Cross posted on Daily Kos
Fri Dec 02, 2005 at 11:14:40 AM PDT
Senior citizens are just not buying it–they’re bailing by the busload. Many, who knows maybe most, will continue to muddle through, buy their drugs in Mexico, Canada or over the internet, because here’s the kicker–Canada, Mexico or the internet have more credibility than the United States government! There going to tough it out, until they get real coverage that they TRUST.
The operative word here is TRUST.
The L.A. Times is reporting this morning in an above the fold story, that the confusion among seniors and the new Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit (Scam) is so rampant that Congress scum are being beseiged by their constituents to delay the deadline for enrollment. If you don’t know, let me be the first to tell you, there are significant financial penalties for not signing up by the Spring. Wonder why? Ask your Congressperson tucked cozily in bed with the insurance industry and the Abramoff/DeLay lobbyists.
Allow me to tell you folks, there’s tremendous anger among our nations senior citizens. They know they’ve been had. I was at a small gathering of well educated senior citizens in Los Angeles. My mother was one of them. She’s been conned–and she ain’t biting. “They’re deliberately trying to confuse us.”
Here the operative word is, DELIBERATELY.
Every last one of the people I met is prepared to resist signing up for the Medicare prescription Drug benefit because they no longer trust one word coming from this president or this government!
Mind you this is not a group of left wing, communists. These are your parents, your grandparents–these are America’s senior citizens.
They read the newspaper, they watch CNN and they see nothing but lies, deceit, corruption, scandal, larceny, misdeads and they link the whole mess into one big bucket of toxic waste. Their life saving prescription drugs are too precious to risk on the spin and lies of the Bush regime.
They are suspicious, angry and scared and do not trust anything coming from the thugs in Washington. They link the Medicare Drug Benefit to the stream of lies about Iraq, the deficit, Mission Accomplished–you know the litany. IT’S ALL OF A PIECE.
They ask, “I should trust George Bush–what makes the Medicare Drug benefit different from anything else coming from these liars?” Someone else said, “The Medicare Drug Benefit is the next scandal.” Sounds reasonable to me.
These people can’t be fooled, or conned. The lying stops at the water’s edge–America’s senior citizens.
My mom, bless her heart, didn’t vote for Bush either time…
She’s a pro-choice, registered independent, devout Mormon…age 80.
Great diary Eve.
My Husband’s Grandmother just went to a 3hr class at her church to learn about the Medicare plan…she’s going to end up paying so much more than her other insurance plan. She said that everyone there is very happy about all this. She also mentioned to me that the AARP have their own version of this as well.
My big and burning question is, How many different insurance companies are profiting off of this…and what are their political contributions?
The mind wobbles….
Good diary thanks for this.
ack!!! everyone there is NOT very happy about this…
Plan D…or as I prefer to call it- ‘Seniors and the Disabled Have Been Fucked Over by a bunch of RatBastard Fuckers’.Each state has anywhere from 30 to 80 Insurance Companies signed up for people to try and figure out which one is best for them plus the fact that some companies have up to 4 plans to choose from…just the biggest fuckup in the repugs whole fucked up Congress.
Then there’s also the fact that here in CA. some Insurance plans will only be offered in certain counties and not others…WTF..meaning I guess if you’re unlucky enough to have to move during the year and to a county your plan isn’t in, then WTF do you do?…oh yeah and you have to redo this every fucken year also…in case you’re not happy with the insurance plan you picked or they raised the price of there prescriptions two months after you signed up….ok I’m going to bed………leaving a fucken trail of blue air behind me and around me.
I’m off to read and relax and should come back here tomorrow and turn the air blue with my whole take on this monstrous boondoogle for the insurance and drug industry.
I’m involved as I’m on SSD and have Medicare/Medicaid which means I will be signed up whether I pick a plan or not..the real kicker of course is that now Medicaid pays for my meds(except my migraine one) for nothing and now I may be paying anywhere from 1 to 4 dollars for each prescription(and I have 6 of them)….some gd deal for me alright and wonder how I’ll be able to afford that.
There’s a reason the implementation of the new plan came after the election.
It sucks.