I mean I no longer eat peanut butter and sugar sandwiches on Wonderbread — but it’s still pretty bad. I keep myself reined in and don’t give in to temptation much, but it never stops being work to say no to that candy bar or that second helping of dessert.
And my autoimmune disease looks like it might want to attack my pancreas next. (It can’t decide between my pancreas and my adrenals, to which I say, “Yes, why don’t you spend lots more time pondering it before you decide to kill another gland, thanks.”) Sigh. I’m going to be much more unbearable when I have to give up sugar than I was when I had to quit smoking, and that week I was practically homicidal. Maybe it’ll be election time when sugar has to go and I can put my withdrawal rage to good use.
Yes, but you will have us this time.
Your PB& sugar sandwiches on wonder bread reminded me of something. We were really kind of poor when I was growing up and never had any sweets in the house at all. Then I made friends with a girl whose mother was from England and I made sure to invite myself over several days a week after school for hot tea and butter and sugar sandwiches.
I really admire you, do you know that? And I mean this in a snarkless, very sincere way. Like, practically every day I find a new little thing to admire about you, whether it’s your kindheartedness, creativity, Bitch Goddesshood, mothering, or just some randomly charming childhood tactic like that which demonstrates how crafty you are. So glad I met you. Thanks for being here, and being you. π
Gosh. Color me verklempt again you sneaky thing. I will now go and sniffle over a bowl of chocolate frosting for the birthday cake. You can lick the beaters…or…at least one of them.
In fact, I’m so full of gratitude that I won’t even take advantage of your easy lobs today, hence I will not post a single word about my superior beater-licking skills.
I thank you for your restraint. Because it would surely ruin one of the only nice memories I have of my mother, which is letting me lick the beaters when she made birthday cake. Oh, and mashed potatoes.
or does every other woman cycle madly between sugar and salt/grease cravings a week or so before her period? For instance I will have some cookies. Then a dill pickle. Then some hard candy. Then pretzels. Then more cookies. Gaaaaa!
Funny story about that, I recently found myself at the grocery store actually buying pickles and ice cream. That was all, just those two items at the express checkout lane. And the cashier looked at me all sideways and shot me a sly grin, causing me to spend the next four minutes of my life denying pregnancy to a line full of perfect strangers at the Safeway. “No, it’s just my period! I swear.” lol.
Do you know that my husband, age 51, still refuses to go to the store to buy feminine supplies? And it’s not that he’s confused by super, regular, wings, no wings, overnight, ultra-thin and all that…it’s because the cashier will know that he quite possibly lives with a woman who has a monthly flow.
I try to tell him that it’s not nearly as uncomfortable as me standing at the checkout with a gigantic box of tampons, Excedrin, and chocolate ice cream. I mean, is there really any doubt at that point?
when I was getting laid on a regular basis (oh, the memories are fading…) and I’d buy a box of condoms…of course just couldn’t get the condoms, so I have to get a whole basket full of things and hide the condoms behind them.
Kind of embarrasing going up to the cashier with a box of condoms, a jar of vaseline, and a twelve-pack….
I live for moments like that because they don’t make me uncomfortable at all, and I’m just weird and sadistic enough to think that everyone else’s social discomfort is absolutely fucking hilarious. So I apologize because I’ve (or someone just like me has) probably stood in line behind you and snickered while you tried to hide your dirty dirty condoms. ;p
it never bothered me buying tampons for my girlfriend…
my college had co-ed dorms. most of them alternated floor by floor, but mine was an L-shaped building, so we had the guys’ wing and the girls’ wing.
so, i walked through the guys’ wing one night after hitting the grocery store and one of the guys on my floor saw my “girly things” through the shopping bag and yelled out “hey…is that some tampons in there?”
i said “yah…you need some?”
he shut up right quick.
to the monthly “shopping” for me…considering he didn’t have any sisters in the household, he’s actually coped with my “female issues” quite well… π
Got no taste for sweets so I’ll guess we’ll just have to stick to being simpatico over thunderstorms and sexy weekends.
Hey, we picked some very groovy things over which to be simpatico. Plus there’s the political theory, on which you and I agree more than we’ve discussed, I think.
And wow, you could sell that picture. That’s one of the best ones yet.
yeah, when does the booman calendar, featuring Andi’s awesome nature photos come out? Maybe you could pair the pretty pics with tips on how to be a good jewish mother.
are actually on how to successfully completely annoy a Jewish mother (while still feeling guilty).
That is just the most perfect mother-daughter dance then. She succeeds in making you feel guilty, but you also succeed in turning things around on her to annoy her. I love when things work out that way.
I’m sure we are very much a pair on many political matters. And probably fairly in sync on being filthy-minded as well.
I can thank the weather gods for the thunderstorm pictures — we were just around at the right time (this particular trip provided all kinds of angry skies — the one from last night was from it as well).
Yeah, the monsoon is a magical time — I imagine it was likely monsoon season when you were shooting those.
Second Nature, you’d love the season, it’s all about very sudden and intense thunderstorms every single day until it’s finished. We’ve had a pretty bad drought the past decade or so in the west, though, so I haven’t seen the season at its peak, major bummer.
I dont’ know what it is about where I live here in NC, but I’ve only witnessed 2 or 3 decent thunderstorms in 3.5 years. Boy I miss them.
and so the storms were very surprising — which made them all the more appreciated.
I’ve been hooked on Bluebell ice cream for years now. I’m weaning myself off now, but in years past I couldn’t go to sleep unless I had a bowl.
god i miss blue bell.
I must be crazy to have gone back and rated every comment in that last FBC diary! My clicking finger hurts…
And I am hungry as heck for bacon and eggs now! lol
My favourite snack is BEER! And maybe some corn chips smothered in melted cheese, salsa and sliced jalapenos.
it’s a primary food group, with it’s own daily minimum requirement…:{)
guinness certainly is!
Pistachio nuts. I will eat them until I am literally ill.
Cheese. Anything with cheese, but usually lots of Nachos with that evil non-homemade salsa and tons of melted cheese.
I buy a Whitman’s sampler and eat the whole thing over the course of a long evening while watching tv. I get so wired I don’t sleep well for at least three nights afterward. Otherwise, I don’t unusally snack.
I get food cravings from time to time like, currently, I can’t get enough boiled cabbage. It started with that Thomas Jefferson stuffed cabbage recipe which wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be and turned out very tasty. Definitely will make an unusual dinner party presentation. Since then, I’ve done cabbage with corned beef, cabbage with sausage. Think I’m going to do some kind of boiled cabbage leaves wrapped around a ham/cheese filling next. Hubby is complaining of gas so I’m getting the message I better get over this fixation pretty soon.
I also went thru a couple of months last year when I ate artichokes relentlessly. I’d boil up a medium sized head every other day and experiment with different dips. I ate them for lunch.
Did I mention I have obsessive/compulsive tendancies? :-0
Dammit, twinger! Now you’ve got me salivating!
When I lived in Seoul, we used to joke that they put heroin in the stuff, ’cause when you first got there, you went, “what’s that?! fermented cabbage that has been buried in the ground for 6 months? you want me to EAT that?” and before too many weeks went by, you were eating it every day and buying the damn vacuum sealed bags of it at Kimpo every time you left the country to make sure you could feed your jones while away from Korea!
I haven’t found too many places that you can get good kimchee in Texas!
loved the stuff, though I couldn’t handle the really hot versions…have to admit that it’s nasty looking and smells awful, but is might tasty on top of some rice!
And yu can’t beat it with beer either….especially the hot stuff!
salivating again — dammit!
Me too. I had never heard of it until I lived on Kauai. Good stuff, let me tell ya!
My all time favorite snack is popcorn made the old fashioned way on the stove using extra virgin olive oil. Then I top it off with real butter, parmesan cheese and salt. Love the stuff. There was a time I was eating it almost every night but had to stop that crap. Now I treat myself about once a month.
You are in urgent need of professional help from your local confectioner. Run, don’t walk to the nearest bakery and tell them of this shameful condition.
I believe it can be cured with eclairs.
But just for you:
Onion rings
Munchos potato chips
Any kind of extra crunchy chips
Tater Tots
Any kind of nuts, especially cashews, which, as the pistachio lover said, I will eat until I’m sick
Yummy – tater tots….
The cafeteria had them for one of the carbs this morning for breakfast…extra crunchy so you could eat them with your fingers if you wanted!
Perfect start to a day!
Over here at work we have a machine that will dispense a 1 ounce bag of potato chips, Doritos or whatever the snack du jour is for 85 cents. One day a friend of mine saw me hitting the snack machine for the second time that day.
“Geez, Omir,” he said, “Why don’t you just go to the store and buy a big bag?”
“Because if I buy a big bag I’ll eat a big bag,” I replied, and it’s 100% FSM’s honest truth. So I’m with you on that one, Parker.
Especially when it comes to Tim’s Maui Sweet Onion Potato Chips. I don’t know if they have Tim’s outside the Northwest, but these sweet onion chips really are sweet. I think they may put a very light, almost imperceptible glaze on them. At any rate, I can’t buy them anymore. I gain two pounds just looking at the bag, and I’m heavy enough as it is.
As for other snacks, I had better not say. For all I know my doctor could be reading this blog.
yes – the maui sweet onion chips are fairly widely available. those are among my favorites, too!
Here is a list of essential snacking material for nutrition pyramid construction:
(some overlap is normal, and mix and match is encouraged)
Nut Group
Cashews, salted
Boiled Peanuts ( I know, technically a bean, but for snacking purposes it is a nut)
Smoked Almonds
Fried Group
Onion Bhajji
Crawfish Tails
Onion Rings
Alligator Bits
Pork and Ginger Dumplings
Bread Group
Taro Dumpling
Creamy Group
Egg Custard
Pimento Cheese
Key Lime Yogurt
Chocolate Group
Lindt 70%
Chocolate covered cherries
Chocolate covered gingerbread
Chocolate malt
I see you go for more savory stuff…
I could live on your bread group
Bread Group I think you hit the four corners of the globe
Injera (you are a man after my own heart)
Taro Dumpling
That’s it….party is at DF’s house…
Geez – I just had lunch and now need a snack…
Can we substitute Chocolate covered macadamia nuts for chocolate covered cherries???
You had me with the nuts, and then the bread and the chocolate, oh my! I’d substitute fried okra for the crayfish, however, and catfish for the alligator.
put some cumin seeds, some mustard seed, a small spoon of ginger, a big spoon of dried mango (smash to powder first) a little coriander, a lot of African cayenne pepper, a lot of garlic, some turmeric, some salt, on the fire for a minute, roll your okra in a little chickpea flour, or not, put some oil into your pan of spices, throw in okra, and cook it till tender.
My recipe is actually similar, but we simply call it “Fried Okra”. Chop the okra (young, freshly picked pods, into rounds about 1cm or so thick. Use the spices that you mentioned to taste (although our recipe does not include ginger or mango), and stir them into some yellow corn meal. If a sweeter taste is desired, add a little filé to the cornmeal, also. Beat one egg well. Dip the okra a few pieces at a time into the egg, and roll in corn meal mixture. Toss into skillet with hot oil, cooking until the cornmeal is golden. (Use yellow corn meal rather than white meal to avoid overcooking.)
You forgot the beer group!!
CabinGirl, supersoling, help me out here:
Arrogant Bastard
Newcastle Brown Ale
Sam Smith Oatmeal Stout
Kirin Ichiban
Fat Tire
Oh, I could go on…..but I’m in the cheap seats tonight, Moosehead and ZiegenBock for me…’s getting bad when I’m IN Texas and can’t even afford Shiner, but at least we have not descended to the Lone Star state yet…..lolololol, I am cracking myself up!
Of course the finest Tej is brought back to you from the mountain tribe, packaged in shampoo bottles to show respect for customs operatives.
And now you’ve made me have this urge for Shiner Bock, or Negro Modelo, neither of which is easy to find around here.
hair of the dog! i forget which one is the darker, but those are some damn fine beers!
and if you have a specialty shop, check out Delerium Tremens. It’s a belgian beer, so it has that curious effervescence they always do, but if you can handle that, it’s an ass kicker! plus, the bottle has pink elephants on it! lol
if you’re a west-coaster you should avail yourself of Full Sail’s winter brew – Imperial Porter.
* homer simpson drool *
i used to buy a case every time it came out. too broke for that now, but someday soon again…
also, we are blessed with deschutes brewery’s black butte porter year-round. it is faboo!
Can’t forget the
Alimony Ale (okay, they don’t make that ne anymore, but it was billed as the bitterest brew in America)
Red Tail Ale
Chimay Ale
Lindeman’s Framboise
Sam Smith Nut Brown
And what the heck, how about Victory brewery’s Golden Monkey?
Coffee-holic here!
Best served cold ;o)
That looks like exacty what I need right now…
One should have one’s needs met ;o)
But my fridge is empty… π
I’ll be there by 11:00, can you wait?
I’ll leave a six at the end of your driveway ;o)
Shucks, you can’t just leave it at the end of the drive…you’ll have to come in and help drink! π
Of course, but my Mama taught me to wait for the invitation ;o)
Now, did I see you cooking up a plan to come to Philly the other day? You do know you can’t do that without stopping by Chez Cabin, don’t you? π
Ah yes. Beer and pool with Booman in Philly :o) Some day.
Did I tell you that my Mama also taught me that good things come to those who wait? :o)
I would never think of passing by the Cabin without dropping in to say hello to you and your fine sons.
Ahem, but not on the same day as kimchee and beer, well, maybe with beer alone and a saladito or two and maybe even in the lemon, but never on the same day as the kimchee and beer….
Manny will know what I’m talking about, I’m sure, anyone else know? Anyone else EAT them? π
I haven’t met anyone else who does since childhood…..
I can do you kimchee and beer, and beer and saladitos, but not kimchee and saladitos, beer goes with everything you see…
The above is adapted (albeit badly) from Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead…..
I haven’t met anyone else who does since childhood…..
You’ve met me! (online anyways)
I LOVE them, in fact at some of the Circle K’s around here they sell the lemon/saladitos ready for you. It’s in the ‘impulse buy’ section at the counter and I usually can’t resist.
Too cool, Manny! When, at long, last, we have our Tribber retreat/get together/survival camp planning meeting, we’ll have to gross everyone out by taking the little hats off of our lemons and sucking! π
My son still can’t understand my eating that , though he has tried it several times (and I haven’t even exposed him to kimchee yet)….
I have lots of good memories of walking up the street to the Circle K to buy some saladitos….
parker, you’re a blogger after my own heart. i am a pototo chip fanatic. the funnest thing is comparing the regional brands. yes; i’m serious. it’s damn near impossible to find utz chips on the west coast. you have to go down south to find zapp’s. the list goes on and on. but trust me, i try to try them all. luckily, the best chips ever are available all over the place. Kettle Chips’ salt ‘n vinegar rule!
: p
also, if you’re a cheesy poof sort of person, you MUST try anything by Michael Seasons. these are, seriously, the cadillac of cheesy poofs. * drool *
but i really came here to make sure cabin girl had seen this bit about the grateful dead:
(Looking eagerly around)
Clean Tables?
Or even an empty chair?
This place is crowded!
Clean tables and Bass Ale at the Cabin ;o)
Clean Tables?
Bass Ale?
What’s the address!
the Cabin of course
You coming too? The more, the merrier… π
That sounds so fun, but I couldn’t possibly get there by 11 tonight. When’s the next party?
Friday morning when I put up the cafe, I guess. π
Oh, I can be there! Fer sure.
Hi KB! Sorry about all the food talk. How are you feeling?
Great, actually! Thanks for asking.
I think it was mild dehydration. (my cheap diagnosis for everything)
I’ve had my usual 2 liters of water yesterday and today both. So I think I’m cured.
And the food talk was very interesting. I learned a lot.
Oh, No!!!
It’s gotta be . . . .
4’s for EVERYONE!
Has anyone seen Parker?
if it’s time for the dessert diary…
[Note: the spouse peeked over my shoulder as I was uploading the picture to my Photobucket account — when I told him it was a photo of a Chocolate Decadence, he said, “Oh my…I probably shouldn’t be looking at that…”]
When am I going to finish Oh Pure and Radiant Heart?
Is anyone else still reading it?